The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1036 Rebuilding Magma Lake and Flame Mountain

Chapter 1036 Rebuilding Magma Lake and Flame Mountain

"How does the Patriarch plan to build it here? I'm afraid the landscape cannot be easily changed." The person in charge of the formation masters who came with Taohua opened his mouth and said.

"Is there anything that should not be changed? It all depends on whether you dislike trouble or not." Taohua looked at the embarrassment on the other party's face before continuing, "We are human race? Not monsters or monster races. Such violent, rough The environment is more suitable for the survival and cultivation of monsters and monsters. It is not suitable for human monks to explore on the road of cultivation."

The other side was stunned.

"How do you say that human monks are stronger than those monsters and monsters?" Taohua asked again.

"Because we are creative and good at using tools."

"That's right." Taohua nodded. "We have a pair of hardworking hands, we are good at using various tools, we are creative, and we turn various disadvantages into advantages.

Since the development of the human race, the times that are good at changing are prosperous times.

Now that the aura is recovering, this great world is a great opportunity for us and the monsters and monsters.If we don't take the initiative to seek change and try to make ourselves stronger, then the monster clan and monsters will be very happy.What do you say? "

The other party's eyes are very emotional. "yes."

The reconstruction of the fire attribute underground palace is almost a big move.

The formation masters first cooled the underground palace so that the underground palace would no longer melt.A large amount of precious ice-attribute spiritual materials were used.In the end, a large number of mutated ice lotuses were temporarily moved in to temporarily relieve the influence of the violent fire-attributed earth vein energy.

The underground palace was re-excavated this time, and the excavation was even bigger and deeper.It was almost attached to the entrance of the fire-attributed earth veins, and sat on it without doing anything.But it burned right away.

The entire underground formation is also re-arranged, and the materials used to construct the formation are several grades higher than the previous one.

The spiritual materials used in this trial are at least third-order.It turns out that when the underground palace was built, a large number of first- and second-tier spiritual materials were selected.Without the protection of the formation, those spiritual materials would have been burned and melted long ago.

But this time when the underground palace was being rebuilt, it turned out that just after the formation was dug, the materials used to build the formation were broken into slag, and those that were not broken into slag were burned into fly ash.

After re-laying more complicated layers of formations, the congenital fire spirit beads were placed again on the console of the last layer.

But this time, after the formation was activated on the console, the rising flame turned purple.

In the past, the flames above were crimson spiritual flames.

This kind of purple flame seems to be more favored by the Xiantian Fire Lingzhu.As soon as it rose, the Huo Lingzhu took the initiative to jump into Huo Yan's heart and roll.Breathing in and out is like a living thing.This is the time to link up with Xiaopang in the Fire Underground Palace again, and send over the strange energy in a certain stone.

The Fire Spirit Orb happily refined the energy, and the gray-black crystals that were analyzed were not transferred away again.

All kinds of ice spiritual materials were dispersed, and the ice lotuses were moved away. The underground palace was once again roasted by the fire-attributed earth veins and earth energy. With the operation of the formation this time, the temperature in the underground palace only rose slightly. High, and the surrounding walls did not appear to melt again.

This shows that the new formation is still suitable, at least in terms of endurance, it is much stronger than the original one.

After re-fixing the underground palace, Taohua brought the magma lakes that frightened people to freeze all over the place.The magma lake is next to the Flame Mountain. As the Flame Mountain continues to grow, there are fifteen magma lakes, large and small.

Each magma lake was summoned by Taohua to a large number of craftsmen and formation masters, as well as sergeants to dig out the hardened magma rocks.The depth of the big lake is about three or four feet deep, and the smallest magma lake is just over a foot deep.

Regardless of the depth, a large number of formations were arranged on the hardened magma rocks, and by the way, the shapes of the magma lakes were adjusted to make them more regular and beautiful.

Afterwards, a fire spirit lotus seed was buried in the center of each formation.

As soon as the fire spirit lotus is buried, it will immediately grow into a huge fire spirit lotus with the help of the fire-attributed earth energy and spiritual energy accumulated underground for a long time, and then open double petals, and start to breed fire-attribute spiritual things on the lotus pod.

In the same way, the fire spiritual liquid also gradually appeared in some potholes at the bottom of the Great Lake at a speed visible to the naked eye, and more and more.

Except for the fire spirit lotus growing in the smallest small lake, which just bloomed and did not breed fire spirits, the lotus pods in other large lakes had amazing fire spirits writhing on them.

After the fifteen large formations were activated, they were connected to each other, and then connected to the underground palace.

After a certain fire spirit orb was connected by them, he suddenly felt his body heavy, and the flames of the purple formation that had been burning violently under him were sucked away a lot.

Somewhat unwillingly, it sucked Ziyan down under itself again.

However, with the continuous absorption of the thirteen formations outside, Zi Yan couldn't resist at all, so he could only directly distribute the generals to the outside masters.

Huo Lingzhu was out of breath, and from then on, he became a ghost outside.

Fifteen Mutated Fire Spirit Lotuses: They are all part-time workers, so why rush each other?
Huo Lingzhu: Mine, mine, and Ziyan are all mine.

Fifteen mutated or Linglian: Don't, we will use it too.

So both of them ferociously absorbed the firepower of the earth veins, accelerated the growth of the fire spirit beads, and accelerated the accumulation of fire spirit liquid in the fifteen spirit lakes.Frenzied, a large amount of earth vein fire energy continuously circulated in the underground palace, the fifteen fire spirit lakes and the fire spirit pool in Xiaodongtian.

The lava landforms formed nearby that were originally caused by the venting of the firepower of the leylines also began to cool down and change rapidly.Some of the surrounding volcanoes have gradually solidified, and even some greenery has recovered on the mountain.

These mountains, which were originally burned for years because of magma lakes, flaming mountains, and earth fire outlets, have gradually formed their own fire attribute veins because they were eroded by the power of earth fire and fire aura all the year round after returning to green. .

Taohua has already arranged for people to continue to transform these mountains, and strive to transform these mountains into fire-type elixir mountains as soon as possible.

In addition to the already cooled Spiritual Medicine Mountain, as the Huoyan Mountain grew larger and larger, as a holy place for cultivation and a breeding ground for fire-attribute spiritual creatures, its own formation became even more inappropriate.

Recently, Taohua, who has made great progress in the formation, simply rebuilt and adjusted the formation of this flaming mountain.

Make full use of the entire formation space and the Flame Mountain.

There were originally hundreds of training rooms in the mountain, but Taohua arranged for people to chisel out tens of thousands of them.It immediately solved the problem of shortage of training resources for fire attribute monks in the army recently.The number of monks practicing fire-attribute skills in the army was originally the most.Their resource constraints have always been a problem.Taohua transformed the entire Flame Mountain at once, turning the original hundreds of fire attribute training rooms into tens of thousands.Now anyone with a little military merit can apply for one and practice for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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