The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1041 Evil Energy

Chapter 1041 Evil Energy
In this way, a discerning person can know at a glance that the energy required for this formation is particularly large.

Of course, the discerning person must first recognize what the whale suction column is.

Otherwise, they are just ordinary spirit gold pillars.

All the battleships entered the predetermined positions, and the formation masters began to open and link the formations.Huge colorful iridescent pillars rise on the sea surface.The rainbow pillars swept across the sea, if they couldn't connect.

Then adjust the position of the battleship.

Wait until one huge rainbow beam pillar after another is docked and fused together.A very huge energy ring is formed on the surface of the sea.With the formation of the energy ring, the giant formation disks that were originally placed on the battleship also flew up and suspended into the air one by one, and merged with the whale suction column to form formation nodes of the energy ring.

The battleships that originally carried them were one by one behind.Break away from the area where the energy ring exists.

The second-stage formation method continued to activate, and the formation masters flew over the formation disk one by one, after final adjustments, they began to increase the amount of spiritual energy drawn by the whale suction column.

The billowing spiritual energy was sucked into the whale suction column like white smoke, and then poured into the array below by the whale suction column.

The colored energy rainbow halo keeps flickering, the lighting continues to skyrocket, and finally rises violently to a rainbow-colored energy light wall, which extends from the periphery of the rainbow ring toward the center, and closes at the center to form a hemispherical high-energy wall. wall of light.The wall of light continued to extend towards the deep sea, and finally formed a layer of transparent barriers to buckle over the entire ruins.

The wall of light is too huge, causing the giant array disks to look like small ears hanging on the energy hemisphere.

The land covered by the light wall is too large, and the surrounding sea people are frantically escaping from the sea water that has not been completely isolated under the sea.

When the light wall has completely penetrated into the seabed, this sea area can be regarded as completely isolated from the outside world.

The three-stage formation continued to activate.

One after another, the energy suction ports appeared only three feet high from the water surface.

The diameter of the suction port is as thick as a water tank, and a total of 560 holes appear around the entire light wall.

woohoo hoo...

A large amount of sea water was drawn from the isolated sea area, and then sent into the sea outside.

Up to now, the three formations have been successfully activated, and the formation masters are secretly relieved.The plan is complete.

Not enough Even if the plan is completed, it is not an easy task to extract all the seawater in the light wall.After all, the water depth here is more than 4000 meters.

"Smooth it slowly." Anyway, Tao Hua was not in a hurry.

But you Chu family made such a big commotion, do you think the sea clan is a dead beast?

So in less than half a day, the surrounding Hai clan sent a large number of spies over to find out what the Chu clan was doing?
It's okay to be idle, what are you planning to do with such a big thing upside down in the sea?

Just when Taohua felt that she was waiting for others to drain the sea, and probably needed to fight a few more fights with the surrounding sea monsters and sea beasts, the sea clansmen who had sent many spies over had no intention of attacking Taohua and the others. nothing.Many spies even dispersed in the end.

It seems to indulge them to work for no reason.

Why is that?
Tao Hua was a little puzzled.

Until the third day of pumping.

They drew something weird.

There was a strange energy of pollution in the seawater, which looked no different.Although this kind of energy is not much, it is extremely unfriendly to any living things.

"It is also pumped into the deep sea, the more this kind of weird energy, and they can spill into the air. When we drain the seawater and go down to the ruins, it should be full of this weird pollution energy.

This is when it is just approaching the surface of the seabed.If we open the depths of the ruins and there are such tricks, then we will be in big trouble. "

The formation masters who discovered them said.

"We discovered that this weird energy, as soon as it enters the human body, it will immediately devour all kinds of energy in the human body, including flesh and blood. This thing is more powerful than corpse water. Once it penetrates into the human body, it will corrode a big hole. When will it Once the pollution energy is exhausted, the pit will not continue to expand." The formation masters complained in a hurry.

Someone even showed Taohua his arm that had been corroded with a big blood hole.

"It's fast and highly corrosive. This kind of weird energy can also convert the devoured energy into these weird energies, just like wanting to keep multiplying to expand the amount of weird energy." As the main researcher, Chu Shenyu frowned and worried report said.

"Is it okay to go down wearing armor?" Tao Hua asked with a brow.

