Chapter 1040
Just when Chu Zifei picked up the main clan members of his direct line, in a certain palace outside the sky, a certain palace owner violently spat out a mouthful of blood.The blood was as black as ink, and the stench was hard to tell.

Even Chu Xuan, who was standing beside her, seemed to have been hollowed out suddenly and lost a lot of things, and his expression was a little out of control.

"Trash." A certain palace lord was angry. "Both of them are trash. Especially you."

Chu Xuan was a little confused. "Palace Master..."

"The descendants of the Chu family who let you keep that lineage turned their backs on the Chu family and went out. He is free, but I am miserable. Not only can I not get the luck of the Chu family, I am also backlashed Yes. What's even worse is that the other party actually joined a big clan and obtained the protection of luck.

The means I left behind have all become anchors for the family's luck to attack me.If I hadn't acted decisively and cut off the luck connection with them, it wouldn't be a matter of spitting black blood. "

This time it was a complete failure.

Fortunately, she still left a line of flesh and blood.

"Chu Xuan, didn't you say you were willing to dedicate yourself to me back then? What do you say now?"

"Palace Master, how can I control today's descendants?" Chu Xuan smiled wryly.How easy it was to give up on them at the beginning, and how impossible it is to get them back now.

"Even if you let me go to the lower realm, I can't persuade them."

In the millennium, Chu Xuan has already reached the peak of Jindan.But if you don't become a Nascent Soul, your lifespan will be exhausted.

The problem is his own business, he knows it.He was afraid that he would not be able to break through Nascent Soul.On the one hand, his aptitude is not very good, on the other hand, the Palace Master doesn't seem to support him to break through the Nascent Soul Realm.Without resources, it was too difficult for him to break through.

In the last five or sixty years left, he just wanted to live in peace.

"Why don't you go down and persuade the people in Chuchu to return to the Chu clan." As long as they go back, maybe she can still use some means to plan something.She is really not reconciled.The family fortune of the Chu family was as hot as she expected, but she couldn't get any of it.

This is simply unreasonable! !
"Then I'll go down and try." Chu Xuan nodded when she saw that the palace lord had made up her mind.

As soon as he stepped forward, he heard behind him say, "Slow down, I have a self-defense treasure here, the Double Dragon Golden Scissors. It is an imitation of the Double Dragon Golden Scissors I refined. The power is good, you can take it with you."

Chu Xuan nodded again, and took the golden scissors away.

In fact, a certain palace lord just saw Chu Xuan's leaving figure, and for some reason, his heart moved, so he yelled "slow."

Later, some brain twitch gave him the Shuangjiao Golden Scissors, and when Chu Xuan left completely, the eyes of a certain palace lord were still changing inexplicably.

Chu Xuan found some of his brothers.

He brought several brothers with him, but now there are only four left.The rest of his life energy was exhausted and he sat down.

These brothers have good cultivation talents, and through his relationship, they have developed their own small family very well, but if he is gone, I am afraid that they will not be able to take care of them.

Parents are gone, and the children and grandchildren have their own fortunes, at least Chu Xuan has nothing special to worry about.

This time I called the eldest son, eldest grandson, and four younger brothers to prepare for the fact that I would not come back, so I will explain in advance.

"This time, the palace lord asked me to go to the lower realms. The main purpose is to persuade the direct line to split off and return to the family. There should be no danger. But it's not sure. In case I can't come back, you are all married and established now, and I am fine. I'm so worried.

As long as you can take care of each other for the sake of blood, I think you should be able to live on. "

"Father, is the lower realm so dangerous? If not, then don't go down." The eldest son listened to his father's explanation, no matter how it sounded like his last words.The eldest son knew deeply that his family could live such a prosperous life only by relying on the relationship between Chu Xuan and the Palace Master. If their father were gone, they would fall into the mud all at once.

Even the outer city couldn't stay.

"The palace lord told me that I had to go. I just said that if something unexpected happens, there's nothing I can do about it." Chu Xuan said frankly.

"This..." Everyone became worried.

"Okay, I've told you everything I want to say. You all know the things at home. In fact, it's nothing. My courtyard also belongs to the Palace Master. If I'm not here, you won't be able to share it. You all leave now Well, I'll pack up and leave tomorrow."

