The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1033 People

Chapter 1033 People

"Let's get straight to the point, I know you want the direct descendant to take over the family. The Patriarch told me that it's impossible." Chu Shinian said bluntly and annoyed.

"Patriarch..." Chu Zifei was so angry.

"Of course, you can continue to seek the rights of the second and third patriarchs for Chu Chu," Chu Shinian said. "But that will have to wait until the head of the family resigns. If the head of the family wants you to always make small moves below, she will directly divide you out.

Let you set up another Xiaozong of the Chu family.Transfer an enclave to your own management. "

Chu Zifei finally couldn't help the color change, and said with a dark face, "Why is the Patriarch like this?"

"You always make troubles, and she is also annoying." Chu Shinian said.

"I don't understand. Patriarch, she can't always sit in the position of Patriarch. If Patriarch resigns, you, a high-ranking commander, will inevitably be taken away by her. For the sake of the safety of the next Patriarch, she also You will not be allowed to stay in the family.

If you step down together, the family will inevitably enter a period of great weakness.

There are many people who can fight in the family, but there are only a few people who can really lead the whole family forward.I'm not doing it for myself, the juniors I've trained are definitely qualified for the position of the new Patriarch.As long as you give him more opportunities to exercise. "

"I know that you are not fighting for power for yourself, but you are fighting for power for Chu Chu. So you put your eyes on Chu Chu. That kid is really good and smart, but he hates the current Patriarch, He and the current head of the family have the hatred of killing their father and ancestors during the homeless riots. You don't know, do you?" Chu Shinian sneered.

"Are you admitting in disguise that you did what you did back then?" Chu Zifei also sneered.

"Then you are telling us that you Chu Chu want revenge?" Chu Shinian asked coldly.

Chu Zifei's deep luck, he must suppress his anger and keep his calm.

He knew that this confrontation with Chu Shinian had a lot to do with it. If he failed and showed his flaws, then it is very likely that Chu Chu's lineage would be kicked out again.

"I trust the child I teach, he knows what it is to take the family as his own responsibility. He will not be dazzled by hatred." Chu Zifei gritted his teeth.

"You are forcing the head of the family to raise the butcher's knife against you again. I personally suggest that you send him away. Whether he can take revenge in the future depends on his own achievements." Chu Shinian said. "Don't you want Chu Chengqian to be brought back by the old patriarch of the direct line? If it's just an illegitimate child, why can't you bring him back?

It's just a matter of finding a concubine and a foster mother.

Wasn't it because Chu Chengqian's mother was once the concubine of the Sanfang Patriarch.

The Sanfang Patriarch became enemies with the patriarch because of this woman.He also swore that as long as the patriarch dares to bring back the child born to that woman, he will never be allowed to live to adulthood. "

Chu Shinian suddenly revealed the hidden lawsuit of the old patriarch, which shocked Chu Zifei.

How could they have forgotten that Chu Shinian was the commander of the dark guards, he was the man who followed the head of the family and protected and observed almost all the men in the direct line.

"Some hatred can't be erased. The Patriarch doesn't want something to happen where the two generations of Patriarchs fight each other out of personal enmity. Chu Zifei, don't beat me to it." Chu Shinian threatened with cold eyes.

"Okay, I'll send him to Yunzhou Continent tomorrow." Chu Zifei stared into Chu Shinian's eyes, persisted for a while, and then gritted his teeth.

If Chu Shinian really didn't back down, he would have no choice but to back down.

"You send people away, and don't do any small tricks in the future. The Patriarch was forced to separate you out. If you continue to make trouble, there is Donglai Peninsula near the east coast of Yunzhou mainland. I think that place is quite suitable. Yours." Chu Shinian continued.

"I see." Chu Zifei said almost word by word.

Chu Shinian stood up and said coldly, "I hope you know yourself well." After speaking, he flung his sleeves and left.

When he left, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child with red lips and white teeth turned out from behind the partition screen in the study.

"Third Patriarch, I'm the one who caused you trouble." The child said with an apologetic expression.

Chu Zifei shook his head, his eyes were reddish.

"Chu Shinian knows our Chu Chu too well. Even though I hid you so carefully, he still found out. Think about my recent actions, which are promoting the founding of the country and the establishment of the emperor. He also not stupid.

Naturally, I guessed the plan in my heart.

Speaking of it, I left in a hurry, I should let you hide for another 20 years.Chu Xi has been the head of the family for more than 20 years.The Patriarch of the Chu family rarely served for more than 30 years.Even though Chu Xi is a monk and has a long lifespan, it is only 60 years at most.

Being the head of the family for a long time will inevitably affect her practice.

In another 20 years, Chu Xi will definitely focus on cultivating heirs.Even if she still rejects you because of your identity, as she continues to delegate power, she has no energy to continue to suppress you. "

When Chu Zifei said this, the child lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly.

"Heng'er, look up."

The child was not happy, but still raised his head slowly.

Chu Zifei clearly saw the hatred in the child's eyes.

It seems that Chu Shinian and the Patriarch's worries were not unreasonable.After all, he was more idealistic. He thought he could dissolve the hatred in this child's heart.

"Heng'er, this time we were given an ultimatum by the Patriarch, so I can no longer take care of you. I also have some friends in Yun'an Continent. I will send you to them and let them continue to teach you how to read, okay? ?” Chu Zifei asked.

The child clenched his fists and said, "Can I not study, but only learn martial arts? I want to become a monk. How can I have a strong cultivation base, why can't I do it? I can be the head of the Chu family, and I can also be the head of the Chu family. Grandpa revenge."

Chu Zifei touched the child's head, but sighed in his heart.

"Sometimes force can't get you revenge."

"I insist. Because this is the only thing I can do. Sanzuzu, I have learned from you and others how powerful the Chu family is, with so many territories and talents. The development as good as possible.

I don't have the accumulation of the original Chu family, and I may not be able to catch up with the current head of the Chu family in my life.

I want revenge, I can only take the path of a great monk. "

If he develops his strength in the same way, the Chu family will be so powerful that it will make people despair, and he may not be able to catch up in his lifetime.If it is a conspiracy, Patriarch Chu seems to be better at it than him.He can only practice to become a high-level monk, and then rely on his own force to solve all problems.

"Okay. I'll hire a master for you when we get there."

(End of this chapter)

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