The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1042 Prescriptions

Chapter 1042 Prescriptions
"My father read your letter and said that the weird polluting energy should belong to the Tianxie race. This race is similar to humans. But apart from their appearance like us, they also have a scorpion Same tail.

The individual force value is strong, and among the alien races in the surrounding big worlds, it can also be ranked in the top ten in terms of individual combat power.

The Heavenly Evil Clan is good at polluting with poison and evil energy.Their hearts are deceitful, and human beings are food in their eyes.

Fortunately, you didn't rush down rashly.Otherwise, there might be huge losses.

They come from the Heavenly Evil World which is very far away from us. " Tong Feng said.

Chu Shinian immediately paid attention to it. "Why is there such a species?"

"Hehe, you call them heterogeneous, not to mention their real appearance. They are truly heterogeneous. The evil energy of the Sky Evil clan can corrode and pollute the flesh of living beings. As long as they touch a little, they may immediately turn into bones. If your people are just The body was injured, it should just be infested by the evil energy scattered and diluted by an unknown number of times.

If it is really scratched on the body by the evil person, it can quickly infect a large area. If there is no medicine, a few breaths will be a bone.

On the contrary, we see that our own flesh and blood are crossed out. For the evil people, those crossed-out flesh and blood will be transformed into another kind of black energy by evil energy, and will be sucked by the evil people again.They sucked that special black energy, just like us humans took a lot of elixir.

In an instant, the evil energy in the whole body can be replenished. "

Chu Shinian suddenly remembered that when the formation masters' bodies were corroded, they were still emitting black smoke.

"How do you deal with your injuries?" Tong Feng asked again.

"Cut off the wound, then use golden sunflower fruit to grind it into powder, and stick it on the affected area. Wait until the black pus and blood are no longer left, and then directly use Xueling plaster ointment that removes putrefaction and regenerates muscle." Chu Shinian said.

"Golden sunflower powder can actually remove the pollution from the infiltration of evil energy?" Tong Feng asked curiously.

"At present, it is possible. Our injuries have recovered. In a few days, their injuries will be completely healed." Chu Shinian said.

"Then the effect of this golden sunflower fruit on dispelling evil energy is not bad." Tong Feng said very interestedly. "Can you give me some golden sunflower fruit, I will go back and let my alchemists study it."

"Yes. We have planted an entire island of golden sunflower trees, and one golden sunflower tree can harvest one or two hundred catties of golden sunflower fruit every year." Golden sunflower island is famous for planting golden sunflower trees.Golden sunflower is born with the ability to purify demon, yin and evil.

In addition to exorcising the island's evil spirits over the years, Jinkuimu has also been developed by the alchemists and pharmacists of the Chu family in various prescriptions.They have also developed the knowledge and formulas for purifying evil qi, yin qi, and releasing evil qi in recent years.

Golden sunflower powder is the most luxurious ingredient in the purification formula, and the effect is the best.

"Why do you think of planting golden sunflower?" Tong Feng asked suddenly.

"We took that island from the Yaozu. The Yaozu infected the entire island with demon energy, and even the underground spiritual veins were infected with a large amount of demon energy, turning them into demon veins. "Chu Shinian said helplessly.

"After we got the island, the demon clan took away the demon veins. Later, we rearranged the large formation for cultivating the spiritual veins, which can be exchanged to restore the spiritual veins. But the demonic energy all over the island's ground and underground is gone. Many and deep.

For a while there was no other way to get rid of it. After searching for a long time, we found that golden sunflower wood can purify evil spirits.Only then did the golden sunflower trees be planted all over the island.Now that island has completely eliminated the evil spirit.

Now it has become the base for our family to cultivate Lingzhi golden sunflower. "

"Then there is no evil spirit, can the golden sunflower grow well?" Tong Feng hurriedly asked.

"If there is no evil spirit, you can use all kinds of blood evil energy, yin energy, and special evil energy to cultivate golden sunflower. We have been collecting these evil spirits in recent years." In fact, evil spirit is a special kind of blood evil spirit and Aura mix.

Because the violent evil spirit is easy to get on the head and affect the mind, so only the monster race likes to practice.

The Chu family bought a lot of blood evil energy, dark evil energy, Yin energy, bone evil energy and other miscellaneous energy, just to cultivate a large number of golden sunflower trees.

