The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1043 Who did Chu Xi marry?

Chapter 1043 Who did Chu Xi marry?
Taohua took the prescription and asked Chu Moyan to come over.

When this guy doesn't call him, he can't do anything, and has been hiding in Mingyue City.He also led a group of alchemists to challenge the pharmacists every day.Not to mention all kinds of new medicines, new medicines have indeed emerged one after another because of his hard work.

This made Taohua have an illusion. Could it be that Chu Moyan was delayed by him in his previous life?
He should walk on the road of a master of pharmacy and a master of alchemy.

Shouldn't she be regarded as a counselor, an assistant, to help her manage the family, and play some tricks? !

This time, in addition to Chu Moyan and the alchemists and pharmacists recruited from Mingyue City, Taohua also asked people to prepare a lot of medicinal materials for the prescription.This can be transferred directly from Xianyang or Longshanfang City.

As soon as Chu Moyan came, Taohua greeted him, "Come, come."

"Are you calling a dog?" Chu Moyan immediately complained angrily.

"Dogs are not as useful as you, or do you think I am happy to greet you?" Tao Hua rolled her eyes directly.

Hmph, Chu Moyan snorted arrogantly.

"Did you clean it up?" Tao Hua said angrily.

Hmph, but this one sounded more cowardly.Chu Moyan still walked into Peach Blossom. "Have you contacted Feng Er recently?"

He suddenly asked this question.Tao Hua was shocked, "I haven't received any news recently that there are still people searching for treasures in the Chu family's territory?"

"It's all hidden. People don't call it looking for treasures now, they call it looking for the keys of the relics. Fenger sent me a message that they seem to be looking for the jade chime." Chu Moyan said in a low voice. "Yuqing knows many things about us. If she is caught, then we will be in trouble."

"At most, we just know some of our code names." Taohua said calmly.

"But Yuqing knows that Destiny is a member of the Chu family." Chu Moyan couldn't help it.

"That's her guess. She also guessed that the destiny is Chuxi. Now Chuxi is dead." Taohua said speechlessly.

Chu Moyan was shocked. "Then you still dare to let her outside? Why don't you just kill her."

"It's useless if I kill her. She will still be reincarnated as someone else with Chongbao," Tao Hua said.

"This..." Chu Moyan scratched his head.

"Yuqing is an extremely smart woman. She had the idea of ​​launching the destiny from the beginning, and then fulfilling her idea. In my previous life, I had to secretly suppress her. So Yuqing resented Chuxi. But the promotion Chuxi is dead. It was Chu Da who did it, and she knew better than anyone how Chu Xi died.

Yuqing didn't have Chu Xi as someone who could be betrayed and blamed, so she could only look for the next one.In her opinion, Feng Er is suitable to be her second stepping stone.After all, she had seen Feng Er with a mask before, so she probably remembered the other person's voice or figure, footsteps or something. "

"That's okay?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

"He may even remember the smell." Tao Hua said. "I have never underestimated her. She is the most suitable woman I have ever seen to be an assassin and a spy. If she hadn't fallen in love with Yang Xianzhi and I discovered her resentment towards me, I would have known that I had always been in her imagination biggest foe in the game and a huntable target to take down."

"This woman can hide like this. I've seen her before, but I didn't realize she was so strong." Chu Moyan said in shock.

"When you look at people, you always like to look at half of the face. Whatever you like to see, you just look at that half of the face." Tao Hua said.

"Chu Taohua." Chu Moyan gritted his teeth angrily.

"Come here quickly, you have business to do." Taohua greeted Chu Moyan.

Then handed him a thick prescription.

"This is a new prescription. It is said that thirteen kinds of medicinal materials are optional. You can choose elixir. They list it, but you can still choose elixir fruit. Let's see how this recipe should be refined to make it more effective.

It is about whether we can enter the ruins under the sea as quickly as possible.

After a long time, something will happen to the Chu family without me and Chu Shinian guarding them.

In addition, there is a new prescription for a elixir here. The array masters of our Chu family were deceived by a strange energy in the sea water of the ruins.

This kind of strange energy is called evil energy, which can not only harm the human body, but also unconsciously harm the soul of the person.This elixir is to treat the soul.Can you see if there is anything in this prescription that can improve and reduce costs and improve efficacy. "

Chu Moyan quickly looked through the two prescriptions.Then he complained, "You will really find me a job."

