The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1044 New Elixir

Chapter 1044 New Elixir

"It's not difficult, just observe carefully." Chu Shinian smiled lightly.

"Hey." Chu Moyan smirked.Observe carefully, if you don't think about it, I will believe you.I'm afraid you've thought about it long ago, that's why you observed it so carefully. "In short, what I want to tell you is that it was to protect myself and those of us who carry heavy treasures around us.

Chu Xi secretly established the Northwest Cantian Pavilion, and gathered many people who had the same treasures as us back then, and joined forces to protect themselves.

We use code names to represent ourselves respectively.

I am Heijia.Lin Changge's codename is Killing Blade. "

"Lin Changge, is that the Lin Changge we know? Qingmei's man?" Chu Shinian was really shocked this time.

"That's right. He was reincarnated into our Chu Clan in the previous life. He was the successor of the Great Commander of the Dark Guard. But it must be impossible now. Who wants to die if they can live." Chu Moyan said.

"He is also the carrier of the heavy treasure." Chu Shinian looked at Chu Moyan with a stunned expression at this time, "The three of you have recognized each other a long time ago."

"Yeah, that's right." Chu Mo said.

"Have you organized that Tower of Heaven?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, I don't know what Taohua is thinking. After she was reborn, she actually got in touch with Fenger and the others, but she didn't re-establish the Cantian Pavilion. The important owners of the previous life are now three or five groups holding together to keep warm .

Not only did Taohua not reorganize the Tower of Heaven, but she also refused to let them communicate with each other. "

"Among these people are traitors who have betrayed you." Chu Shinian immediately judged.

Chu Moyan nodded, "I didn't expect it at first, but then I figured it out. It must be so. And more than one person is a traitor. That's why Taohua gave up and reorganized the Tower of Heaven."

"Then now that you come to me suddenly, it must be that traitor who has appeared, and it's more troublesome?" Chu Shinian asked immediately.

"Why are you so smart?" Chu Moyan said with emotion.

"Hehe." Chu Shinian sneered. "You can't do it yourself, you can only count on me. Hurry up and tell me the whole story."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll tell you. Among us treasure owners, there is a very beautiful woman who is especially good at getting along with people. Her name is Yuqing. Of course, this is also a code name. Her real name is Cui Yi. He is a top assassin trained by a killer organization. He is especially good at disguise and disguised assassination.

This woman has an excellent emotional intelligence and is good at controlling her emotions.

It's a pity that such a strong woman fell in love with Yang Xianzhi. "

Chu Shinian's eyes instantly burst into light.

"Yang Xianzhi?"

"That's right, she didn't know where she met Yang Xianzhi, and she fell in love with him afterwards. For him, and for herself to get rid of the killer organization behind her, she wanted to betray us, the owners of heavy treasures, and rely on us as stepping stones." Footstone asked Yang Xianzhi to accept her and even marry her as his wife.

I don't even know if she's out of her mind, but a proud person like Yang Xianzhi would definitely not marry her just because of benefits. "

"You mean to say that Yang Xianzhi was really moved by Chu Xi, and that's why he married her?"

"Yang Xianzhi was really moved. You were the one who investigated this matter. Cough cough, I mean you at that time." Chu Moyan said timidly in his heart.For some reason, Chu Moyan suddenly felt that the surroundings had become cold and gloomy, especially the place where Chu Shinian was standing.

Chu Shinian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. "You don't have to be afraid, I won't do anything to you."

"No, I'm still afraid." Chu Moyan subconsciously took a step back, wanting to get away from Chu Shinian.

As a result, Chu Shinian took another two steps forward, getting closer to him.

"Continue to talk about Yuqing."

"Okay." Chu Moyan said dryly, "Yuqing wanted to use us to become her stepping stone, so she secretly collected information about our real identities. Some people were investigated by her carelessly, and then those people Disappeared.

Yuqing kept making shots, and our Cantian Pavilion kept losing manpower.At that time, Chu Xi probably began to doubt her.

And at that time Chu Xi had already married Yang Xianzhi.

But Yuqing was still ambiguous with Yang Xianzhi, and helped Yang Xianzhi keep arresting our people. At that time, Yuqing suspected that Chuxi was the master behind the entire towering pavilion, destiny!Destiny is Chu Xi's code name.Later, Yuqing kept testing her, and caught clues about the identities of several other treasure owners. Chu Xi couldn't bear it anymore, and poisoned Yang Xianzhi to death.

