The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1039 Ling Yanshu and Chu Zifei who went to Tongcheng

Chapter 1039 Ling Yanshu and Chu Zifei who went to Tongcheng

"By the way, when will your Lingshan be promoted to the sixth rank?" Tong Feng asked again.

"My family's spiritual vein has just been promoted to the fifth rank." Chu Shinian gritted his teeth.

"You should also add more spiritual veins to it, devour more spiritual veins, and only the fifth-level spiritual veins can be promoted to the sixth-level." Tong Feng said.

"Take your time, it can't stand it by devouring too many spiritual veins at once. Besides, when it was promoted last time, it swallowed all the sealed spiritual veins of a slightly higher level in the family." Chu Shi Nian Road.

Speaking of which, the Chu family has also found some high-level spiritual veins over the years, and even obtained some from various ruins.But none of them are as good as the fourth-order peak spirit vein that was devoured by the spirit vein last time.

Except for the ones that Taohua threw away when his own spiritual veins were promoted, there is still a little bit left in the clan treasury.Peach Blossom is planning to save it for the time being.

Anyway, the fifth-order spirit vein has not completely consumed that meteorite yet.

"Hey, in addition to the future Lingshan, your family also has a small cave, why do you make me so greedy?" Tong Feng said.

"No way, you still send Lingshan and Xiaodongtian? There are no ones that are too high-level, and you can't get ordinary ones?" Chu Shinian was a little surprised.

"Do you think Lingshan is a Chinese cabbage? You said how many there are. Our Tong family has one, but that Lingshan has long been occupied by the ancestors of the Tong family. Where can we share it? Xiaodongtian Not to mention, my father controls one now. But it is shared by the clan. If my father resigns, it will not belong to my father."

Tong Feng's biological father, Tong Jian, is now the head of the Tong family.

"Then you have to spend a lot of time thinking. I heard from Taohua that there are actually small caves in our world. Some are still in the dusty ruins, and some are in the hands of certain forces." Chu Shinian said.

"Your wife collects all kinds of news?" Tong Feng looked at him in astonishment.

"My daughter-in-law is very smart. She collects all the information in the family and then categorizes and analyzes it." Chu Shinian said arrogantly.

"Then you are lucky. This kind of ability is very useful for going to the battlefield outside the boundary." Tong Feng laughed.

"Our Chu family has a lot of talents. Besides my wife, I still have one in use called Chu Zixian, and another spare called Ling Yanshu. Ling Yanshu's mother is the blood of my Chu family. If you are interested , I will give him to you."

"Then you call him to me to have a look." Tong Feng was a little moved.

Chu Shinian smiled and said, "Why worry, we've had dinner. I'll send someone to call him."

Tong Feng thought the same, but he didn't know if he could do it.

If you really have the ability to process various messages and classify and analyze them, then it is indeed usable.As for saying that he is from the Chu family, he is actually just a relative by marriage.If he wants to leave Ling Yanshu's family.The Ling family will naturally turn their allegiance to him.

Ling Yanshu was still puzzled when he first came, why did Mr. Tong keep asking him various questions when he came here.

Ling Yanshu is good at handling government affairs, has a flexible mind, is careful and cautious in doing things, and is good at categorizing and analyzing.

The more Tong Feng chatted with him, the more he felt that this kid was capable, a buried talent.

Then he couldn't help but said to him, "I think you're a talent, and I've wronged you too much in the hands of that kid Chu Shinian. Why don't you follow me?"

Ling Yanshu was stunned.

Chu Shinian blanked Tong Feng angrily before saying, "I have a deep relationship with Senior Brother Tong, and he said that he lacks a suitable management talent. I appreciate your style of doing things in Beiming Continent very much. So I plan to send you Recommend it to Senior Brother Tong. You can rest assured that he is the serious son of the Tong family of Guanghan Jianzong, and he will definitely not bury you.

And if you follow him, you will stand better in the future, see farther, and have more room for development. "

"I didn't expect this, can you let me think about it?" Ling Yanshu said with some astonishment.

"Naturally, it's up to you. If you're willing to come with me, then the entire Yun'an Continent will be your stage."

These words deeply moved Ling Yanshu.

He is very ambitious.

But in the Chu family, above him, there are still many powerful talents.They are older than themselves, not weak in talent, and they are at their peak, when will it be their turn to enter the core layer?
And Tong Feng obviously just came down, and he doesn't have any direct line of staff.If I followed him at this time.In the future, maybe I can develop another Chu family.