"Hurry up, I'm counting on you." Taohua bowed with both hands.

"Hmph." Chu Moyan snorted again arrogantly, and then left with the prescription. "Wait, I'll go right away."

He hadn't completely walked out the door when he saw Chu Shinian walking towards him, and his body stiffened suddenly.The smile on his face was unnatural.

Chu Shinian looked at him amusedly, then lowered his voice to his ears, "I know you are Chu Muyu."

Chu Moyan pointed his finger at him in astonishment, " did you know? It is impossible for Taohua to tell you about me."

"Guess, you used to like alchemy too. You often produced a lot of pills." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

Chu Moyan covered his head and said goodbye.

Even if Chu Shinian could guess it, that guy might be able to guess it too.Chu Moyan quickly pulled Chu Shinian's sleeve to pull him out of the yard and walked to a secluded corner.After Chu Moyan looked around and found no one else, he lowered his voice and said, "You know those of us who carry heavy treasures?"

Chu Shinian nodded.

"Our world is once again merging the three realms, do you know about the revival of spiritual energy?"

After hearing this, Chu Shinian nodded seriously and said, "There is such a rumor."

"It's true, let me tell you, our world has indeed once merged with the Three Realms, and then suddenly time went back to the beginning when there was no fusion. Other creatures can't feel it, but there are some special creatures, such as Taohua and I, we are both people who carry a lot of treasures, we are all reborn.

There are also some people who seem to have some adventures and are reborn.

For example Chuda.Otherwise, she wouldn't think that Chu Xi was a threat to her as soon as she came back from rebirth, and directly poisoned her to death. "

Chu Shinian's expression became serious.

"So, Taohua also experienced the whole process of being poisoned to death? I think Chu Da really has no need to live."

"You must not kill Chu Da." Chu Moyan stretched his neck to look around again, and whispered.

"Why?" Chu Shinian's voice turned cold.

"Taohua came back late, and she was reborn directly on Chu Dashan's little girl. She didn't experience the scene where Chu Xi was poisoned to death. Of course, this is not the reason why Taohua let Chu Da go. I have also wondered why Taohua Chuda will be spared. You must know that she contacted you as soon as she came back.

With you here, is it still a matter of wanting Chu Da to die? "Chu Moyan said.

Chu Shinian's mouth curled up reservedly.

"But she didn't, I felt strange, and then I went to see Chu Da secretly many times. Later, I found out that she was buying spirit flowers and using different kinds of spirit flowers for cultivation. I knew how she responded It's all over. It turns out that she practiced the Baihuatian Bible that Chu Xi used to practice." Chu Moyan had an expression of Emma, ​​who didn't expect Chu Da to play this.

"Is there something wrong with this Baihuatian Bible?"

"Of course it's inappropriate. This exercise was originally stored in Chuchu. I don't know where it exists, but Taohua knows. Because Chuxi was asked to practice by the great elder of Chuchu. The most important exercise that came down." Chu Moyan said.

"What happened later? Is there something wrong with this exercise?" Chu Shinian said immediately with a quick response.

"Yes, you guessed it right. This Baihuatian Bible should have been played by a certain great power who had taken a fancy to the future of the Chu family a long time ago. As long as someone cultivates it, he will become a puppet. sort of thing."

At this time, Chu Moyan didn't know that besides puppets and Dao Ding, there was another existence called sacrifice.

The patriarch of the Chu clan, no matter how strong she is or how many adventures she has, will eventually become a sacrifice, risking everything about herself, including luck, adventures, blood essence, and cultivation, to the master.

A certain palace master is the master of this exercise, and also the master of any future practice of the exercise of the Baihuatian Bible.

"Is this Hundred Flowers Bible a bait or a trap?" Chu Shinian's eyes darkened secretly.

"Yes, in the previous life where the Three Realms didn't merge, Chu Xi later discovered the trouble of this exercise, and kept looking for a way to crack it. But in the end she couldn't find it. Anyway, it's very troublesome. I think Peach Blossom keeps Chu Da. It should be because she was his substitute.

Since the Baihuatian Bible must reside in the body of a daughter of the Chu family, if it can be her, why can't it be Chu Da?
If there is really something wrong with this exercise in the end, it will be regarded as avenging Chu Da's hatred for poisoning her to death.

