Chapter 1023
"Just curious." Chu Shinian smiled. "I didn't expect that even my uncle didn't know."

Tong Jian said speechlessly, "Who is free to investigate this? Later, you can ask your master if he knows? He definitely doesn't know."

"Hahaha." Chu Shinian laughed.

"By the way, since you have discovered the Huoyao people, it means that this world has been invaded by the Huoyao people. I will let Tong Feng come over to sit in the town. In case there are still Huoyao people who are not dead, he has more experience than you. Arrive It's time for him to come and tell you how to deal with the Huoyao people.

In addition, don't throw away the Huoyao people's corpses casually.

Later, I asked Zongmen to send a few golden crow eggs.You put the Huoyao people's corpses together, and then put the golden crow eggs on it, so that the little golden crows can be hatched in advance.Seven or eight corpses can hatch a little Golden Crow in about twenty days.Let Tong Feng teach you how to hatch.Still need to arrange some formations.Then let him guide you. " Tong Jian laughed.

"Huo Yaoren's corpse actually has such a function?" Chu Shinian asked in astonishment.

"Naturally. Although Huoyao people are vile, their bodies are full of fire energy. Look at this special coffin, which uses the remains of Huoyao people as energy. The real body of Huoyao people is not in this transparent shape. .Their real bodies are actually very similar to ours. It's just that the blood is golden red.

Eyes are like red gemstones.

People also have pupils. "

"Could it be that the Huoyao people are really a branch of human beings?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"No, the big bosses of our Shenting Great World all think that the Huoyao people should have no actual form at the beginning. I don't know what era they ate a lot of humans. That's why they decided their appearance to be human. This kind of The situation is also manifested in Heiyuan people. They also look like people, but they are actually cannibals.

They first looked more like big rabbits, and they were rabbits with big dies.Later, the Black Abyss somehow captured a big world with human reproduction, and they occupied it in large numbers, eating up all the human beings in the whole big world.Later, he evolved into a human being.Because the human appearance is more suitable for cultivation.

Looking at the many known universes, they still look like human beings, and the characteristics of the meridians in the body are more suitable for practicing Taoism and seeking truth.

So many alien races eat humans again, and after discovering the benefits of human bodies, they will transform themselves into human appearances.You must not be deceived by their appearance.We have fought against the Black Abyss people for so many years, so we know their brutal nature too well.

Whether it is the Heiyuan people or the Huoyao people, they all have the animal nature in their bodies covering their rationality.They just have the appearance of human beings, but they are actually monsters in human skin.You must be careful of them on the battlefield in the future.But when you go to the battlefield, probably my elder brother will give you a few more guardians.

In fact, compared to the Heiyuan people and the Huoyao people, the barbarians in the Huiman world are more likely to be the branch evolved from the ancestors of mankind.Although they are primitive and chattering, they are similar to humans in terms of their living habits and the way they raise their offspring.

It is still relatively acceptable to us. "

"No wonder Master told me that this world is too small for me." Chu Shinian said with some emotion.

"Of course it's a little small, but it's a kind of protection for you?" Tong Jian said with some insight.

"When I was a teenager, I always felt that I was very strong, and I could go to many places. As a result, as soon as I entered the outer battlefield, Emma almost died seven times in just one month. I didn't find the opportunity, but I was in the midst of death Wandering. At that time, I deeply felt that I was actually very afraid of death. Later, I strongly demanded to return to the family at the expense of face. My father was very disappointed in me. From then on, he no longer supported me like his elder brother .

Alas, it's not for nothing that I took over the position of Patriarch of the Tong family, the main reason is that I performed too poorly in the outer battlefield back then.

On the contrary, your master performed very well.

He himself was spotted by the old lady on the out-of-bounds battlefield, and then devoted himself to training him. "

"Outer-boundary battlefield?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion, "What outer-boundary battlefield?"

"It is a large-scale world battlefield arranged by our several big worlds to resolve disputes. Whoever wins can get a lot of resources from our gambling fight." Tong Jian said.

"This kind of world also exists?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"Some worlds have extremely harsh natural conditions, and mastering them is of no benefit to us, but their positions are very important. If we lose them as barriers, our world of God's Court will face the destruction and invasion of some alien races up.

So we simply arranged them as out-of-bounds battlefields.

Let your own children go inside to sharpen life and death.There are always exceptional talents who stand out. Tong Jian explained to Chu Shinian, "The main reason why I explained it in such detail is that I know you are definitely going."Several of your senior brothers have been tempered in the outer battlefield for more than a hundred years.

They are not very old, but they have all set foot on the Golden Core peak one after another, and some even broke into the Nascent Soul stage. "

"So that's the case, then I have to sharpen it." Chu Shinian said immediately after hearing this.

"Then you have to start preparing now. When Tong Feng went there, I prepared a lot of things for him in advance, but you didn't stay with him for three years before returning." Tong Jian sighed with emotion. "It's a pity."

"If you stay for a short time, is there any harm?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"It's not harmful, but if your training time is short, then your development in the sect will stagnate in the future. The high-level members of the sect will only cultivate geniuses who have been honed in the battlefield outside the world for more than 60 years."

"Then are there many such geniuses?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"The sect has existed for a long time. Even if only a few emerge in a hundred years, it will be a large number of people." Tong Jian sighed. "At the beginning, the son of my elder brother's family was escorted by several disciples of my elder brother, and he persisted for 60 years.

My family, Tong Feng, alas, I am going to ask him to try again. "

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately said, "Is Senior Brother Tong from Master's family much older than me?"

"Probably more than a hundred years older than you. He is almost two hundred years old. Basically, your senior brothers are less than three hundred years old. They can be regarded as young talents in the sect." Tong Jian said.

When Chu Shinian heard this, he cursed in his heart: If they are considered young talents in the sect, then what am I?one cub?
"This out-of-bounds battlefield, what do I need to prepare before going?" Chu Shinian asked with interest.

(End of this chapter)

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