After seeing off all the relatives, Chu Xuan stayed quietly in the center of this courtyard. Looking at this courtyard, the former parents laughed, the brothers sang happily, and the house full of children and grandchildren seemed like a big dream.


Although Chu Chu's departure made the Chu family a little flustered, after all, so many people who left all at once needed to be replaced.

The person who fills up the seat also needs to adapt to it for some time, and it is impossible to get it right away.

However, with the departure of the descendants of Chu, the Chu family gradually recovered from the bottleneck.

Looking back, Chu Shinian talked to Taohua about this matter: "Last time, I frightened Chu Zi and insisted on leaving Chu Chu's sect. I must have really frightened him. Moved my mind."

"At the end of the day, I'm too strong, which hinders his way. Besides, the Tong family may not be a good choice." Taohua said, "The direct line has a lot of troubles. With the power of the Tong family, even if someone plots against the direct line, it will not I dare not do it openly.

Otherwise, it would be the enemy of the Tong family and Guanghan Jianzong. "

"Actually, we suppressed him and Chu Chu for the sake of the family." Chu Shinian felt that he and others were extremely fair and had no selfish intentions.

"The problem is that they don't think so. This time when Dichu passes, only some of the main members should go. Once Dichu gets a foothold there, you will be ready to replace the clansmen and in-laws who belong to Dichu here.

If Chu Zifei wants to develop, he cannot do without people.Besides, the way they developed will give great privileges to many tribesmen who followed them in the early days.There will be a group of people flying to the top early, which should attract many people in the family.

So besides the Yi Chu lineage, there should be some people who are still thinking about moving. "

"It's okay. Tree big branches, big clans. I think it's a good thing to split the clan. It's not a development over there. As long as you think it's good. Besides, if something happens to our side , the Chu family will not be exterminated."

Tao Hua nodded after hearing this and said, "That's true. And for the Chu family, if Di Chu splits up, the family fortune will be simpler. If some people use Di Chu to plan our family's luck, then he will be disappointed .

This is completely hopeless. "

It is true, if the luck of the Chu family is like a delicious soft cake, then the luck of the Tong family is as solid as a rock.

As long as you dare to count it, you will be counterattacked immediately.Otherwise, a palace lord wouldn't vomit blood.

And what the couple didn't know was that in the place where the family tree was enshrined in the ancestral hall, the glazed pagoda belonging to the Chu family was more crystal clear, not only materialized, but also thicker and thicker.

The more the luck condenses and settles, the thicker the glazed pagoda becomes.

Obviously, the separation from Chu Chu not only has no effect on the luck of the family, but also allows it to purify itself and kick out some impurities.

Not long after the people from Chuchu left, the ruins of Jincheng were completely demolished, and nothing else was harvested in the end, except the formation graphics and various high-level spirit gold materials.

The void warships in the deep sea absorb all kinds of spiritual gold, and the speed of repairing the warships is getting faster and faster.

Even the core spiritual tool, the Qiankun Wanhua Furnace, has to be completely repaired.

But the later it was, the harder it was to repair it, because of the lack of those precious high-level spirit gold.

The craftsmen and ship repair masters over there even gave Taohua a list of the missing spiritual gold, including the quantity and name.

The problem is that she can't find it either.

All right, put the list first.

On behalf of Chu Shinian's direct descendants, there were [-] troops from the old battalion, plus a fleet formation, [-] warships, and [-] sea patrols.And piles of various commonly used materials.Taohua and the others set off towards the east of Jinkui Island.

The west side of Jinkui Island is the direction to the Beiming Continent.

The east coast of Beiming Continent corresponds exactly to the west of Jinkui Island.

It is different from the west side of Jinkui Island, Samsung Island, Yanbo Island and many other islands.Although there is a deep-sea undercurrent flowing on the east side of Jinkui Island, there are no islands nearby.There is deep sea all the way, and there is not even a place where the water depth is lower than 1000 meters.

The further to the east, the deeper the sea, even after walking for seven or eight days, the deep water is already 4000 meters.

In such waters, huge deep-sea behemoths can be seen everywhere.

Groups of giant beasts of the deep sea even dared to tease the big ships of the fleet.If there is nothing to do, just wipe it on the bottom of the water, rub against the big boat, and the Chu family's big boat will jump out of the sea with a jump, or it will be pushed into a bend.

