The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1038 The Exposed Silver Osmanthus Tree

Chapter 1038 The Exposed Silver Osmanthus Tree
"If that's the case, I suggest that we clear out the Jincheng ruins first. Increase the manpower and let the monks in the army participate." Chu Shinian said. "It's time to excavate the ruins of Shenhai Palace for us to train soldiers."

"That's okay. The Jincheng ruins have already been excavated to the inner city. The remaining area is not too big. If the number of people is increased by three times, the cleaning speed will increase a lot. However, some small things are unavoidable." Taohua Road.

"Don't worry about it, let them take it. I don't think I'll leave anything. If something important happens, I believe our sergeants will think of the family."

If you can't eat it yourself, what should you do if you don't ask your family?Chu Shinian felt that basically everyone should understand this truth.Besides, a group of people were digging, and when there was a lot of movement, the comrades around could see it.

The head of the Chu family suddenly recruited three veteran teams to join in the excavation of the Jincheng ruins.

Immediately attracted the attention of many forces in the neighboring Yao Kingdom and the Great Northwest Wilderness.Is this going to clean us up after the ruins are cleaned up?
The monks in the army cleaned up the ruins, and the speed of clearing the field immediately increased a lot.

A large amount of Lingjin has been demolished.

All kinds of special runes, before the formation masters seriously engraved them, the sergeants had already removed the whole piece of spirit gold full of runes, moved it aside, and let the formation masters reproduce it.Anyway, don't get in the way and affect the progress.

Due to the fast demolition speed, many underground corridors, hidden grooves, and some secret rooms were soon discovered.However, there are also no human corpses. Occasionally, the corpses of a few Huoyao people are sealed in special coffins and used as energy.

Chu Shinian found a special place to store these special corpses.Wait until Tong Feng comes over again.Tong Feng never came over, it is said that he was busy with something.

Occasionally, some small things were produced, and they were all specially sent to Taohua, and after identification, they would be included in the clan treasury.

It was not until the core halls of the Jincheng ruins were demolished that things really came out again.

There are two small standing tables on the left and right of the throne in the main hall, which are square.On one side is a golden carved pot with a thin mouth.On one side is a miniature golden osmanthus tree bonsai.As soon as Taohua entered the main hall, the silver osmanthus tree in her Taiyin Stone Pagoda began to move.

Taohua hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"That's my body. A large part of it is preserved too completely." Yingui communicated with Taohua using her spiritual thoughts.

"Really?" Taohua asked in astonishment.

"Really, that is my body. It occupies at least two-thirds of my original body. At the beginning, my original body was torn apart. I thought I would die, but who knew that I would be able to recover. I don't know who, Refined my body and shrunk it into a bonsai. It's really annoying."

"Wait, aren't you Silver Osmanthus?" Taohua asked.

"Yeah, I don't know that it was that wicked ghost who put a layer of golden spiritual gold on my tree." Yingui said angrily.

Dead, the body is still covered with a layer of spirit gold, ahem, why is this method so familiar?
"Ahem, is that bonsai still useful to you? If not, I'll put it in the ground for peace." Taohua asked.

"What's safe in the ground? My body seems to be dead, but in fact there is still a lot of my power. If you give it to me, I can get my own power back." Yin Gui said.

"Okay, just wait a moment." Tao Hua went directly to the bonsai, and brought the small bonsai into the small world.

The bonsai that flew into the small world became extremely huge, like a huge mountain.

A silver treasure tree on the ground, which looked like a silver carving, suddenly released a huge silver light cluster, and the huge bonsai on the head was swept away and swallowed.As soon as the bonsai was devoured, the silver osmanthus tree began to grow uncontrollably.

The height of the tree soared from three feet.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet.Every time it gets higher, the world makes it smaller again.If you increase it again, you will shrink it again.

One tree, one world, it's like making an appointment with each other. The silver osmanthus tree is constantly growing taller, and the world is constantly shrinking the silver osmanthus tree.However, it is also proportional to zoom out.The silver osmanthus tree quickly grew to the height limit of the world.

The world trembled and trembled, and it was probably speechless.

Don't look at it as small, but as long as the silver osmanthus tree does not grow to ten thousand feet, it will never reach its limit.

It seemed helpless and trembled again.

The mini world suddenly increased its height and area.

Suddenly expanded ten times.

