The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1029 Drawing an Array

Chapter 1029 Drawing an Array

"What secret technique is so powerful?" Chu Wu asked in surprise.

"It's not good for you to know, you should just not know." Tao Hua said.

This guy didn't want Chu Zilan to be tough and have amazing perseverance.She'd better stop making trouble for herself.

"Tell me, aren't you my own sister?" Chu Wu said.

"You are still my brother, and I am for you too. Be good, go back to have dinner early, and come over early tomorrow to draw a picture."

Alas, Chu Wu felt extremely resentful after hearing this.It seems that he can't do without drawing this picture.

Taohua couldn't laugh when she sent her fifth brother away.

As soon as Chu Xiaowu got home, he told his father and mother that he might be tricked.

Chu Dashan became anxious when he heard this. "I said, why are you so stupid? How can there be such a thing as pie in the sky in this world? You got half of the formation plate, and then refined it in a hurry. Fortunately, this is the bait. If this is the deep pit of the trap , you can’t get out if you pick it in, you know that?”

"This kind of bait is hard to get out even if it falls." Chu Qi said angrily.

Chu Xiaowu: "..."

"What do you say about this?" Chu Sanlang, who became more stable after having a daughter, asked.

His daughter was held in the arms of the lady, watching them talk while not feeding.Although the little guy is a little thinner, his eyes are bright and clear, and he looks like a precocious and sensible child.

He smiled softly at the child. Both his older sister and younger sister were not ordinary women, so Chu Sanlang had different expectations for his child.

The little guy also showed him a big and sincere smile.

Immediately, both Chu Sanlang and Wei Lingshuang were enchanted by this smile.

"Xiaoyao said that she will help me solve it." Chu Xiaowu said timidly, the voice seemed to come from a distant place.It also made Chu Sanlang shift his mind away from his daughter a little bit again.

"She didn't say anything, how can you solve it for me?" Chu Sanlang asked again.

"Say it, let me draw the formation diagram on the formation plate. I heard her plan to help me refine the other half of the formation plate. But if this half of the formation plate is a bait, they already have the other half of the original plate. , what is the use of the new half array that Xiaoyao gave me?" Chu Xiaowu asked puzzled.

"The key should be on the new formation board." Chu Sanlang thought for a while before saying.

"On the array?" Chu Xiaowu became even more suspicious.

"Breaking the array with the array is powerful. Don't underestimate Taohua's accomplishments in the array. She helped the Chu family cultivate the current five-element spirit vein when she was very young. Our elixir She also created the Sutu Spirit Formation under the mountain.

All the underground palaces under the Five Elements Spirit Vessel, as well as the underground city in Mingyue Ze, were all built by her.She was the one who drew the construction plan of Ziyang.

Oh, by the way, she also drew the design of Xianyang.

You have been studying formations for a long time, do you dare to preside over the construction of a fairy city? "

Xiao Wu immediately shook his head.

"But I can do it as a young one, and the cultivation is quite perfect." Chu Sanlang said. "So I guess she can really handle the array in your body, so she indulged you to refine it, using it as the cornerstone to guide you in learning the array."

"Uh..." Chu Xiaowu patted his forehead. Indeed, if I didn't have that half disk, I would feel that I have something to rely on, and the future is promising. I really wouldn't study formations and runes so hard.

"She's a different way to supervise your progress." Chu Sanlang said with a smile on his lips.

Chu Xiaowu's face is full of frustration, it's better not to play like this, it's playing with my life.

"Don't be more careful, don't refine everything in your body." Chu Sanlang scolded angrily.

Mmm, Chu Xiaowu nodded quickly.With this lesson learned, he will never dare again in the future.

"However, your spiritual roots and five elements are complete, and they are relatively balanced. Even if you practice the Great Five Elements Classic and have various resources from your family, you haven't seen your cultivation speed increase much. This kind of cultivation speed is not very good for your future. Xiaoyao loves you so much, I'm afraid there is another purpose in urging you to minor in formation."

Chu Xiaowu was a little confused again. "Third brother, what do you mean?"

"In short, you just listen to her arrangements." Chu Sanlang concluded.

Chu Xiaowu: "..."

In the evening, Chu Sanlang and his wife returned to the room with their daughter in their arms.Wei Lingshuang couldn't help asking, "Little sister seems to be very powerful herself, instead of relying on her brother-in-law Chu Shinian?"

"That's natural. How could Chu Shinian marry such a young woman at will? I once secretly guessed that my little one might also be a confidant who secretly belonged to the head of the family. It's just that there is no evidence to confirm this guess. " Then he sneered and said, "If it wasn't for the age of the Patriarch, I wouldn't be able to match up with my younger sister. I would guess whether my younger sister is the Patriarch.

It would be fun if he was the Patriarch, Chu Shinian was the commander of the Dark Guard, if he married the Patriarch, who else would be able to control him.It is estimated that the elders of the entire clan are going crazy. "

Wei Lingshuang was speechless after hearing this. Her husband looked steady, but he was actually quite unruly in his heart.

"If the Chu family is really in turmoil, everyone will not have a good life."

"Cough cough cough..." Chu Sanlang was embarrassed.

Early the next morning, Taohua brought Brother Chun over, and then asked someone to arrest Chu Xiaowu.

Chu Xiaowu was dragged out of the door with a sad face, his mother and nephew actually waved at him happily.

As soon as he entered yesterday's room, Tao Hua called him loudly, "Hurry up and draw the array. Draw the array."

After finishing the calf, he is about to form a formation? !
As time went on, this picture became more and more difficult to draw, and there were more mistakes and omissions in the last few pictures, which were picked out one by one by Taohua and forced to redraw.Chu Xiaowu almost collapsed when he drew the formation diagram.

When Chu Shinian came in at noon, Chu Xiaowu almost jumped into Chu Shinian's arms. "My dear, when will you have lunch?"

Chu Shinian was immediately amused by him.

"Fifth brother-in-law, don't worry, all the delicious food has been prepared for you. Didn't I come to invite you to dinner?"

"Let's go, let's go now." Chu Xiaowu hurriedly ran out while talking, he remembered the place where he ate last time.

With a dark face, Taohua came out after Chu Wu.

"Don't push Fifth Brother-in-law too hard, if you can't finish painting today, you can continue painting tomorrow." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua sighed helplessly and said, "My Fifth Brother just has too little willpower. It hasn't been long since he painted, and he will fail. There are many mistakes and a lot of omissions."

"Well, after all, my fifth brother-in-law has never practiced outside, so it is normal to have a lack of willpower. In the future, take him to the battlefield outside the boundary, and he will naturally improve after tempering."

Tao Huating immediately praised her husband and said, "This is really a good idea."

(End of this chapter)

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