Chapter 1032
"The trouble is here. Chu Zifei looks low-key and soft, but in fact he is stubborn and introverted, with a sharp edge. He still needs to be used, but it is not an easy task to limit his flaws." Taohua slightly Some headaches.

"His shortcoming is that he loves paving the way for his direct descendants too much." Chu Shinian said amusedly. "It's rare for a person like him to seek his own personal gain when he's busy with his business."

"He's too smart, so he's a bit slippery. Turn around and hit him.

Alas, I really don't understand it. The aura has recovered and everyone is planning to grow. Why does Chu Zifei love to put his mind on the welfare of a certain power in his direct line? "

"It's probably because the glory of the past was too beautiful, and he couldn't let it go. Especially for someone as intelligent as him.

Believe it or not, if the Chu family does not have you, but with them, the Chu family can grow into a big family.Even if the two realms merged and the outside world seeks luck, they should be able to bring the Chu family into the world of Shenting. "

"It's hard to say just how much they lost. The most likely reason is that they abandoned most of the Pangzhi tribe, concentrated the resources of the whole tribe to help a certain upper realm force, and then were attached to it." Taohua finally said without giving them any face. "Chu Zifei may be a bit smart, but he is too selfish, and he is used to sacrificing others in the way of direct descendants. If the Chu family is in his hands, it is impossible to talk about exterminating the family. It is absolutely impossible to become a top family. .”

"Chu Zifei is a genius cultivated by the direct line. It's not surprising that he has such an idea." Chu Shinian said, "I have met many members of the direct line, and they basically think like this. I always feel that I am superior. Whenever there is a little loss, I always want to get it back from the side branch.

In short, it is enough to save the life and interests of the direct line. "

Chu Shinian, who was born as a secret guard, had already observed the direct lineage thoroughly, and he had already figured out the thoughts of those people in the direct lineage.

"So when Chu Da was planning to kill them, I secretly contributed a lot." Tao Hua laughed. "It's a pity that Chu Da is useless. Except for killing a group of elders from the direct line, she didn't accomplish anything. In the end, the entire direct line was torn apart.

I really underestimated her. At the beginning, she was so bold and ruthless to kill the elders of the direct line. I thought she would be able to leave with the direct line and establish a family of her own. "

"Taohua, I think you have long wanted to kick out your direct lineage and establish your own sect?" Chu Shinian asked dumbfounded.

"Haha, I really thought that way at the beginning. Who knew that Chu Zifei would not do it. He gathered up his direct descendants again, and slowly brought them all back." Taohua laughed. "Speaking of direct descendants, without Chu Zifei as the backbone, it would be impossible to recover within a few years."

"Chu Zifei really contributed a lot to the reunion of the direct line. It's just a bit too troublesome." Chu Shinian said.

"It's okay, where are we going?" Tao Hua said. "When the Chu family's spiritual veins are promoted to Lingshan, and the luck of the Chu family and Lingshan is superimposed, the Chu family will give birth to more Chu Zifei, or people who are more powerful than Chu Zifei.

After all, the Chu family will follow the same route as the Tong family in the future.The major power branches are jointly in charge of family development. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian not only didn't feel troubled, but said happily, "That's not bad."

"I think so too. In the final analysis, it is impossible for me to sit in the position of Patriarch all the time. This position will definitely be given up in the future. Rather than watching the subsequent Patriarch act recklessly and defeat the Chu family, it is better to let the Chu family be defeated." The Chu family has embarked on the road of decentralization."

"However, if the Chu family takes the road of decentralization, if one is not good, the family may be wiped out." Chu Shinian said.

"Whether we can protect the family from generation to generation, if we really go to the point of exterminating the family, then there is no way. It means that the family has already been enraged, and there is really no way to survive." Taohua smiled helplessly.

After all, they can only protect the family while the person is alive.

"That's right, if our descendants don't come out with people, only mediocre ones, they'll be like direct descendants. If they're gone, they'll be gone." Chu Shinian agreed.The birth and death of families is also a common thing.

"It's just that it's not good for Chu Chu to let things go like this. Leave this matter to me." Chu Shinian smiled.

Taohua looked at it and immediately said shrewdly, "Are you going to scare them?"

"What are you busy with next?" Chu Shinian asked, changing the subject.

"Didn't you get the Innate Fire Spirit Orb?" Chu Shinian said immediately, "You mean the Innate Fire Spirit Orb that has been integrated into the underground palace?"

"That's right, I plan to follow it up and rebuild the Flaming Mountain and the Lava Lake." Taohua said.

"Remodel it?" Chu Shinian was surprised.

"The Flame Mountain and Lava Lake in that place are a bit too small, and there is too much fire-attributed earth energy in the veins. If it can't be relieved in time, the Five Elements Spirit Vein will not be able to prevent the veins from erupting again. I'll go and get it." Taohua said .

Chu Shinian smiled and said, "Okay, you can go."

However, it is not particularly urgent to go to the Flaming Mountain, Lava Lake, and Fire Palace, so Taohua plans to prepare to go again.

And Chu Shinian also approached Chu Zifei.

This time it was at Chu Zifei's home.Chu Zifei was having a banquet with his family, and the family was happy and harmonious, when Chu Shinian suddenly came.

When Chu Zifei saw him, his face froze immediately.

After driving away his son and continuing to host the family banquet, Chu Zifei let Chu Shinian into his study.

"The commander-in-chief always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so he came to my house suddenly this time, what's the matter?"

Chu Zifei asked speechlessly.

"What do you think?" Chu Shinian asked back.

"Is it for the founding of the country? I admit that there are some small tricks behind the scenes, but those small tricks are harmless, right? At least there is no harm to me, Chu."

Chu Shinian shook his head, "No, in fact, you know that there is something wrong with Yi Chu's education. What you have rotted is people's hearts, selfishness, and every time something happens, you know how to abandon others to fulfill yourself. Is such a person suitable to be in charge of the family?
I just ask you if it suits you? "

After hearing this, Chu Zifei's face immediately changed.His face was full of anger, self-deprecating, and unwillingness.

"I thought that after working hard for so long, the Patriarch no longer discriminates against us. Who knows, the Patriarch still discriminates in his heart and fears us."

"Stop saying things that mislead me. I don't like going around in circles with you either." Chu Shinian said. "You yourself are the product of direct education. If you say you have no selfish intentions, do you dare to agree? Even if you dare to promise, I can't believe it."

"Chu Shinian!!~" Chu Zifei gritted his teeth angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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