The leader was Chu Fangyi again, this time he was really played by the sea beasts.

Let's go after them, they swim so fast.

Kill it, won't people avoid it?

Besides, the individuals of these giant deep-sea beasts are too big, the most common method is to bleed them, people don't care, blood loss is just to promote blood circulation.

And also very vengeful, you bled me last time, next time I will bring seven or eight of my kind to continue playing with you.

So Chu Fangyi started a guerrilla war with the deep sea monsters while sailing without doing anything else.

These giant herds are far away from the Chu family's territory, and have not yet experienced the beating of the Chu family's fleet.

Of course there was no fear, and no malice.

It's just a simple petty temper, I insist on playing with you.

That's why Taohua didn't let Chu Fangyi use large weapons for hunting giant deep sea beasts.

If these big guys really want to get the battleship to the sea, they can't keep it.

Fighting with the sea beasts, and after playing games several times, Chu Fangyi learned how to be good. He managed to let the soldiers hunt a lot of big fish. Every time the sea beasts came, they would spend money to buy the road. Don't bother me, I will Feed you delicious food.

But are sea beasts polite beasts?

No, so the sea beasts came to beg for food every day. At first they ate by themselves, and then they brought the whole family to eat.

There are more than 100 fish, big and small, and Chu Fang is tired just by feeding the fish.

Didn't you see that guy stretching his face every day?
The people in the old camp were dying of laughter.

This old boy Chu Fangyi does all the funny things every day.

Now it's all right, the deep-sea monsters don't go to other places to find food, and chase after the battleship's butt every day.

It even evolved to the point where the monks in the fleet were fishing, and they waited by the side. When the fish took the bait, they opened their mouths wide and waited to be fed.

It is simply serving the ancestors.

Once Chu Shinian saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect Chu Fangyi to be quite childlike. I like small fish and feed big fish!"

The old battalion soldiers who heard it laughed loudly.

Chu Fangyi was so angry that he didn't eat well for several days.

Finally, the battleship was moored on the sea, and these big fish refused to leave. They kept flapping their tails, jumped out of the water, and showed their graceful figure to the world.

Tao Hua roughly remembered that from here onwards were the ruins of Shenhai Palace.

But the ruins of the Deep Sea Palace are in the deep sea.Not very easy to dig.And first of all, it is necessary to determine the underground and underwater environment of the deep sea.

Among the fleet, the monks who are the best in water, all practicing water-attributed exercises, have been assigned tasks from Taohua.

They need to be in charge of the most dangerous part, determining the topographic map of the seabed.

And we must find the place where the stone statue is under the deep sea.

Everyone brought life-saving things and went into the water one after another.

When they went into the sea, they alarmed the giant beasts of the deep sea.They also followed the Chu family monks into the deep sea.

After feeding the fish for many days, some monks are familiar with these big fish.

They patted and tapped one by one, signaling to the other party to go away quickly, and they would continue to go deep into the sea.

But the deep-sea monsters didn't come. Wherever humans swim, they follow them curiously and for fun.

Because of their huge size and complex and diverse recipes, those deep sea monsters that could threaten the human monks in the deep sea were driven away one by one.

When the big fish see something delicious, they will sometimes chase after it, then swallow it in one gulp, and turn around to continue playing with humans.

With these big fish as bodyguards, the monks who went deep into the sea were secretly relieved.

There are so many big things under the sea.

A random crab is four or five times bigger than their human race.If this is caught, maybe it will be clipped into several paragraphs.

Those sea anemones are also terrifying, they can catch a big fish four to five meters long by waving their tentacles, and then drag them in.

He didn't even spit out any blood or bones.

If that person was dragged in...?
So while carefully memorizing the maps and various resources of the deep seabed, everyone is also looking for stone statues.It is said that there are many stone statues.

After searching for more than two hours, the monks changed five or six waves before they found a huge group of stone statues in the northeast of the fleet.

Those stone statues look strange, and they are all deep-sea species.Very few resemble humans.

But they all appear in the central hinterland of the stone statue community.

Once we found the place, we started to battle the mages.

After they determined the group of stone statues, they erected huge arrays on top of the big ships.A ten-foot-high whale suction column that has not been activated is inserted into each array plate.

(End of this chapter)

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