The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1034 Share

Chapter 1034 Share
In fact, Chu Zifei is very clear in his heart that the child has a bright future only with him. After the opportunity outside, he will finally grow into a fourth-level monk, and it may be difficult for a fifth-level monk to compete with the prosperous Chu family and the Patriarch of the Chu family. Contested.

But Chu Shinian chose to make a move at this time, forcing him to give up his previous plan.

After the child, he didn't know that the direct descendants were not so lucky to have another smart child who could compete for the next Patriarch.

Silently watching Chu Zifei send the child away, Chu Ziyan returned to Chu Shinian and reported what he had seen and heard. "In fact, Chu Da and Chu Chengqian have also established a foundation outside. Why didn't Chu Zifei take the Chu family's direct line out to split up a small sect?"

Facing Chu Ziyan's question, Chu Shinian's expression was calm. "If they leave, then why will the family property of the Chu family fall into someone's hands?"

"Chu's current family business is so big, they didn't earn it?" Chu Ziyan immediately exploded.

"I think so too. We have all made great contributions to the family, and even some meritorious veterans almost lost their lives several times. Why do you let others come to pick peaches instead of running the family so well?
Don't say anything, if one day, the master wants to resign, I will naturally resign with him.Then, the next Patriarch, I hope that we meritorious clan members, or descendants of meritorious clan members, will be the next Patriarch. "Chu Shinian expressed his attitude towards the next Patriarch.

"What? Commander, if the Patriarch resigns, you will also resign. How can this be done? You must at least persevere for a few more days, so that the next Patriarch can get used to it, right?"

"I heard what you mean, what do you think, what if the two of us separate as husband and wife?" Chu Shinian's tone suddenly became bad.

Chu Ziyan hurriedly begged for mercy. "My fault, my fault. But the head, I still think that if you two resign together, the family will be empty."

"Then what do you do? Now the Patriarch and I are leading everyone forward. When you all grow up, whoever is the Patriarch, you can all help him." Chu Shinian said.

"This..." Chu Ziyan hesitated.

"Actually, you can't always be on the front line for the family. You have to give the children below a chance. Besides, when your cultivation has reached a certain level, you need to put more effort into it. Besides, if I really go In the battlefield outside the boundaries, I still hope to have some really useful helpers. At that time, I plan to bring you, Zilan, and Zixian into it. So in terms of successors, you all have to start training."

"Outside the battlefield?" Chu Ziyan's eyes flickered, "What's going on with this outside battlefield?"

Chu Shinian simply told him what happened on the battlefield outside the boundary. "This kind of place is dangerous, but there are more opportunities." Chu Shinian said, "I plan to take everything you can take away."

"Okay, then I'll go too." Chu Ziyan said decisively.

"Okay, then you can go back and make arrangements. You can also tell Zilan and the others about the battlefield outside the boundary, so that they know what to do and prepare a lot." Chu Shinian said, "You have to explain the danger to them."

"Haha, what danger is a good man afraid of?!" Chu Ziyan said in the second grade.

Chu Shinian: "..."

As soon as Chu Ziyan returned to their office, he saw Zixian and Zilan were there, so he simply said everything Chu Shinian had said.

Zixian smiled silently and said, "Our chief is very powerful, and he knows how to seduce us. He asked you to tell us those words, especially about the resignation of the patriarch and the choice of the next generation of patriarch. This is calling us to end in person. what."

"What do you mean?" Chu Ziyan was puzzled.

Zilan was indeed thoughtful. "Although they intended to design us, they also made it clear that the horses and chariots were designed openly and aboveboard, which is a conspiracy."

"Hey, let me ask you two, can you explain to me what's going on?" Chu Ziyan looked at the two of them speechlessly.

"It's no wonder that the commander-in-chief didn't keep anyone, so he just kept you by his side as his deputy, helping him until today. You are so innocent and cute." Zilan complained speechlessly.

"Chu Zilan, if you want to clean up first, then come here. My brother will loosen your muscles and bones." Chu Ziyan gritted his teeth, swayed his fingers, and rushed towards Chu Zilan.

Chu Zilan quickly dodged his impact, and said with a smile, "Do you still want me to explain the commander's original intention to you?"

"Tell me." Chu Ziyan asked speechlessly.

"Actually, you can understand the meaning of these words of the great commander. He is already tired of those people in Chuchu and some restless old guys in some branches, and some people who don't know themselves think that they are meritorious officials, so they just eat with peace of mind. Get the old guy you want.

He doesn't want to play with them anymore.

But these people, he can't kill them all with one blow.

So he plans to launch a special group to deal with these old men and careerists. "

Seeing that Chu Ziyan didn't understand, Chu Zilan continued to explain, "The commander hopes that those of us who have made great contributions to the rise of the family will form an alliance. Form a meritorious group, and then this meritorious group will help him Deal with those old men and careerists.

Hold on to the basic foundation of the family, and hold on to the inheritance of the future patriarch. "

"But don't we already have the main vein system?" Chu Ziyan said.

Chu Zilan laughed straight away. "The main line is counted according to meritorious service, but he is very loose, not very close. The commander wants us to report to the group and attack a little bit. The point is to fight against certain groups."

Chu Ziyan simply scratched his head. "I can't do this job, so you and Zixian can do it. If there is anything you can use me for, just tell me what to do."

"I'm not suitable either. Son Xian is suitable for this matter."

Zixian thought for a while and immediately said, "Okay, then I'll do it. Anyway, it's all for the family, and besides, the meritorious clan members now really lack a platform for communication."

Chu Ziyan deeply felt that family affairs were too troublesome.

"Isn't the Commander the same kind of person as I am? How can he walk around playing with this kind of thing?" Chu Ziyan asked miraculously.


Chu Zilan and Chu Zixian laughed wantonly.

"Since when has the commander-in-chief been in the same category as you? The commander-in-chief has always been a man with a deep city and a deep heart." Chu Zixian smiled.The Grand Commander is not only extremely deep in the city, but also indifferent. After he took the position of Grand Commander, he only did what the Patriarch arranged.He didn't care about the needs of other clansmen at all.

Push it all to the people below to do it.

Now he actually started to play tricks with the clansmen, probably to share some of the pressure and burden of the Patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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