I guess that's what Taohua thinks. "Chu Mo said.

"Her design is not bad. But didn't I help?" Chu Shinian asked strangely.

"Chu Xi cared too much about family affection at that time, and was manipulated by those old guys in the direct line. At that time, you were sent by her to monitor your own father, so as not to let him continue to be a monster." Chu Moyan said coldly.Xin said, I was looked at like that by you, and I don't know why I suddenly felt nervous.

"I need to personally supervise the old Zongzi, how can he be a monster?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"At that time, the old man from the direct line got along with him and made trouble for the Patriarch all day long. He also forced the Patriarch to marry." Chu Moyan accidentally revealed his secrets.

"Who did Taohua marry?" Chu Shinian immediately asked.

"Ahem. I..." Chu Moyan looked as if his tongue had been bitten by a cat.

"If you don't explain, I will transfer you to Xianyang to work for me, every morning at eight o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening." Chu Shinian threatened.

"No. I said, I said it's not enough. In fact, it is Yang Xianzhi, the young master of Hongjun Mountain. In order to let the Chu family get on the carriage of the forces of the upper realm, he insisted on forcing the Chu family. However, Chu Xi is not a vegetarian. In more than a year, she killed several unsightly guys and transferred them away.

Later she poisoned Yang Xianzhi to death.

But I don't think Yang Xianzhi is really dead. The people in the upper realm have no way to save their lives. They just went back, so they shouldn't be able to go to the lower realm. "

"Hongjun Mountain, Yang Xianzhi?!" Chu Shinian's smile was very shallow. For some reason, Chu Moyan suddenly felt that the surroundings were very cold. "Why did Yang Xianzhi marry Chu Xi?"

"It's's said that he fell in love with the Patriarch at first sight, and he liked it very much." Chu Moyan said in his heart that it's better to say something once, and die as soon as he dies.

"Very good, he is very good." Chu Shinian knew his temperament, if Chu Xi decided to marry Yang Xianzhi, he would have no way to stop him.

Even if his heart ached, he would not interfere with Chuxi's decision.

He would only crazily take revenge on those old men in Chuchu in private.

"Those guys from Chuchu really deserve to die."

"Who says it's not. After all, the head of the family cares about their kindness for raising her." Chu Moyan could see clearly.

"Without the kindness of raising her, just because they supported Chuxi to take the position of Patriarch, it is impossible for Chuxi to attack them in the open. The most important bond of a family is affection. Because of the existence of blood and kinship, so A family will have strong cohesion.

The patriarch can be cruel to outsiders, but for the members of his own family, if you are cruel and cruel, it is easy to lose the hearts of the people.Leading to the final disintegration of the family.

At that time, Chu Xi still hoped that the Chu family could continue to exist.She didn't want to get into that bad situation of falling apart.

After all, those old men from Chu Chu had grasped Chu Xi's weakness. "

Chu Shinian sighed in his heart: Speaking of which, Chu Xi didn't want to kill such old Chu Chu people at once. Those elders are not alone, they are related to all aspects of the direct line.If you want to kill them, you have to make mental preparations to get rid of the whole Yichu lineage.

Thinking about it, Chu Xi was quite hesitant back then.

Of course, based on his understanding of Chu Xi, although the Chu family was very important back then, she has always carried the heavy responsibility on her shoulders.But if it is impossible to leave the Chu family, then it is Chu Xi, and the current Chu Taohua may not have that kind of thought.

She was willing to fight for the Chu family, but she never thought of dedicating and sacrificing herself for the Chu family.Of course, she never asked the clansmen to do so.

"After Chu Xi was reborn as Chu Taohua, she had a reason to use Chu Da to complete the plan to remove Yi Chu, and she did it perfectly. Although there were some complaints about her actions in the clan, everyone knew that Chu Xi was dead. .

After dying once, no matter why she is still alive, or she is not Chuxi at all.It was Yi Chu who betrayed her first.No matter what she did to Chu Chu, the clansmen could make their own excuses.To convince myself that as long as they did not betray the Patriarch, the Patriarch would not treat them like the elders of Chu Chu. "Chu Shinian explained to Chu Moyan.

"I found that you know the Patriarch quite well." Chu Moyan said strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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