At the same time, someone killed Yu Qing. "

"Chu Xi doesn't trust Yang Xianzhi at all, otherwise he wouldn't have directly poisoned him to death." Chu Shinian frowned.

"Where is it? Yang Xianzhi is not a good person either. He is sincere towards Chu Xi, but he doesn't treat her as well on weekdays. That Yang Xianzhi is a very strange person." Chu Mo said.

"Oh." Chu Shinian sneered.

"That jade chime came to the Chu family secretly a few days ago. She was investigating what happened to Chu Xi back then. She wanted to know if Chu Xi was really dead. And where is Chu Xi's tomb?" Chu Mo said.

"She dug up Chu Xi's tomb?" Chu Shinian had a strange expression.

"Yes." Chu Mo said.After excavating Chu Xi's tomb, she seemed to be seriously injured and was picked up not long after.

"Chu Xi died of poisoning, her body was extremely poisonous," Chu Shinian said.

"How do you know? You also dug up Chu Xi's tomb?" Chu Moyan looked at him in surprise, "You actually knew that Chu Xi was really dead?"

"Well. I haven't dug up Chu Xi's tomb, but I buried Chu Xi myself." Chu Shinian said.

"You really..." Chu Moyan was speechless.

"Even if she was poisoned and died suddenly, it's impossible for me to let someone else bury her." Chu Shinian said flatly.

"When Taohua contacted you, how did you know it was Chuxi?" Chu Moyan asked.

"Secret." Chu Shinian suddenly smiled.

Chu Moyan suddenly felt a little envious of Tao Hua. There used to be such a person who valued her so much and cherished her so much.

"There have always been rumors in our clan that Chu Xi is still alive, and the current Patriarch is still Chu Xi. I am worried that Yuqing will not give up and drag Taohua into trouble again. If that Yang Xianzhi knows that Chu Taohua is Chuxi..."

"Oh, so what can he do?" Chu Shinian sneered lightly. "So what if he is the young master of Hongjun Mountain, and he is not the only young master of Hongjun Mountain."

The current Chu Shinian is not the Chu Shinian of the past.

The former Chu Shinian might not have come to the fore, had no influence and was not qualified to contend with him, so he could only watch Chu Xi get married.

But he is not afraid now.

"It's a trouble after all. You'd better find a way to get rid of that jade chime."

"If you kill Yuqing, will she be reincarnated in someone else's body?" Chu Shinian asked.


"Then I'll do it." Chu Shinian said confidently.

"Do you really have a solution?" Chu Moyan asked.

Chu Shinian lowered his voice and explained his method.Chu Moyan immediately said, "Brother, you are so powerful, you can think of such a way?"

"Hurry up and study the prescription, we are still counting on you. Whether you can enter the ruins or not depends entirely on you."

Chu Moyan immediately said, "I'll go right away."

The whole second day, Chu Shinian took the Tong family brothers and other senior brothers to visit here.

To be honest, this huge formation made by the Chu family is really beautiful and indeed amazing.

The seawater is still being pumped out, and the water level has dropped by half.

Chu's strength in the formation is indeed extraordinary.

On the second night, Chu Moyan hurriedly saw the peach blossoms with a small plate in his hand.

"Here, I have had someone make the elixir that is specially used for healing to remove the pollution of the spirit and soul. I gave it to the formation masters of the family first, and the effect is not bad. I also asked people from the Tong family to see that there is no problem gone."

"Is it exactly the same as the original prescription?" Taohua asked.

"No, I adjusted some medicinal materials and replaced them with the elixir that our family can grow in large quantities.

In addition, I use ginkgo and golden sun ginseng, both of which are second-order, and the effect is excellent.One teaspoon can replace twelve gentle elixirs.They merged with the original prescription and produced wonderful changes.The effect of repelling pollution has suddenly increased by ten times.The new elixir can not only get rid of the pollution of the soul, but also the pollution of the body. After eating one, it will not be polluted by evil energy for a period of time.

Where the body is corroded by evil energy, crush a elixir, and then apply the powder of the elixir to the wound, and the evil energy can be pulled out.Can still not be polluted soul.Even the golden sunflower powder is saved. "Chu Mo said, "But I didn't show the new prescription to the Tong family.I'm going to ask you again. "

"Don't worry about this." Taohua said, "What about the other medicine powder for eliminating evil?"

