The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1021 The main selection for promotion to Lingshan

Chapter 1021 The main selection for promotion to Lingshan

The legion on the land of the Chu family, with hard front cavalry cavalry.And also got a huge victory.

This victory was like an oath, once again defending the status of the small land overlord in the northwest corner of the Chu Continent.At least many small countries in the northwest and southwest dare not reach out their hands now.

Unlike the northern part of the mainland, where big countries are next to each other, it is different.

There are many small countries in the northwest and southwest of the mainland.Everyone wants to be the first, unify the surrounding countries, and build a powerful empire.

The problem is that you have to have that ability.

And the Chu family has occupied a piece of Guozuo's territory with the strength of a clan, and even fought their own prestige with the Xichang cavalry. This kind of stuff is really eye-catching and surprising.What is even more surprising is that as soon as Chu Shinian took over the new territory, he kicked out all the forces in his own territory and the new territory that were against him, including the forces from the upper realm.

Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

But he is Tong Tianxing's disciple after all, and it is said that the old guy will be promoted to the sixth rank soon.So there was really no one who really fought against Chu Shinian with open swords and sharp guns.But it's hard to tell behind the scenes.

The Chu family is an idiot who dares to kick out even the forces of Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang and Dancaolou.

Just when everyone was waiting to see the joke, to everyone's surprise, someone from Xiancaotang came to visit Chu Shinian.

This person came here with proof, he brought Tong Tianxing's handwriting.It turns out that the manager of the Immortal Herb Hall in Yun'an Continent is the general manager of the Continent.He actually had an old relationship with Tong Tianxing, so he was an acquaintance.There have been several visits.

People begged at the door.Tong Tianxing had no choice but to write to Chu Shinian.Tell him to let Xiancaotang enter the Chu family's territory and continue to operate. If they don't behave properly, don't give them face, just kick them out.

"Senior, what's your last name?"

Although the visitor didn't seem very old, in his early twenties, Tong Tianxing once warned Chu Shinian that there is no time for cultivation, and things like young and old devils often happen in the cultivation world.So the realm of comprehension is a world where you must not look at your face.

The visitor laughed directly.

"It's only been a hundred years since I entered Daoism and cultivation. But speaking of it, I'm older than Brother Chu. My cultivation is only at the peak of Jindan, and Brother Chu can call me Dao Brother."

Chu Shinian was speechless, the visitor was dressed in a blue brocade robe and a jade crown, with outstanding looks and a calm demeanor.It is still the peak of Jindan, and can enter the Nascent Soul stage at any time.He is a small purple mansion, how can He De be called a Taoist brother.

"It's still senior. I'm still laying the foundation in the Zifu Realm, and the Golden Core is still far away from me." Chu Shinian said.

"Haha, okay. My surname is Wang, so you can call me Senior Wang. With the talent of little brother Chu, he will be able to step into the Golden Core Realm very soon and become a member of my generation." The monk surnamed Wang said approvingly.Of course, he really thought so.The body of the Dao, who doesn't know how much benefit this kind of cheating talent can bring to a monk? !
"At that time, I'm afraid that seniors have already stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, and they will still be Chu's seniors by then." Chu Shinian also echoed with a smile.

Hahahaha... "I owe you a good word." The other party laughed.

In fact, it is not without difficulty to reach the Nascent Soul Realm from the peak of Jindan.There is also the possibility of a breakout failure.But everyone comes with a good wish, and the recipient is happy to hear it.Especially since Chu Shinian still has great luck, his wishes are naturally more important, superimposed with luck.

"Family teacher and Tong Tianxing Tong Zhenren have an old relationship. Speaking of which, we should get closer. I also just found out that the Immortal Caotang under my command was bewitched by others and did a lot of things not to go to Brother Chu. This is all My fault. Please forgive me." Cultivator Wang said.

"Senior Wang, you are being polite. It's because the people below are flawed in their work. What does it have to do with Senior Wang? Speaking of which, I said they expelled them because they have committed public anger. They have done many things, and they have implicated our family. Few people. That's why I drove them out." Chu Shinian said embarrassedly.

"Those people are really bad. I have sent them all to the coastal area in the east of the mainland. This time I have reassigned my disciple Chen Zun. Brother Chu, see if we can let our Immortal Cottage come in again." once?
This time we will just do business and absolutely not involve other things. "

Chu Shinian asked very puzzled, "Senior Wang, in fact, our Chu family is just a small clan. Although we have joined the Guanghan Sword Sect, it can't change the fact that my family is small and weak. Our family occupies The territory is not too big. My uncle Tong Jian also asked me to step up and manage some areas for the sect. But our family does not have the power to control any areas for the time being.

For a mediocre family like ours, why do the seniors of Xiancaotang value us so much.

You also took my master's handwriting and entered my Chu family's territory again? "

"So that's the way it is, so you think so." Cultivator Wang laughed. "Okay, let me tell you. In fact, our Xiancaotang is the first force to return to your Chu family's chassis, mainly because my master and I are optimistic about your Chu family's fifth-order spiritual mountain."

Chu Shinian was shocked.They have never revealed to the outside world that their family's spiritual veins have been promoted to the fifth level.Asked by outsiders, they only said that they had been promoted to the fourth rank.It was also said that the two large-scale spiritual energy back-feeding was the failure of the first promotion, so there was a second promotion.

"How did Senior Wang know that my family's spiritual vein has been promoted to the fifth rank? And why is it called Lingshan? Isn't Lingshan the sixth rank?"

Feel Chu Shinian's astonishment and bewilderment.Cultivator Wang continued, "How can we not pay attention to such a big thing as the promotion of the spiritual vein? Especially when your family's spiritual vein has been promoted to the fifth level, all the spiritual veins above the third level on the entire continent have been alarmed.

Although they behave differently, it is not easy for those of us who have experience to deduce the truth.

Let me say something that surprises you.

do you know?Your family's spiritual vein is the earliest spiritual vein to be promoted to the fifth rank among the ten continents in the lower realm. "

"What?" Chu Shinian stood up in shock. "How is it possible? So many veteran forces have spiritual veins in their hands, and some of them are almost able to advance to the sixth-level spiritual mountain. It is said that there are also spiritual veins at the peak of the fourth level. How could we be the first?"

Cultivator Wang seemed to have sensed why Chu Shinian was frightened.He laughed and said, "That's right, there are indeed quite a few spirit veins at the peak of the fourth level that have survived from the previous era of spiritual energy. But the problem is that none of them can be promoted to the fifth level for the time being.

Only when there are a large number of newly born spirit veins like yours, and the specific number should be more than a thousand new fourth-level spirit veins promoted to the fifth level, will they have a chance to be promoted to the fifth level.In the eyes of the world, they are nothing more than spare tires.Newly born spiritual veins like yours are the right candidates to be promoted to spiritual veins. "

(End of this chapter)

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