Although his heart was moved, Chu Shinian looked encouraging again.But Ling Yanshu still thought about it all night, and then went to meet Tong Feng in private to learn about the actual situation of Tong's family, and then agreed the next day.

If Ling Yanshu wanted to leave with Tong Feng, he had to go back and hand over the work.It was Chu Ziwen who followed him back.

From now on, Chu Ziyan will be in charge of his work.

This matter was soon known to all the top executives of the Chu family.

Some are happy, some are sad, and some are sneering.

When Zhuang Zihan received the news that he had accepted the report, he spit out a sip of tea.

"What? You said that Chu Shinian recommended Ling Yanshu to Tong Feng from the Tong family. That Tong Feng from the Guanghan Sword Sect?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Chu Shinian's wrists are getting smoother and smoother." Zhuang Zihan said in a low tone.Speaking of which, Ling Yanshu was the one he trained and promoted.People are quite talented, but they are too arrogant.And a little too short-sighted.

The members of his family made small movements frequently.

Chu Shinian was probably getting tired of him gradually.So kick him out.

But kicking people out and giving them such a good place to go, Chu Shinian is afraid that he will bear Bole's reputation.Hmph, he cultivated people by himself, he gained a good reputation, and he had to treat himself to a drink later.

If you don't beat him up, it's hard to relieve the depression in his heart.

Ling Yanshu also came to see him when he passed Yanbo Island.It's actually a farewell.

"Thank you for your teaching over the years."

"Go over there and work hard, and we will be humiliated by our Chu family." Zhuang Zihan encouraged him.

"Thank you for not blaming me." Ling Yanshu said gratefully.

"People go to high places, and water flows to low places. If Chu Shinian gave me the opportunity, maybe I would choose to go too." Zhuang Zihan said along with him.

Ling Yanshu immediately felt that Zhuang Zihan was a good person.

"This opportunity is really rare. Besides, it was recommended to me by the commander-in-chief."

People lift people in flower sedan chairs.After hearing this, Zhuang Zihan immediately said, "That kid Chu Shinian thinks very highly of you. When you leave, if you have a confidant who is handy, just let me know and you can take him away. Of course, he has to be willing to accompany you." Let’s go. Compulsion is not an option.”

"Where am I that kind of person?" Ling Yanshu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I will ask them, if anyone is willing to go with me, I will take them away. Just the family?"

"There's no problem with that. Once you settle down, you can come back to pick up your family." Zhuang Zihan said.

"Thank you very much." Ling Yanshu still respected Zhuang Zihan very much. This man taught him a lot.

After sending Ling Yanshu away, Lao Zhuang didn't care too much. Anyway, this matter is easy to do, and the aftermath is handled by Chu Zifan, which is very safe.

Ling Yanshu took three confidants away, and the handover with Chu Ziyan went smoothly.

He also warned his family and relatives.

As soon as he left, Chu Zifan used all kinds of excuses to put his people in idle positions.After all, their family is likely to leave with Ling Yanshu.So now is the time to start preparing.

The Ling family couldn't say anything else.Because what Chu Ziyan used was the reason why Ling Yanshu asked him to take care of him before he left.

I take care of you, but you still say that I have bad intentions, this is the territory of the Chu family, what do you mean?
So the Ling family started to pack their luggage in a regular manner, selling what should be sold, buying what should be bought, and tidying up and preparing to take it away.

Ling Yanshu had been gone for less than a month before sending someone back to pick up the family. Since then, the Ling family has completely disappeared from the Chu family.

The affairs of Beiming Continent were once again in the hands of the Chu family.

Chu Ziwen made drastic reforms and promoted many newcomers.It has greatly improved the efficiency of Chu's bullying the entire Beiming Continent and constantly absorbing talents from them.

On more than 100 islands along the way from Beiming Continent to Yun'an Continent, a large number of outstanding children of Beiming Continent were placed.

The demonic forces on the Beiming Continent are so hateful that their teeth itch.

It's a pity that the Chu family intervened very early to disrupt the situation, so the entire Beiming Continent was not even blocked.

Because the Beiming Continent was not blocked like in the previous life, except for the Chu family on the east coast, in fact, there are forces around the continent stretching out their claws to seduce talents from their continent.

The major evil powers on Beiming Continent are not monolithic themselves, so they are naturally stretched everywhere, and they are stolen and eaten by others.