"It's okay to wear a battle armor, but it's also being corroded, just not as fast as living things. But the battle armor can't last long in such an environment." Chu Shenyu said. "And if the battle armor is damaged, that person will be corroded within a few minutes in that environment, and even the bones will not be able to survive."

"This is troublesome. The puppet is gone, can it be done wearing a puppet?"

"I've tried it, and I still have the same problem. It can take a long time to fail. If our family's armor can last for an hour or two, then the puppet can last for half a day at most."

In half a day, what ruins are still open up wasteland.Besides, are you not active below?

Surrounded by this kind of weird energy, it really makes people unable to relax.

"Actually, I'm not too worried about these weird polluting energies from the outside world. After all, I can still go down." Chu Shenyu said. "I'm worried that after we open the ruins, there will be a higher concentration of weird pollution energy inside.

I'm even worried that there is a source of this weird polluting energy inside.Objects or living things.Dead bodies are also possible.For example, the remains of the Huoyao people that our family dug up. "

"Are you worried that there may be aliens or things left by aliens?" Taohua asked.

Chu Shenyu nodded.

"Generally speaking, only when there is a large amount of polluting energy in the ruins can there be so much strange energy spilling out. So I am more worried."

Taohua thought, no wonder no one actually opened the ruins of Shenhai Palace in the previous life. It turned out that there were such hidden dangers in it.

Presumably, those guys who discovered the ruins of Shenhai Palace like her didn't have the ability to open it here. It wasn't that the broken halberds were on the periphery, or they were probably in the ruins.

"At that time, you should contact your Uncle Tong and ask him if he is interested in excavating the Shenhai Palace with us. The key is to tell him the situation here, and maybe the sect has any countermeasures."

Chu Shinian nodded immediately. "This is easy to handle."

Tong Jian was overjoyed when he received the letter.

When Tong Feng saw it, he took the initiative to walk over. "Father, how did you succeed in doing this?"

"Haha, I said what are Chu Shinian and the others doing? So they are digging up the ruins. This is also a good way, at least it is easy to get rich. I heard that Chu Shinian and they excavated the ruins of Jincheng and got a lot of spiritual gold. I heard that the battleship fleet of the Chu family will expand again." Tong Jian said with a smile.

"The Chu family is the only one who dug up the ruins and demolished the house. I am convinced. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not do that." Tong Feng sighed.

The point is that he doesn't have that many people, and he can't laugh at a lot of spirit gold after dismantling them.It's better to sell the ruins directly for money.

On the contrary, the Chu family has a huge self-digesting ability, and it doesn't take it seriously to tear down many Lingjin families.

"But this time they encountered a tough problem. I don't know what luck it is for their Chu family. A Jincheng ruins allowed them to obtain the remains of the Huoyao people. Another ruin actually has the energy of the Tianxie clan." Tong Jian held up the letter. laughed.

"Heavenly evil man?" Tong Feng quickly took the letter in his father's hand and read it carefully. "It's really evil people. Their family can be considered capable. It's only a little more time, and they encountered remnants of alien races one after another."

"I'm here with your senior uncles. The senior uncles are still competing with each other. I can't leave for the time being. Why don't you take someone to dig the ruins over there with them. I don't even have the name of this Shenhai Palace. I've heard of it, but I don't know if it's the remains of the human race. You brothers and sisters can just go to open up wasteland and have fun." Tong Jian thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Tong Feng said, "I'll take Tong Saw and Tong Rui with me."

"Well, don't miss Tong Rui." Tong Jian said. "Although Tong Rui's talent is not very outstanding, he has a deep city and a stable personality. In the future, he will grow into the pillar of the Tong family."

"It's a pity that he is somewhat hostile to me, probably because he wants to compete for the Patriarch." Tong Feng said.

"Competition is competition. If you can gain a firm foothold in the Zongmen and become the Zongmen's promising reserve seed. Then what else will you do with the Tong family? What's the point of being the head of the family? If you can't be favored by the Zongmen, become a reserve seed." Seed, if your father is not dead, he will naturally pave the way for you, even if Tong Rui has everything, if he does not have a good father, he will not be the head of the family."

Tong Jian said seriously.

Don't say it, it's still very reasonable for Dad to say this.

