The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1030 Qilin Yuanling Formation

Chapter 1030 Qilin Yuanling Formation

Chu Xiaowu still doesn't know how hard his future is going to be, so he's thinking about it. If it's not possible, he will take a vacation with his sister in the afternoon, go back to rest, change his mind, and start painting tomorrow.

Obviously Taohua would not be happy.

But after lunch, she just pretended to be desperate and refused to paint, and insisted on taking a rest, and she didn't want to recruit Chu Xiaowu who would paint again tomorrow.Take a break and rest.

Chu Xiaowu happily rested for most of the day, and early the next morning, Taohua grabbed him to draw a diagram again.

But this time he was refreshed, and at least he made fewer mistakes when he drew the formation diagram.

One after another, it took more than half a day to finish all the paintings.

"That's all, there should be nothing missing. As long as I don't learn new formations, there will be no new formations on the formation board." Chu Xiaowu said.

"Okay, then go play now, remember, don't learn any formations recently." Taohua reminded him.

"I know, I know, you want to make the other half of the array. By the way, is the half of the array you made really useful for the refined half of the array? Not to mention anything else, the half I refined The formation disk is powerful and tight. I have seen that it can temporarily draw the mana in my body like a living thing, and it has both offensive and defensive means, and it can be used for sneak attack and strong killing." Xiao Wu said with some worry.

"Don't worry. Can I lie to you?" Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"That's fine." Xiao Wu thought for a while, since the girl can still be relied on, she agreed.

After sending off Fifth Brother, Taohua began to carefully study the many formation diagrams drawn by Fifth Brother.After careful verification by her, the half of the disk formed by Fifth Brother is actually the Qilin Yuanling Array, one of the top ten spirit arrays in ancient times.

A spiritual array formed by imitating the various supernatural powers of the ancient earth-type unicorn true spirit.

The top pure-blood unicorns are not comparable to ordinary mixed-blood unicorns.They are powerful and terrifying, and their control over the rules of the earth system is like instinct, far above other creatures.Their supernatural powers are actually their own innate supernatural powers.

Taohua thought about it carefully, and then began to design the formation structure of the other half of the formation disk.

After she designed it, she embedded her other small designs into it.

After the drawings were finished, Tao Hua called Fifth Brother to come again, this time she directly used Qi Tianjian to brush half of the formation plate in her Fifth Brother's belly.The main thing is to brush the opponent's materials and the secrets in them.

Sure enough, there are hidden hands on this half of the array.

Sending Wu Ge away again, Taohua went to the refiners to refine a new half of the array.Because of Jincheng's various high-level spirit gold, half of the new disk was quickly re-refined by Taohua, who knew the spirit gold formula.

She can complete the engraved formation by herself, of course, the most important is the secret art of Xu Kun's alchemy, and people with weaker willpower cannot practice this secret art at all.This is a secret technique and a forbidden technique, it is too easy for people to go astray.

It was already five days later when Taohua finished half of the array.

That night, Taohua called Chu Xiaowu over again, and directly dragged him into the secret room.

"Hurry up, refine this half of the array and put it in your dantian."

"Okay." Chu Xiaowu started refining without saying a word.This array was surprisingly easy to refine, almost as soon as his mana penetrated into it, the array accepted him.The refined Zhenpanxiu turned into a golden light and crashed into his dantian.

And then... Then something strange happened.

Chu Xiaowu found that in his dantian, half of the formation disks were chasing the other half of the same formation disks, and the two formation disks were chasing after each other like crazy.After chasing directly for more than an hour, the last array plate chased and killed the previous array plate. After catching up, the two array plates were firmly glued together.

It is obviously not the original array, but the two arrays are completely integrated into one as soon as they come into contact.The strangest thing is that even the incomplete formations in the original half of the formation board are connected with the incomplete formations in the other half of the formation board one by one, seamlessly connected.

It didn't take long for the two disk arrays to merge, and Chu Xiaowu felt a burst of irritability.It seemed to make him want to smash something, or get into a fight with someone.

Seeing him walking back and forth impatiently, Taohua asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm very irritable and want to hit someone."

After hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tao Hua immediately smiled. "It seems to be done. Here, this is for you. Just take a sniff."

Chu Xiaowu had always trusted Xiaoyao, so he took the sachet and sniffed it, then passed out with a bang.Tao Hua picked up Wu Ge, and then called the dark guard to send him into the guest room.

"Find someone to take care of him. Don't be in danger. If there is anything unusual, find someone to tell me right away." Taohua told the secret guard.

"Yes." The hidden guards sent Chu Xiaowu to the guest room.

In Chu Xiaowu's dantian at this time, buried deep in the core spirit array space of the array, a small blue fat fish was eating a big off-white light ball bit by bit.The big light group violently twisted and ran.But the little fat fish was extremely fast, and ran over with a whimper, took a bite and left, waited until the bite he had eaten was digested, then flew over and took another bite, just like this, one bite after another, he was so angry that he wanted to Exploded in situ.

But even though it exploded, it couldn't hurt the more nimble and faster blue fat fish.

After eating for a while, the little blue fat fish's stomach bulged.When the belly was so bloated that it couldn't eat anymore, the little fat fish compressed the contents of the stomach into small white light particles. After the light particles were compressed, the little herring appeared next to Chu Xiaowu's soul and opened the fish. Spit out the small light particle, and then watched the small light particle merge into Chu Xiaowu's spirit.

When the small light particles merged into Chu Xiaowu's spirit like water ripples, the little herring flickered again, and chased after the gray-white big light ball to eat.

Since the little herring was not idle at all, the big light group shrank completely in one night.

When Chu Xiaowu got up early the next morning, he immediately felt refreshed.

My spirit is very good.

"Xiao Yao, am I really alright?"

"It's okay. In another ten days and a half months, your hidden dangers will be completely gone. I will also complete your ancient spirit array for you. In the future, you can get more spiritual objects that are good for the soul. , maybe we will be able to raise the spirits of the spirit array soon."

"Then the main formation engraved on my formation disk is really sure to be the ancient spirit formation?" Xiao Wu asked pleasantly.

"It's the Qilin Yuanling Formation." Tao Hua said.

"It's so wonderful, it's really an ancient spirit array, and I'm so lucky." Xiao Wuda said in surprise.

"You do have some luck. It is said that the top ten ancient spirit arrays have long been extinct. You can still get half of it. Although it is bait, it also shows that you are lucky." Taohua laughed.

 I had something to do during the day and came back late, and I am trying to type...

(End of this chapter)

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