The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1035 Lava Field

Chapter 1035 Lava Field
Soon, Chu Zixian contacted many meritorious clan members and built this main group.

Therefore, whether it was Chu Zifei and other people from Chu Chu, ambitious people from certain branches, and people who had infiltrated from outside forces, they all felt that life was sad.

As long as some forces in the Chu family find out that they have changed, those forces will exert their strength to squeeze them out, suppress them, and even drive them away.

For example, Chu Zifei and the others originally rented a large number of spiritual fields on various islands to grow various elixir.As a result, recently the owner of Lingtian, the owners of the manor have begun to tell him clearly that the last one is the last one, and they will not lease it to them next year.

This will greatly affect Yichu and their income next year.

Chu Zifei hurriedly asked someone to ask.Why not lease to them.

Naturally, someone told Chu Zifei that he should be less involved in the selection of the next Patriarch.

Then, workshop orders continued to die, or the spiritual land that was scheduled to be purchased disappeared.After his investigation, he soon knew the source of why such accidents occurred.

Chu Zifei sighed deeply, and sat in his chair for a long time without saying a word.

Chu Shinian's use of this set of combined punches was really digging his roots.

It seemed that he had to hide for a while again.

Here, Chu Shinian secretly quelled the upcoming conflicts and crises within the clan, while Taohua was actively planning a new construction plan.

Ever since the Fire Lingzhu fell into the Fire Palace, the temperature of the palace over there has risen to the point where no one can enter.Even if you go in, you can still see the surrounding walls and ground, and the canopy is extremely melted.

The fiery nature of the earth veins directly ignited a raging fire in the underground palace.

If Peach Blossom hadn't been built to the middle stage of the Zifu Realm, and she still had many ice-type spirits on her body, she wouldn't be able to get in at all.

After carefully surveying the actual situation here, Taohua traveled all over the Flame Mountain and Lava Lake.

In the end, he ran to the small cave formed by the earth attribute veins.Because of the collection of a large number of earth veins, Xiaodongtian is growing almost non-stop.The land area inside has also evolved from a few acres to the current size of a hundred acres.

Taohua surveyed the entire land in Xiaodongtian, then chose a place, and began to have people dig the soil, digging a large hole directly in the ground.Then start to arrange the array.The arrangement of the array this time was quite slow.There are also a lot of formation materials used.

After the formation patterns full of ancient meaning merged one by one and completely integrated into one, Peach Blossom buried a red lotus seed with deep red dark lines on the core of the formation.

As the formation was activated in Taohua's hands.A fiery red flame suddenly rose from the formation that had just been buried in the ground.

These flames looked like flames, but as soon as the fire-attributed monk passed by, he immediately felt, "This is aura, this is the aura of fire attribute, and it's all transformed?"

Taohua hurriedly let them disperse.

A certain seed at the core of the formation finally broke through the ground and germinated under the urging of a large amount of fire-attributed spiritual energy, and then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, quickly grew into a huge fiery red lotus.

It took two heavy effort to refine a few breaths.Unexpectedly, the deformed fireball continuously twisted and jumped on the lotus pod.

"What is that? A big fire lotus?"

Tao Hua was surrounded by formation masters who came to help.Someone among them asked.

"That's a mutated fire spirit lotus, which is specially used to cultivate fire-attribute spiritual creatures."

The formation masters around gasped, "Is the thing on the lotus pod a fire-attribute spirit?"

When Tao Hua heard the question, she nodded and said, "Yes, but we don't know what it is yet, we have to wait for the Huo Linglian to conceive by itself."

"What a baby." Someone praised.

But this is not the end, because in the big pits all over the formation, the last layer of soil is gradually crystallized and glazed.Then a layer of light red liquid started to appear in some potholes.

"Patriarch, those soils have turned into crystals, what is the red liquid in those potholes?" A young formation master asked.

"It's fire liquid, pure. It hasn't been blended with anything. You can come here to get it if you need it in the future."

"Huoling... liquid?" Everyone looked at the Patriarch wearing the peach blossom mask in shock.

"It's the fire spirit liquid. The underground formation was transformed to condense the fire spirit liquid." It was the Nine Heavens Gathering Treasure Formation, one of the top ten spirit formations in ancient times.This treasure-gathering array condenses more than just spiritual liquid.Spiritual fluid should be said to be the most common thing.

"With a pit that is one mu in size, will you condense a pool of fire liquid in the future?" The formation masters looked at the big pit in shock. This big pit has an area of ​​one mu, but it is also one foot deep.What if they are all filled with fire liquid?How much is that?
It's simply sensational.

"The area of ​​Xiaodongtian will be larger in the future, and the pond will probably have to be expanded by then. This area is not big enough." Taohua said.

"Patriarch, every shot you make is adding to the heritage of our Chu family." An old formation master said with emotion.

"It's just doing more things with everyone's help. Besides, it's because our clansmen are all dedicated to the sake of the family, and everyone is working hard. The Chu clan is what it is today." Taohua simply poured some chicken soup for everyone.

There is no way, the family is big, and people's hearts are mixed, so they can only take advantage of the opportunity.

But the effect is still good. The formation master, the surrounding guards, and the sergeants were all excited when they heard it.

"Everyone check again, is the new formation working? Is there any problem? If there is no problem, everyone should follow me and continue to work on the Huoyan Mountain." Taohua reminded everyone.

"Okay, okay, let's go check."

A group of formation masters ran to get busy again.

Because of this pond and the fire spirit lotus, Xiaodongtian must be guarded by experts from now on.

However, this did not trouble the Chu family, and anyone who came to guard them was very excited. This is a good opportunity to observe the Huolingchi and Huolinglian up close.

The Flame Mountain is no longer the original Flame Mountain, and the magma lake is no longer the original magma lake.Since the fire attribute ley line has a huge outlet here, the Huoyan Mountain continues to grow its own mountain body. It has grown from a small mountain range to a huge and majestic towering mountain range with many branches.The magma lake is also constantly expanding its area, and the lava flows meanderingly, occupying several large and small magma lakes and magma pools.

The vast surrounding areas have been transformed into volcanic magma landforms.

As soon as you enter here, it's like falling into a strange lava world.

(End of this chapter)

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