The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1022 Rediscovered 1 years ago

Chapter 1022 Rediscovered 1 years ago
"In the final analysis, they all come from the previous era of spiritual energy, which was the birth of Lingshan. These remaining spirit veins are just abandoned and abandoned veins that the world despises. Unless the newly born spirit veins die one by one, there will be no birth of Lingshan again. potential.

This possibility is very small.

No matter how bad it is, you can feed some of the leftover high-level spirit veins to the newly born spirit veins, so as to quickly spawn a batch of high-level new spirit veins. Cultivator Wang continued to explain to Chu Shinian.

"What stands out about your Chu family now is that your family's spiritual veins have crossed the barriers of the fourth and fifth ranks in one step, and are directly promoted. To be honest, even I am a little curious about how you did it?"

Chu Shinian frowned deeply.

"If it's inconvenient to say, then just pretend I didn't ask." Cultivator Wang said sincerely.

"It's really hard to answer. All I can say is that we stuffed all the things my family obtained in the ruins of the beginning of time into the ground. In addition, we have stored them in the clan treasury of our Chu family in the past ten years."

Cultivator Wang gasped.

"You are too ruthless, this is ruining the family."

"As long as the spirit vein is promoted to the fifth level, then it is only one level away from the sixth level. Who doesn't want to save some time. I heard from my master that the sooner the spirit vein is promoted to Lingshan, the more blessings the world will give. It's all about luck For one thing, it is not comparable to the other successors of Lingshan." Chu Shinian said decisively.

Cultivator Wang nodded in agreement. "That's true. I heard that you obtained a fourth-order peak spiritual vein through the kung fu of a certain great monk?"

"Actually, it's just a little short of the peak of the fourth rank of the fifth rank." Chu Shinian said.

When Chu Shinian said this, the envy in Cultivator Wang's eyes was about to overflow. "You took that spirit vein?"

"It's still going on."

Brother Wang seems to say that you are really a bunch of prodigal sons.

"Actually, apart from that spirit vein, our Chu family also holds several sealed second-level and third-level spirit veins. We threw them all in this time."

Cultivator Wang couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

It was too vicious, that monster was directly promoted to two ranks.

"The spirit vein of your third-order peak was also on the verge of advancement, right?"

"That's right, in order to make it advance smoothly, we also threw down the innate elves sealed up in the clan, as well as a large amount of western loess, and a large amount of spiritual metal collected from the ruins of the Jincheng next door."

Except for the meteorite that Taohua threw down at the end, and the pair of primitive yin and yang essences that had been dropped before, Chuchu Shinian was all talking about the Qinglong essence.

Those few things are too rare, and they will all be the background of my coming to Lingshan in the future, and nothing can be known to outsiders.But Xihuangtu, Lingjin and so on can be said.

"Of course, the most important thing is that my Chu family also invested 300 million yuan in special crystals produced in our own underground palace."

"300 million yuan?" Cultivator Wang was truly shocked.How can your little aboriginal family be so arrogant?
In fact, these special crystals include Chu's traded from the deep sea tribes, obtained from the ruins of the beginning of time, and their own property.The family property only accounts for a small part, but if Chu Shinian doesn't say anything, how can outsiders know whether the Chu family is rich in special crystals or not?

"We have paid too much to promote the spiritual pulse to the fifth level." Chu Shinian said with emotion.

"Alas..." Cultivator Wang also sighed along with him and said, "Although your Chu family has paid too much, it is inevitable to have something. But your family's spiritual veins have been promoted too fast. The fifth level is also called Xiaolingshan. It is impossible not to attract attention.

In short, your family will definitely be very lively in the future. Cultivator Wang said. "And I am more optimistic about you personally."The same is true of my master, so we Xiancaotang chose to return to your Chu family's territory. "

"It is my Chu Shinian and my Chu family's honor to be favored by the seniors. If the seniors are willing, the Chu family will open the door to the Immortal Cottage at any time."

Chu Shinian opened the door grandly until the other party chose the reason for returning to the Chu family at this time.

Come and love.As long as there is no trouble, I will let you stay.If there is trouble, then drive out.

However, the arrival of Cultivator Wang is not without benefits.At least it made Chu Shinian realize that the fifth level of his own spirit veins had been leaked.

It seems that this matter still needs to be re-discussed with Taohua.

After seeing off Cultivator Wang, Chu Shinian went back and mentioned it to Taohua. After thinking about it, Taohua immediately stepped up the development of the Jincheng ruins.The main reason is to increase manpower and purchase a large number of smelting stoves and equipment.

The entire Jincheng was being demolished even faster. So far, less than half of the ruins have been completely demolished, exposing the original land.

Jincheng was quickly demolished to the inner city, and problems arose when it was demolished.

During the demolition process, a series of cylindrical transparent coffins were torn out from the thick walls of the inner city.Among the coffins stood transparent human figures with sharp horns on their heads and scaly skin on their foreheads and temples.

A total of seven such strange things were found.

Even Taohua doesn't know what it is?

He simply asked Chu Shinian to send Tong Jian a message, saying that he had made a strange discovery.

It didn't take long for Tong Jian to bring people to the Chu family with the help of the teleportation array.Then I saw the seven corpses parked outside the Jincheng ruins.

"This is... Huoyao people." The well-informed Tong Jian immediately recognized what these things were.

"Is it human?" Chu Shinian looked at Tong Jian in astonishment and asked.

"No, you can think that they are monsters that look like humans. Huoyao people are just what they called themselves back then. Anyway, we don't agree that they are human beings. These guys are cannibals, and they especially like to eat mortals' dissatisfaction Six-year-old children and monks." Tong Jian said.

Chu Shinian coughed and coughed in astonishment.


"This thing was considered to be a mutant race at first. A large number of them were mixed among human beings. Later, their true colors of cannibalism were revealed, and everyone knew that they were cannibalistic monsters. Counting the time, they are more than 1 years old. The true face that was revealed during the previous period seems to be the time when we rediscovered this world." Tong Jian revealed another important news at this time.

About 1 years ago, the world they lived in was rediscovered by the Great World of Shenting.

"Uncle Tong, do you know how many years ago our world was separated from the world of Shenting?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I really don't know about this. Some people say it was about 3 years ago, while others say it was about 10 years ago. The old lady of our lineage may know exactly how many years ago the Great World of God Court separated from this place. You Why did you suddenly remember to ask this?"

(End of this chapter)

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