Chapter 1031

"Then my spirit is also a unicorn, right?" Xiao Wu asked hurriedly.

"How do I know? I haven't cultivated a formation spirit before." Taohua smiled and said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"That's right, the formation is the formation, and the formation spirit is the formation spirit. Well, I will work hard to cultivate it first. No matter what formation spirit is born, I will take good care of it." Xiaowu smiled happily.

"Yeah, you're in a good mood, keep it up." Tao Hua listened, and smiled much happier this time.

"By the way, my ancient spirit array has been completed, is there any benefit?" Xiao Wu asked hurriedly.

"This kind of ancient spirit array can improve your comprehension of the formation, increase your total soul power, temper your soul power quality, and increase the number of your soul thoughts. I suggest you to practice a kind of A spiritual exercise that splits the mind into multiple strands of soul silk.

The more soul silk you cultivate, the stronger your ability to control the formation is, isn't it? "

After hearing Tao Hua's words, Xiao Wu was thoughtful.

Xiao Wu actually has personal experience of how much the improvement of soul power has an auxiliary effect on the formation.But because at the beginning he didn't even know much about the most basic first-order formations.So he spends more time learning various basic formations and formation drawing and refining knowledge.Especially the various runes, which require him to learn and master too much.

"I understand."

After hearing what he said, Tao Hua immediately smiled and said, "Then fifth brother, you should work hard, this is a copy of "Detailed Explanation of the Ten Great Spiritual Arrays in Ancient Times" that I copied for you recently, you can take it away."

Xiao Wu immediately said happily after hearing this, "Xiao Yao, it's better for you to treat your fifth brother well."

"It's okay, so-so." Tao Hua said modestly.

"What's so normal, we two are comrades in arms who have been together for ten months." Xiao Wu immediately started to shout. "Xiao Yao, don't worry, I have time recently, and I will help Auntie take your brother Chun later. Oh, my eldest nephew, his uncle is here."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he ran away.

That's faster than a rabbit. "What do you mean? You're worried that I won't be able to ask him to draw an array again?" Tao Hua looked at the back of her fifth brother who disappeared without a word.

Chu Shinian just came over at this time.

"Maybe. After all, I was caught and painted by you for several days."

"I've only drawn the formation for a few days, why is he running away? Hmph, I'll catch him when I'm free."

Chu Shinian silently lit some wax for his brother-in-law.

You said you can't offend anyone, but you have to offend your sister?
"By the way, I heard that there has been trouble in the clan recently?" Tao Hua asked when she saw Chu Shinian.

"It's not a big deal. It's about wanting to build a country and establish an emperor. Chu Zifei also has ideas about this matter. I think he wants to fight for the new emperor for his direct line." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua frowned, "Even if the Chu family has an emperor, it's just a puppet of the family. Besides, the direct line is in constant trouble. I have a vague feeling that they are no longer suitable to be the main branch of the family."

"A single sentence of inappropriateness will not dissuade them from their enthusiasm. After all, the direct descendants suffered heavy casualties at the beginning, and they only recovered a little in the last year. If you can't give them an explanation, they will definitely fight for this position desperately.

Even Brother Chun's life as mine can't dissuade them from fighting for the dragon.Unless you announce the identity of the owner. "

Chu Shinian's words made Taohua ponder for a moment, "Actually, it's not that I can't reveal my identity. It's just that it will cause more trouble."

"I know that those people who have accompanying treasures in this world have never stopped investigating. Even though we have expelled many forces, there are still things that secretly destroy the family."

Taohua nodded. "We don't have many here. They are just investigating and searching secretly. Among other forces, the pursuit of Chongbao's whereabouts is a big fanfare, and they don't even bat an eye when they kill innocent people.

I was worried that if I exposed my identity, they would target Chu. "

"Then how can we find out whether there is a treasure in a person?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

Taohua thought for a while, and took out a jade mirror.

"This is also a companion treasure, called the True Jade Mirror. Its function is very similar to the things brought down by the forces from the court to search for the treasure." Then she took out another ancient book.Taohua took a picture of the jade mirror on the ancient book.Jiucai Ruiguang appeared in ancient books.

"This book is called "Appreciation of Strange Stones". It is also an accompanying treasure. I collected these from the black market. Their owners either left treasures after death, or peeled them off on their own initiative." Taohua said.

"How to lose after death? What kind of peeling method is active peeling?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"People like us who have a companion treasure have at least three lives and can die twice. After death, the soul can be reincarnated into another body and bring the treasure there. Just like me, when Chuxi died, I was Taohua's body came back to life."

It turned out to be the case.

Only then did Chu Shinian know how Tao Hua came back to life.

"If I do it for the third time, this heavy treasure will leave my main soul and materialize near my tomb. If it is picked up by someone, it will be regarded as a leftover. If I know that I will die, before I die, put My accompanying heavy treasure is passed on to Brother Chun or you. Then this is called active peeling.

Then after I die, Chongbao will materialize in your hands. "

"Then can those who took the initiative to peel off the treasure be reborn in other people's bodies?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"Impossible. We have the privilege of rebirth because we have the treasure, and this privilege is rare. If we take the initiative to peel off the treasure, we will lose the privilege of rebirth." Taohua said.

"Are there many treasures circulating outside?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Many, I don't know how many treasures there are, and how many types there are. But I know that the forces in the upper realm are looking for them crazily. Especially the treasures of the human race." Taohua said.

"There should be many treasures in the world of Shenting that are as powerful as here. Why are you so focused on pursuing the treasures here? There must be a secret." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua nodded.There must be a secret here.Even if she is not easy to track down.

"As for the request from the direct line, I really have no way to give it. In fact, we have probably investigated it. The ancestor of the Chu family is probably being tricked by someone, and someone is secretly stealing the luck of our Chu family. If the direct line still presides over Chu The overall situation of the clan, then maybe we will always have our luck stolen.

So the original lineage can only give way.

But this kind of statement, they will definitely not recognize it. "

Chu Shinian nodded, "When it comes to luck, how can the direct line agree with it. As long as they don't betray the family, the direct line will not give up taking control of the family again."

(End of this chapter)

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