Now the golden sunflower tree closest to the center of the island already has a fourth-grade tree, which is considered a strange species and a miracle among the golden sunflower tree species that are almost all low-grade and have never been born with high-grade spirit trees.

Generally speaking, golden sunflower wood does not have spirit woods above the second level.

Of course, their promotion also has a lot to do with Taohua taking time to brush the Taiyin aura when she has nothing to do, and even asking Chunlong to spit out a bottle of Xiantian Yimu aura to her.

For the spiritual plants of plants and trees, the innate Yimu aura is simply a gold finger for growth and variation.

"If you need to use external force to cultivate golden sunflower, is the cultivation cost very high?" Tong Feng asked.

Chu Shinian nodded directly.Anyway, you don't have the aura of Taiyin, nor the aura of Yimu.

If you want to plant golden sunflower on a large scale, it will be very difficult.

Evil Qi, Yin Qi, what is it?The most important thing is that you don't have a cheater.

"The cost is too high, so I'll take it back and do some research. There are a lot of evil spirits on the battlefield outside the boundary. If the cost is cheap, it can be made into medicinal powder, and there is still room for sales. If the cost is high, then we can bring it In the past, there was no way to implement it on a large scale. There was no money to be made." Tong Feng said regretfully.

"On the battlefield outside the boundary, there are not evil people, but other alien races. Why not plant golden sunflower trees there? There are plenty of resources there, and golden sunflower trees should be able to grow very tall." Chu Shinian remembered when the golden sunflower trees were growing In the early years of planting, it is almost unnecessary.The golden sunflower grows whizzingly.

I haven't seen it for a few months, and the tree has grown from a sapling to a big golden tree that several people can't hug.

The golden sunflower has a yellow color as a whole.

It looks like a piece of yellow orange.

Every time I go to Jinkui Island, I can see a big island of yellow and orange.

Many monks really like the scenery there, and always want to go to the island for sightseeing, but it is a pity that the Chu family does not release Jinkui Island to the outside world.

After all, the golden sunflower wood and golden sunflower fruit above are very important family resources.

"Without the consent of the bosses on the battlefield outside the boundary, no one would be able to bring an extra seedling there." Tong Feng said. "The bosses are very strict with our unique resources. They are afraid that they will be taken away by hostile forces, which will endanger us in turn."

"I haven't been to the battlefield outside the boundary. I don't know if I can go in and experience it when it opens next time." Tong Rui said proactively.

"If you're willing to go, then of course you can. Our Tong family still has spare places. It's just that it's very dangerous there, in case you fall..." Tong Feng said a little embarrassed.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I will make it clear to my family. I am willing to go. If it really falls, it is my fate." Tong Rui said immediately.

"Then you should prepare more in advance." Tong Feng said.

It's not good to stop the children of the family from seeking to make progress.Besides, the sect has rules, as long as the disciples are qualified in terms of cultivation and age, they can enter the battlefield outside the boundary to sharpen themselves.

"By the way, the Heavenly Evil Clan is not only good at sucking the flesh and blood of living beings. Their evil energy is also very easy to pollute the souls of living beings. If there is a possible Heavenly Evil Clan, they can also transform human beings' souls without knowing it. The puppet of the Evil Clan.

You go and check to see if there is any spiritual pollution in the injured person.If so, speak up quickly.The symptoms are listlessness, drowsiness, and a special kind of black under the eyes.

The ring-shaped one grows on the white of the eyeball and fits outside the pupil. "

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately explained to the people around him.Let him ask those injured if their souls were polluted.

It didn't take long for someone to come back and report that those who were injured were fine at first, but after the wounds healed, they did get tired easily.There is always a sense of burnout in the soul.And there is indeed an abnormality in the eyes, but the black ring is still very light.

"Even if the black ring is still very faint, it is still very dangerous. Soul injuries are especially difficult to heal, and even treatment is difficult. If left alone, the soul will be completely polluted by evil energy. It will become a chaotic soul, a living corpse with only instinct.

After a long time, the evil soul will pollute the body and gradually become an evil corpse that spreads evil energy. "

"Then how to treat it?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Hold it, this is the most effective prescription for curing the evil energy polluting the soul of our gods. This kind of medicine for aliens is not prohibited from being circulated in the gods. Anyone can copy a copy and keep it for use. But the medicinal materials must be Prepare yourself." Tong Feng said.