"In that prescription, I added golden sunflower wood to replace the largest dead soul star sunflower. That dead soul star sunflower is a special elixir from the gods. We can't find it in the lower realm. If we use it, we have to look at it from above. world to buy.

In addition, I also added Xueyanhua, the second order.Yuye fruit is the second grade.

Then a very weird medicinal powder was produced.

As long as it is ignited and sprinkled into the evil energy, the evil energy can make a creaking sound, and then melt in pieces.

A small packet of four grams of medicinal powder, after being ignited, can eliminate at least the level of evil energy below a hundred square meters.

In fact, the effect of using the third-order Yuye fruit is better.

It's just that the Yuye fruit of the Three Realms is a bit expensive, and there are many second-order Yuye fruits in our family.There are tens of thousands of catties in the warehouse of Mingyue City alone.In the future, we can plant more Yuye fruits for later use.In addition, we have also planted a large number of spiritual fruits on Yutu Island, especially Xueyanhua, which has grown a lot there.

The Xueyanhua that was sealed up at the entrance alone weighed more than [-] catties. "

"How did Xueyanhua seal up so many?" Taohua asked strangely.

"Because the elixir for female monks' beauty, the ointment needs a lot of stockpiling. At least one-third of our Chu family's elixir business comes from various beauty elixirs, beauty creams, skin care products and toiletries. It needs a lot of snow face flowers to be used as medicine." Chu Mo said, "That's why a large number of snow face flowers are planted. This kind of elixir, the beauty effect is second, and the focus is healing medicine, which has a miraculous effect on the recovery of flesh and blood. As long as It is a rare and good medicine if it matches well.”

"Then how is it used to eliminate evil energy?" Taohua asked funny.

"Pair it with Yuye fruit and golden sunflower wood. For some reason, it has a wonderful effect when mixed with the original prescription." Chu Moyan also said amused. "However, I adjusted their previous prescriptions in a small range. I maximized the potency of the medicine. Some of the elixir that was not very stable, and some elixir that conflicted with Yuyeguo and Xueyanhua were all taken away. It was replaced. We used some elixir with similar effects cultivated by ourselves."

"Let's go and have a try." Tao Hua said excitedly.

"Okay." Chu Moyan simply handed a large package of medicinal powder to Taohua.There are many small packets of medicinal powder in the large packet.

In addition, there is a large bottle, about a hundred pills of pills that dispel evil energy pollution.

Taohua and the others ran to float over the ruins again, and found that the array mages who had been injured before ran out alive and well to observe the underwater ruins and the surrounding formations.

"Is everyone gone?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The pharmacists and alchemists are still very good. This pill is well designed." The formation masters spoke to us.

This is really a line-by-line approach. They may be more talented in the formation, but the pharmacists and alchemists are also very powerful, and they took out new prescriptions in just over a day.

It is said that a lot of elixir grown by the family is also used.

In this way, the cost of medicinal materials can be saved a lot for the family. To put it bluntly, it can save a lot of money.

"Since you are all here, let's try the new medicine together. Chu Moyan assured me that the new medicine is good." Taohua smiled.

"Haha, look."

"That's right, look."

The formation masters all joined together with great interest.

Then the dark guards started to ignite the small medicine bags, and then dropped them one by one according to the one hundred square bags.Dropped seven or eight in a row.Every small pocket that was ignited and thrown was carried by a small metal bee, and it kept flying towards the space that had been emptied of sea water.

When the small medicine bag was ignited, it released white smoke, but it turned into crimson smoke as soon as it came into contact with evil energy, with an unusual fishy smell.The light white smoke also turned into thick red smoke.There was a thick puff of smoke, and a large puff of sea water emerged from the evacuated space.

After the little bee flew around a certain area, the evil energy there seemed to be emptied.

The hidden guards went down to test it out, but they didn't feel any abnormal energy at all.The body has not been corroded at all.

"Go to the Tong family's knowledgeable people to come and have a look. Let's see if the effect of our elimination of evil energy is up to the standard?" Taohua immediately asked someone to call someone.

It didn't take long for several old people under Tong's family to come.

They checked it themselves, and found that there was no trace of evil energy in the places where the medicine was used.Only at the periphery of the medication area, evil energy began to overflow again.

(End of this chapter)

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