Chapter 1045
"Your improved medicinal powder?" asked the very imposing old man among the elders of Tong's family.

"Yes, it has been improved." Chu Moyan said at this time.

"Did you improve the formula of the new medicine powder?" The old man looked at Chu Moyan and asked in astonishment.

"It was improved by the pharmacists and alchemists of our Chu family." Chu Moyan didn't take credit for it, it was improved by everyone.In the process of improvement, pharmacists and alchemists have proposed various unconstrained methods to test and verify.

All kinds of alternative medicinal materials in the prescription are made by them.

Because they often counterfeit and improve the prescriptions from the upper world, these pharmacists and alchemists of the Chu family each have some improvement tips they have mastered.

This time, they also contributed to the family's land reclamation relics.

However, after exchanging these tips and secret recipes, everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile and learned a lot.

"That's right, your Chu family is indeed good. However, your improved prescription should be handed over to Shenting. Any medicinal formula developed for alien races must not be kept secret, and must be announced to the entire Shenting organization." The old man said.

"Wait for my Patriarch to decide." Chu Moyan pushed [-]. "They are only responsible for researching drugs, and other things are the responsibility of the owner."

"Haha." The old man laughed a few times. "If you are willing, you can join our Tong family, and I can also take you as an apprentice. I am the top five alchemists in the Tong family." The old man said proudly.

"Thank you senior for your love, but unfortunately I have no intention of leaving the family." Chu Moyan politely refused.

"You people from the Chu family have left the Chu family to join our Tong family." The old man said again.

"Yeah, but I don't want to leave the family." Chu Moyan said again.

The old man frowned.

"Mo Yan, hurry back and bring someone to make this medicinal powder, as well as the elixir to exorcise evil spirits." Taohua heard their conversation, and hurriedly sent Chu Moyan away.

"Ms. Peach Blossom, I am more optimistic about that kid just now." The old man looked at Peach Blossom and said cryptically.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty good." Taohua avoided talking about it.What a joke, you, a pharmacist whose Tong family can't even take the first place, dare to poach people in front of me.

"He's in the Chu family, so it's a waste of time. Why don't I accept him as a disciple and let him join the Tong family." The old man said clearly again.

"No, he is the core member of our family, and he has mastered too many family secrets. Such a member of the family can only leave the family when his soul is gone." Tao Hua also said straightforwardly to the old man.

The old man's face froze suddenly and became very ugly.

Another man in charge beside him immediately grabbed the old man.Only then did the old man say in a stiff tone, "Then I won't win people's love."

When they returned to Tong Feng's side, the old man immediately reported to Tong Feng, "The establishment of Mrs. Taohua is slapping our Tong family in the face. I just asked her for a clan member. If there is anything I can't give, I will return the core clan members." I can’t leave the family alive. Why do I not believe it? If the head of the family said this, it would definitely work.”

Tong Feng didn't change his face immediately because of his complaint.

Instead, he asked another steward, "What's going on?"

The man in charge who had just pulled the old man, he explained the ins and outs of the matter, and finally concluded, "The other party only spent more than a day to improve our inner court. I don't know how many alchemists have improved it. The prescription. This talent is simply appalling.

It's normal for Mr. Hang to like the other party's talent.

It's just that the other party's talent is so good, the Chu family also specified that they would give the core clan members the treatment.And let him master a lot of Chu's secrets.

The Chu family will not release such a person.

So that Mrs. Peach Blossom directly rejected Mr. Hang's invitation to accept disciples. "

Tong Feng nodded and said. "If Mr. Hang is willing to accept disciples, he should choose someone else. Chu Shinian will definitely not let him go. My father will not hate a future sixth-rank monk just because he is a member of the Chu family."

When Mr. Hang heard this, his face became even uglier.

"I think that little guy is very talented in refining medicine. If he is carefully trained by me, he may be able to earn a lot of resources such as spirit stones for the family in the future."

Hearing this, Tong Feng sighed and said, "Is it worth fighting Chu Shinian for him? Besides, Chu Shinian just sent a lot of clansmen to my father. At this time, let's take away his clansmen again." , he was really going to be angry."

Chu Shinian is favored by Tong Tianxing and has a bright future.After returning to Zongmen, there will be even greater leapfrog development.Furthermore, he is Tong Tianxing's youngest disciple.In the future, if they unite with their senior brothers, they will gather even greater strength.

Although Tong Tianxing's many disciples helped Tong Tianxing's son in various ways, in that small circle, it was not Tong Tianxing's son who really had the right to speak.

Tong Tianxing never had the idea of ​​nurturing his son to control the small circle of disciples.

That small circle relies more on power to speak.As long as Chu Shinian gave him time, the most important thing he lacked was strength.

There's no need for the Tong family to mess up their relationship with him.

"My lord is too concerned, but he's just a kid. Can that Chu Shinian really fight for a little boy, so we can fight against each other?" The old man said in a bad tone after being stubborn for a moment.

"Hehe. Alright, alright, come here, hurry up and send Mr. Hang back to rest."

Tong Feng smiled and asked the left and right to drag that old man away.

When Mr. Hang left the room, the door closed with a click.

Tong Feng lost his face.

A group of old men in the clan, if they want to give him face, they will give him face.

He really knew how difficult the family that Father said was.

"Young master, Mr. Hang is just a bit stubborn. He doesn't mean not to take young master seriously. Otherwise, when young master asked Zuo Zuo to take him away just now, he wouldn't have followed him in such a silent manner." Another one At this time, the steward will make peace with the old man. "Besides, Mr. Hang just loves talents."

"I know, I'm not angry with him. Besides, I don't know if he loves talents?" Tong Feng said. "It's just that he shouldn't worry about that kid. Medicine is also the foundation of the Chu family. Isn't this equivalent to digging up the roots of the Chu family? It's no wonder that Chu Shinian agreed.

You persuade him to order, if he has any changes, you remember to stop it in time.If you can't stop it, just call me.I don't want to fall out with Chu Shinian. "

"Young master, don't worry, I will watch over him." The steward said.

In fact, everyone knows how much profit a talented alchemist can bring to the family. If Mr. Hang hadn't made a lot of profits, he would not have mentioned the matter of recruiting apprentices again and again.

 Going out today, first send a change.

(End of this chapter)

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