In particular, his father is still the head of the entire family, and has great power. If he wants to pave the way for his son, Tong Rui can't even catch up with him.

"When you are in front of him, you have to be more magnanimous. Even if he doesn't agree with you, the people around him will gradually agree with you. When it's serious, those people can be bought. After all, competing to be the head of the family, You have an advantage over him.

Which one is a fool who doesn't want to climb a high branch? " Tong Jian said schemingly.

Among the Tong family brothers, Tong Jian is good at planning.His disadvantage is that he suffers from his relatively weak cultivation talent.If he had the cultivation talent of his eldest brother Tong Tianxing, he would not return to the family halfway to become the head of the family.

Of course it was his own idea.Tong Tianxing is actually very familiar with his younger brother.This younger brother has no willpower, otherwise he would not fail the trial and be given up by the sect.

"Okay." Tong Feng said obediently.

"In addition, bring those prescriptions for eliminating the evil power of the sky. Let them refine the dispelling pill by themselves."

After hearing his father's words, Tong Feng's mouth twitched immediately.He knows those kinds of pills, although all of them can eliminate the strange ability of the evil spirit.But it's a big waste.

Each recipe requires at least a second-order spiritual object to be refined.

And if they want to empty out the evil spirits in the entire ruins.How much digestion pill would be consumed?

I'm afraid that even the Chu family can't afford it?

"Okay, I'll bring him all the recipes."

"Bring some high-level battle armor. The higher the high-level battle armor, the stronger the defense ability. You can also enter the ruins with the high-level battle armor passed on by the large and small teams. But you must come out within five or six days." Tong Jiandao, high-level It is also impossible for a battle armor to resist the erosion of fel energy for a long time.

"Hahaha, the high-level battle armor is not cheap. This time, Chu boy is destined to bleed a lot." Tong Feng said with a playful smile.

Tong Jian also hooked the corner of his mouth.

Who made them take a fancy to the relics left by the evil energy?

Not long after, Tong Feng arrived at the flagship of Chu Shinian and Taohua with a team of more than 60 people using the teleportation array.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries first. After all, we haven't seen each other for a while. Tong Rui is obviously a little high-spirited. It seems that he has been doing well recently.Ma Liang, Lu Meng, and Li Yu also followed.Besides them, Tong Rui also recruited some brothers.They were all new faces, and Chu Shinian didn't know any of them.

But we can all know each other now.

Then it was show time at Versailles.

Everyone: I couldn't harvest recently, so I found a fourth-order spiritual fruit tree.

He said: I can't even do it. I haven't found anything recently, so I took a medium-sized indigenous sect under my command.

Then there was humanity: I'm okay, I've gained a bit, and I got a sealed fourth-order spiritual vein.I'm not very useful, if you need it, you can contact me directly to trade.

In short, one harvest is not as good as the other, and the things that are taken out are more precious and rare than the other.

Tao Hua thought to himself: I'm afraid that this Yun'an Continent has been planed to be full of holes by you, right?

How long have you been here? Everyone's harvest has almost caught up with the background of other small sects.

Your speed of digging treasures is much faster than the five faction alliances I knew in my previous life.Is there any special treasure digging skills?
Tao Hua recalled and compared while listening.Many treasures on the Yun'an Continent seem to have been patronized by them.

And many once well-known treasures have been poached by them.

After poaching a lot, Taohua also felt that their gains were far more than those from the upper realm.

Probably because the monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect are all very powerful.Even if their cultivation is restricted, they dare to drill into various dangerous areas.So it's been rewarding.

After talking about their achievements, everyone asked about the ruins discovered by the Chu family.

"How did you find this ruin?" someone asked.

"We bought the treasure map from Longshanfang City. This relic is under the deep sea. It was not easy to dig, and we made full preparations, but it still didn't work. There is a strange pollution energy in this relic. Yes Any creature is extremely unfriendly. As long as a little bit of pollution energy seeps into the body, it can corrode the body into a big hole.

Some people in my family also received injuries, which have not healed until now. "Chu Shinian explained to everyone.

 Today is New Year's Eve, and the author wishes all the little angels an early New Year's greetings in advance.I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and more happiness.

  Knowing that everyone will watch the Spring Festival Gala at night, I will update it in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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