After thinking about it, Tong Feng took out the most useful prescription from his father and shared it with Chu Shinian.

"I'm so grateful, senior brother." Chu Shinian looked down.The recipe is quite complicated, with a full list of 38 kinds of medicinal materials, including first- and second-order medicinal materials. The refining process is very complicated and precise. The reminders alone have three pages. The entire prescription can be combined into a book. Thin booklet little book.

However, the 38 kinds of medicinal materials are not difficult to find, and they are found in the family.

"Show me the prescription."

Peach Blossom said softly.

Chu Shinian turned around and gave the prescription to his wife.

Taohua flipped over and said, "Just leave it to the alchemists. Among them, thirteen items are optional medicinal materials. I don't know what this optional means?"

"Just as long as the medicinal properties are mild and the spirits are full of spiritual energy. Their function in the prescription is to add spiritual energy. It is also possible to replace it with similar concentrated spiritual medicines." Tong Feng said immediately.He has long been familiar with this prescription.

"Then is it okay to use thirteen spirit fruits of the same level?" Taohua asked.

"Spiritual fruit is also available. However, spiritual fruit of the same level is much more expensive than those mild medicinal materials of the same level. You must refine this kind of elixir in large quantities, the cost is high, and you consume a lot of resources." Tong Feng said.

The value of spiritual fruits of the same level in Shenting is much higher than that of spiritual medicines that cannot be eaten directly.Who would exchange that spiritual fruit for a spiritual potion?
Taohua thought for a while, then nodded directly.

Since spirit fruit can also be used, let people experiment more with several formulas to find out which one has the strongest effect.

Anyway, in order not to affect the market price, my family has hoarded countless spiritual fruits of various grades in large warehouses everywhere.

Good steel should be used on the blade.It is not the right time for the spirit fruit to come out and use it at this time.

"Back then, you and Taohua should have known that the ruins below are likely to be full of evil corpses, and even live aliens from the Heavenly Evil Race. If you really want to open up wasteland here, I'm afraid the price you will pay is not small. " Tong Feng said.

"Since we're here, we have to go down and have a look." Chu Shinian said. "What if the harvest is more?"

Tong Feng laughed out loud after hearing this.

"You really have a temper with me, and I often think so too."

"It's just that I'm more worried. With so much evil energy, it erodes the flesh and blood too much. Is there any way to eliminate this erosion, or temporarily resist this erosion?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Yes, but the price is more expensive. For example, if you use a higher-level armor, you can stay in it for at least five or six days."

Chu Shinian shook his head when he heard it.

High-level armor is expensive, what if it is damaged?Waiting to die?
They went down to explore and dig the ruins, not to show off the armor.Hands and feet are a must.

"There is also a kind of ointment, as long as it is applied on the body, it can resist the erosion of evil energy within three days. However, the side effects are also quite extreme, and the skin must be replaced."

After hearing Tong Feng's words, Chu Shinian immediately shook his head.

What are you kidding, they don't want to be shepherds? !

"Any more?"

"There is also a prescription that can directly dissolve evil energy. But it is too expensive and requires a fourth-order elixir. The main medicine must be a fourth-order elixir of the fire attribute." Tong Feng took out another prescription.

Chu Shinian finally looked at Fang Zi carefully, and handed it to his wife again.

After Taohua saw it, she scratched her head a little. "Indeed, the fourth-order elixir is too much. This kind of medicine powder can only clean up the evil energy in one side. One fourth-order elixir plus twelve other auxiliary medicines can make up five points at most. powder.

The underground ruins are only so large in terms of the area of ​​the seabed. It would take too much medicine to find out if there is any evil energy. "

"Then if you don't use it, we should use other ways to go down, such as armor. As long as you are careful, the armor is not so easy to be damaged." Tong Feng said.

"How about I go to the alchemists and pharmacists in the family to study this prescription?" Tao Hua asked.

"Okay, you can discuss it." Tong Feng said generously.

Tao Hua immediately left with the prescription, and left the rest to Chu Shinian.

After returning to her temporary office, Taohua began to arrange for people to pick up the most powerful pharmacists and alchemists in Mingyue Palace.Especially the key point is to let Chu Moyan bring things over.

This time, she issued the order as the head of the house.

Naturally, after accepting the call, Chu Moyan and the others immediately started to bring things and people, and ran here through the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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