As a result, the more the entire Beiming Continent moves towards the center of Wang Continent, the more people's livelihood will suffer.As long as it has long legs, even if it is a small animal, it will drag its family and its mouth to move to the surrounding areas of the mainland.

The farther you go to the periphery of the mainland, the more populated and prosperous it becomes.

When it reaches the edge of the mainland, the population is too dense.Even the islands on the outskirts of the mainland have become sought-after goods of the various major forces.As long as the islanders work hard to survive, in less than 100 years, they will be able to spread all over the island.

Chu Shinian recommended his family Ling Yanshu to the Tong family Tong Feng, and he was well received by Tong Feng.In the end, Tong Feng even wrote a letter complaining that he didn't keep her because his father fell in love with him.

Since then, Ling Yanshu has flourished, and there are naturally many people in the family who are restless.

I feel a little underappreciated, like meeting Chu Shinian by chance.

Even if it is not used by the Chu family, Chu Shinian can recommend it.Tong's is a good place to go.

On this day, Chu Zifei came to see Chu Shinian on his own initiative.

At this time, Taohua is supervising the final demolition and construction of Jincheng.It's about to be completely dismantled.The more you get to the core part, the more complicated the formation is, and it's not so easy to disassemble.In recent days, there have been formation masters.Even Chu Shenyu, the genius formation mage of the family, was affected, and his thigh was counterattacked by the formation, which was discounted.

This one is lame.

The other formation masters feel a little panicked, don't cut off my neck, or discount it.

That's the end of the calf.

We still have a lot of sunshine and beauty that we haven't enjoyed yet.

The formation masters were more cautious and delayed the progress, but Taohua didn't rush, anyway, there was only a little left, and it wouldn't delay much time.

With Taohua not around, Chu Shinian was as busy as a tool person.

Chu Zifei came at this time, and Chu Shinian simply used him.He directly pulled over a batch of not-so-urgent documents for him to deal with.

After directly using Chu Zifei for more than two hours, it was already dark.

Only then let people go.

While the two of them were having dinner, Chu Zifei complained, "I'm here to visit on business, not to work."

"Didn't you ask me for something when you visited me? What's wrong with asking me to do some work for me?" Chu Shinian was not a vegetarian either.

Chu Zifei: "..."

After the two finished their dinner, Chu Zifei said again, "I'm here this time to ask you to recommend some old friends to the Tong family. I don't know if it's okay?"

"How is your ability?" Chu Shinian asked.

"There is no problem with their talents. They are all colleagues who used to be officials with me. Their backgrounds are very clean. They all come from poor families, and there is no family background behind them." Chu Zifei said.

"It doesn't matter if you have a family. No matter how big it is, can it be bigger than the Tong family? It's a family that occupies the world." Chu Shinian asked speechlessly.

Chu Zifei: "I didn't expect the Tong family to be so powerful."

"Give me the person and resume you mentioned, and I'll write you a letter of recommendation. When the time comes, ask your friends to take the letter to Tongcheng, which has just been built. The Tong family has its own way of receiving newcomers." The inspection method. If it is qualified and suitable, they will accept it.”

"Don't you need to take it there?" Chu Zifei asked.

"It's not from my Chu family." Chu Shinian looked at him speechlessly. "You are also an old official, and you don't even understand this."

Chu Zifei was a little shy. "I'm not too worried about my old friend."

"Then you can bring someone there," Chu Shinian said. "But you can't use the name of me and the Chu family. It's your personal friend."

"That's fine." Chu Zifei said immediately.

Chu Zifei went, and not only introduced several of his friends, but also introduced himself.Tong Jian recognized him very much.The problem is that he hesitated. If he leaves, the entire Chu family will bid farewell to him.If he doesn't leave, it won't be very good for Yichu to develop here.

To go, or not to go.

Finally, under the persuasion of his family, Chu Zifei chose to leave.

As soon as he left, Chu Chu followed suit.

Many people planned to follow him and go to Tongcheng.

People are really needed there too.Tong Jian gave very good conditions.

In fact, such things as family divisions are also very common in sects.

Their Tong family also has Xiaozong who chooses to follow other disciples and live in the family.

As the family grows, individual needs and choices are different, so splitting clans is really not a big deal.

Chu Zifei also chose to branch after careful consideration.

Rather than being thrown by Chu Shinian who doesn't know where to go, it's better to take the people of Chu Chu directly to Tongcheng and start over.

(End of this chapter)

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