Almost the entire ninth floor is completely filled.

The various mountains, rivers, and little creatures in the original world have also been enlarged to a certain size.It looks slightly bigger.

The silver osmanthus tree continued to grow, and finally stopped growing when it reached about [-] feet.

At this time, it is already a real fairy root tree. "Except that the small world in my body has not yet recovered, my sixth-level cultivation has returned."

"The small world in your body, recover by yourself. I am tired of raising you now, you should quickly absorb the spiritual energy of the void by yourself. Stop competing for spiritual energy with the little guys in the world." World Will Yinyue complained to her friend angrily.

I don't even think about it, how heavy is the world's burden when a tree of its size grows in such a small world? !

Hurry up and be self-reliant, my sister can't afford you.

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry. When my cultivation is back, I can still absorb spiritual energy for you." Yingui Baoshu said confidently.

At this time, Taohua passed on the information again.

It turned out that when the silver osmanthus tree was growing crazily, a huge phantom of a huge silver osmanthus tree appeared over the entire Jincheng ruins.The phantom has been growing crazily from the very beginning of its appearance.

Know that it grows from the ground to nine days.

It seems that the phantom that grows grows to burst the world.

Just now, that phantom suddenly disappeared.

Taohua hurriedly contacted Yingui Baoshu again and asked if it was in any danger!
"No master, I just regained my own strength." Yingui Baoshu sent back the news.

"I thought you had regained the sixth-level cultivation base and planned to break the contract with Taohua and leave alone." Yinyue asked in surprise.After all, Peach Blossom is only at the third level.

"I'll go whatever I want. Before I met her, the last bit of willpower was about to dissipate. It's only been a long time since I recognized her as the master. Not only did I get back most of my original body, but I also restored my cultivation base to the sixth level. I still Squat obediently in her hand. You see, that five-element spirit vein is about to evolve into a spirit mountain.

If I follow her, maybe I can reach the ninth rank. "

This ambition is quite big.

Xian Gen thought, oh, it would be quite difficult to evolve to the ninth level.

Ahhh, Yinyue burst into laughter. "It's not long since I was born with will, so I don't understand your thoughts. But I like peach blossoms very much, and I should always follow it in the future. If you don't leave, stay and be my company."

"That's good."

When they were chatting first, Tao Hua had a very headache.

The small golden pot on the other side of the small square table was actually filled with Sun Essence Essence Liquid.

This thing is precious and rare, but it is useful and useless to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian practiced on the path of the origin of the fire element, but not on the path of yang, which is just to the point of yang.This kind of Sun Essence Essence, although he also absorbed it and has great benefits, it is not the most suitable.So Chu Shinian decided to put away the small pot, and exchange it with the Zongmen for more useful spiritual objects.

The couple had just decided where to go for the Sun Essence Essence Liquid in the small pot.Over there, Yingui began to explode.

The key is that it erupted too conspicuously, and the aura fluctuations it attracted were like a sea tide, rolling in the sky.

It grows so big that it seems to burst through the sky.

There is no way to hide this kind of thing.

At least all the forces in the entire Yun'an Continent will soon learn of its caution.

Taohua lowered her voice to discuss with Chu Shinian.

He asked the dark guard to give Chu Zixian his handwriting.It's up to him to explain what happened just now.

After Chu Zixian accepted the letter, he grinned and exhaled again.

Chu Xinjia and Chu Zilan who watched were surprised.

"what happened?"

"Just now, the Patriarch seized another fairy root for the family. The silver osmanthus precious tree." Chu Zixian folded the letters in his hands and put them in his pocket.

"Is that the big silver osmanthus tree just now?"

The scene just now seemed like a miracle, and everyone saw it.

The big osmanthus tree grew from the Jincheng ruins.

"Then our Chu family has immortal roots?" Chu Zilan was startled, and then laughed again. "It's really a good thing."

"What a great thing?" Chu Zixian said in a speechless voice, "It would be nice to have a celestial root and raise it quietly at home. A big trouble has been caused, and everyone knows about it. What do you think should be done?"

Chu Zilan chuckled and said, "It turns out that the Patriarch dislikes trouble and asked you to deal with the aftermath."

Chu Zixian immediately showed a bitter face, "Who said no, why is it always me who is unlucky."

