The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1037 Shenhai Palace

Chapter 1037 Shenhai Palace

With this benefit, the monks in the army were all happy.

It was still the voice of praise from the Patriarch who cared for his subordinates.

And the top executives of the Chu family now have another place where they can check in every day.

Early in the morning, Wei Fanyu came to Huoling Lake to do some exercise.Those who fight, punch, and run mountains don't dislike the distance here at all.Anyway, he is already in the Purple Mansion Realm, and the speed of volleying is quite fast.Enough for him to walk around and run back.

The speed at which the fire spirit liquid accumulates in the Huoling Lake here is called a block.

Today's largest lake has accumulated to the height of a person's calf.

The smallest spiritual lake has already been filled with fire liquid.

And the Fire Spirit Pond in Xiaodongtian has been accumulating more and more spiritual fluids, so various fire-type spirit stones and crystals have been born. I heard that the owner is still preparing to stock the fire-type spirit fish in the spirit pool over there. of.

It is unbelievable that the lava lake that originally burst was tamed in this way.

It has also become a treasure land for human beings to accumulate psychic liquid.With these ten or so large lakes, it will be difficult for many forces on the mainland to catch up with their Chu family in flattery.

The reconstruction of the Underground Palace, Linghu Lake, and Huoyan Mountain has brought about such a huge impact that it is about to push the Patriarch to the altar.

Fortunately, the head of the family is very low-key on weekdays, and he is often seen.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be chased away by a group of crazy worshipers of the Patriarch, right?

Just as Wei Fanyu ran up the mountain to the side of the Flame Mountain, he saw Chu Zifei standing on the back of a big mountain gazing at the biggest Huoling Lake.

"I don't see you coming here on weekdays? What's the matter? Are you interested in seeing these Huoling lakes today?"

Chu Zifei saw it and twitched the corner of his mouth. "It always feels like a dream."

"What? Like a dream?!" Wei Fanyu was puzzled.

"Our patriarch has never taken an unusual path. He accidentally discovered that a spirit pool had to be hidden. As for her, she built more than a dozen spirit lakes and began to accumulate spirit fluid at the same time.

When these thirteen spirit lakes are full, all fire attribute monks from the entire continent will come towards our Chu family. "

"I don't have enough for my own family. How can I have enough to entertain others?" Wei Fanyu said speechlessly, "Didn't you hear that the Patriarch is recruiting again?"

"The family has raised 360 million soldiers, why is she still recruiting?" Chu Zifei was puzzled. "Could it be that you really plan to attack the Great Northwest Wilderness?"

"I don't know, who can guess what the Patriarch is thinking?" Wei Fanyu complained.He is an old man, and he still can't guess what the Patriarch is thinking.

"I heard that the Yao Kingdom near our Chu family has been forced to perish due to internal and external troubles?" Chu Zifei asked.

"Yao Kingdom's territory is too small, so the local patriarch of Yao Kingdom will not conscript soldiers." Wei Fanyu gave his own opinion.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to talk to me so peacefully. Recently, I've become a plague god. Whoever sees me hides." Chu Zifei said with self-deprecation.

"You are a troublesome father, and you have been visited by the commander in chief. If you don't become the god of plague, whoever will become the god of plague." Wei Fanyu laughed.

Like he has no family, no job and no children, the Chu family is his home.

When he was able to move, he worked for the Chu family, and when he died, he was bought into the Chu family's family tomb.

What a relief.

"Well, people are in the Jianghu, and they can't help themselves." Chu Zifei said with emotion.

"You'd better take it easy, that kid Chu Shinian is ruthless, but the key is that he is very cold and ruthless. Don't look at him smiling all day long, it's all fake." Wei Fanyu reminded him.

"Why do you train such a kid? You are not afraid that he will betray the family? Betray the head of the family?" Chu Zifei asked.

"He's capable. He's capable. Why don't we cultivate him? That's when the family is at a time when the dark guards are out of reach. With such a capable kid, everyone will naturally devote all their efforts to cultivating him." Wei Fanyu said. "As for betraying the family and the Patriarch. That's impossible, he should be able to resign safely.

It's just that he doesn't know who he will hand over the position of the commander of the dark guard. "

"You trust him too much." Chu Zifei said dissatisfied.

"Stop instigating, if you continue to make trouble, Chu Shinian will really force you to leave and set up another sect."

Chu Zifei was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"Okay, I won't tell you any more, I'm going back to have breakfast." Wei Fanyu turned his head and ran towards Xianyang after finishing speaking.

With old man Wei's strength, he could go to Xianyang Restaurant for breakfast in less than a quarter of an hour.

Others often go to Huoling Lake to visit, but Taohua devotes all her energy to the transformation of Xiaodongtian.Although the original yin and yang essence and the green dragon essence were used for Xiaopang's promotion, she still has the West Yellow Earth.

A large amount of western loess has been incorporated into Xiaodongtian, which immediately makes Xiaodongtian look more like a khaki sphere.After the Xiaodongtian is self-contained, it will gradually use the space barrier to hide itself in the void.

Only through the invisible entrance and exit can one enter the small cave.

As for the Chu family's current small cave, they probably ate too much Xihuangtu.Far from the ground, you can see a yellow ball shadow in the sky.Faintly, looming.

And after incorporating a large amount of western loess, the area of ​​Xiaodongtian has grown rapidly, from the original hundreds of acres to an area of ​​thousands of acres.Unfortunately, it is still flat.No other terrain is visible.

Apart from the West Loess, Taohua had nothing available to integrate into the Xiaodongtian for a while.After all, the last time Xiaopang was promoted, he almost wiped out all the good things that the family had hoarded in the past ten years.

She didn't even have many special crystals in her hand.

Recently, the Sea Clan has been in chaos. Even the transactions on Guangle Reef have stopped and continued, and the number of items traded each time has also been greatly reduced.

In the deep sea, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is not as calm as the Guanghan Sword Sect.

Speaking of which, this Guanghan Sword Sect is much more stylish than the Five Sect Alliance in her previous life.At least it didn't almost kill all the native land forces on the original mainland in order to establish its prestige like the five sect alliance in the previous life.

"What are you worried about?" As soon as Chu Shinian walked in, he saw Tao Hua dragging his chin in worry.

"I'm worried about what resources our Xiaodongtian will use to develop well." Taohua said.

"Do you have any ideas?" Chu Shinian asked.

"If you want to say that there are abundant resources, there is nothing richer than the extinct Shenhai Palace. I want to visit some of their lairs." Taohua said.

"Okay, you can leave someday," Chu Shinian said.

"We can't just leave this time. We have to bring a large number of people with us," Tao Hua said.

"What? Could there be other forces on the site of Shenhai Palace?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Not only are other forces in the way, but it's not easy to dig their coffins." Taohua shrugged helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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