"That's not because the Patriarch values ​​you. This job is really suitable for you." Chu Xinjia laughed happily beside her.Emma, ​​if Chu Zixian didn't come back, this bad job would definitely fall on his head.

Fortunately, Chu Zixian came back.

"I remember that things with Zigong are getting better, so don't you need him to stay in charge?" Chu Zixian asked.

"I heard it's not good. The Gray Barbarian Realm is still waiting for soldiers. When will a wave of cannon fodder soldiers enter the Gray Barbaric Realm, when will Zi Gong come back. There must be someone standing there." Chu Xinjia stroked his beard and looked at him. Said very seriously.

"Then Zilan..." Zixian cast his realization on Chu Zilan again.

"Didn't Zixiang and Zifan come back? What's the matter, you can find them. The two of them have few things to do, and they will definitely help you." Zilan immediately blamed the situation again.

Needless to say, Zixiang and Ziwen are indeed idlers.

"Then it's just the two of them." Zixian said immediately.Anyway, he can't be busy alone, and he can't be too busy.

Someone has to help.

Next, the Chu family welcomed a steady stream of people.

Everyone was asking about the situation of the big tree just now.Chu Zixian immediately arranged for Ziwen and Zixiang to receive them, and then told the Chu family a new fairy root, a precious tree of silver osmanthus.The phantom before was the phantom of the silver osmanthus tree breaking through the seal.

Everyone said: ghosts believe you.Such a big one, still experiencing the crazy growth before, is it breaking through the seal?No matter how you look at it, it looks like a sudden restoration of cultivation base, or a performance of breakthrough cultivation base.

So here comes the question, how long has the Chu family owned this immortal root?

Can Zixiang and Zifan talk about this?Don't say you don't know, even if you know, you won't say it.

If you are in a hurry, serve tea to see off the guests.

Tong Feng came running again at this time.

"I heard you got a celestial root?" He asked about the celestial root as soon as he came, and Chu Shinian also said neatly, "Yes. Good luck."

"Oh, you guys are so lucky." Tong Feng looked left and right, stared at Chu Shinian for a long time, and then said sourly.

Pfft, Chu Shinian burst out laughing.

"It's just a celestial root. Our world's aura is revived. I'm afraid there will be so many celestial roots in the future."

"Where could it be?" Tong Feng said angrily. "This world is recovering, and everyone talks about good things and land, but there are only so many real treasures. If you take it away, others can't get it. You have the Lingshan, and you have the fairy root. It is super luxurious and top-notch. Configuration ah.

There are many young and old in Lingshan in our sect, but those who have immortal roots to suppress them are really rare.

Immortal roots are very useful. Originally, after Lingshan was promoted, there was also a few major shortcomings.That is the lack of explosive power and the high difference in mobility.But if there is a quasi-celestial root as the core of the Lingshan Guardian Array.That's great.You can control Lingshan's ultra-high-speed flight at any time, and you can also mobilize the aura of the entire Lingshan to launch various powerful attacks.

Are you talking about bulls or bulls? "

"Immortal roots can still be used like this?" Chu Shinian was stunned.It was the first time he had heard of it.

"Of course it can be used in this way. Shenting has developed to the present, and there are certain routines for how to match Lingshan and Xiangen. At that time, you can go directly to buy a set of Lingshan defensive array. Then plant the spirit root and you can use it. .” Tong Feng said. "If I had a spiritual mountain, I wouldn't have been kicked out so early in the out-of-bounds battlefield."

"Lingshan is so big, I'm afraid he is also a key target. Are you sure you were not caught and sent to death early?" Chu Shinian asked speechlessly.

"If you talk like this, you will have no friends." Tong Feng said angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth." Chu Shinian said helplessly.

"Anyway, the fairy root is very important. I haven't heard of a single fairy root since I came here. How did your family get a complete fairy root so early?" His tone became even more sour.

"It's a surprise. When we dismantled the ruins of Jincheng, we found a bonsai next to the throne when we dismantled it into the main hall. That bonsai turned out to be a fairy root after it was unsealed. It's also our luck." Chu Shinian answered him.

"I hate people like you who always encounter accidents the most. And the accidents are very good." Tong Feng complained speechlessly.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't think of that either." Chu Shinian deliberately angered him.

 The author hates the trouble of posting two chapters, and will try to post one chapter in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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