Chapter 1046

There is an unwritten rule in the court of God, whoever invents and improves the prescription, the honor and the exclusive right to the prescription will belong to him.

Anyone else who uses the prescription has to give a portion of his profits to the inventor.

However, if the apprentice invents or improves the prescription under the guidance of the master, the master can become a co-inventor and improver if the master does not enter, and can also share up to [-]% and at least [-]% of the rights and interests of the prescription.

Over the years, Mr. Hang has exhausted his talent a long time ago. His medicine refining skills may still be at the peak, but his invention and research of medicine prescriptions is long gone.

Over the years, he has relied on recruiting some talented disciples, and then followed the disciples' light to keep his position in Tong's.

He was so greedy when he saw Chu Moyan at will, and insisted on getting him under his name and becoming his disciple.

It's a pity that the Chu family is not a vegetarian either.

Not to mention anything else, but the heavy treasure Qingmu God Refining Cauldron and the strange treasure Hunyuan God Refining Cauldron are now in Chu Moyan's hands.Peach Blossom will not let him be taken away by a certain force in Shenting.

In order to speed up the refining of medicinal powder, the Chu family dispatched a large number of alchemists and pharmacists from other places.

And gather them on a boat, all kinds of refining medicine.

Old man hang felt itchy in his heart, so he wanted to go and have a look.Unfortunately, this time he was intercepted.

Chu's hidden guards prevented him from crossing the boat.

This made Old Man Hang feel very embarrassed, and yelled directly in front of everyone.

He played a rogue and yelled at others, but the hidden guards were indifferent.

Chu's hidden guards don't recognize anyone except the Patriarch and the Grand Commander.If you are yelling, just yell, and if you are not too tired, you will continue to contact your vital capacity.

This matter was eventually found out by Chu Shinian and his brothers who had gathered to chat about the sect.

Tong Feng suddenly felt his face turn red, what the hell, he just slapped his face like that.

When Mr. Hang was presented in front of the brothers, he was still shouting.

"Old Hang." Tong Feng whispered displeased.

Only then did Old Man Hang come back to his senses, and then said with an aggrieved look on his face, "My lord, you have to make the decision for me. I am the best alchemist in the Tong family. Why don't they let me go and see it when they make alchemy? You can still steal their medicinal materials, but not their prescriptions."

"Look at what you said, how come our Chu family is unreasonable, domineering and bullying? Originally, Senior Brother Tong and the others came over, and everyone was very happy. Senior Brother Tong also brought a prescription over, looking at the ruins. It's time to open up wasteland, and you still make such troublesome things.

It's hard to tell what's good.

You are also an alchemist yourself, don't you know that when an alchemist is refining alchemy, he must not be disturbed at all?

Otherwise, the light ones will waste the medicinal materials in the furnace, and the severe ones will even injure themselves.

I don't even know what's on your mind to say what you just said. "

Taohua said impatiently and unceremoniously.

Hang Lao suddenly froze and his face turned black.

The incident swept across his face.

"Eldest son, take a quick look, what is this if it's not bullying? It's definitely bullying the Tong family, so I can't stand up for me."

It's really weird, even the old face was pulled off for the sake of money.

When Tong Feng heard his begging for mercy, his face was burning hot.I really don't know why my father sent such a thing.This part-time job is to make him lose face in front of many seniors.

"Come here, send Mr. Hang back to Tongcheng."

At this time, the old man Hang finally changed his color.

He knew that he violated Tong Feng's bottom line.

Tong Feng couldn't tolerate him anymore.

It's too bad, he just confronted each other of the little Chu family, why didn't it work?

"Elder Master, Eldest Master, listen to me." The old man Hang shouted after struggling unexpectedly this time.

Tong Feng didn't want to hear him continue talking nonsense.

He directly signaled his confidant to take the person away quickly.

"Brothers and sisters, don't be angry, Mr. Hang is an alchemist, and he is a little different from the world." Tong Feng explained to Taohua.

Taohua hastened to be polite and said it was okay.

In fact, if I slander others in my heart, I'm afraid it's because I know the world too well.

It's just that his greedy heart had burned his own sanity long ago, and the old man said all the inappropriate words at will.

"But your newly improved prescription..." Tong Feng was a little embarrassed.But Tao Hua felt nothing, and asked someone to offer a new prescription. "It's all for the good of Shenting Great World and Zongmen." Taohua said understandingly.

Tong Feng smiled at the result of the prescription, looked carefully and frowned and said, "This new prescription has changed a lot."

"Well, it's all modified according to the type and quantity of my family's planting. They have used several kinds of large-scale cultivation of my family's elixir." Taohua smiled lightly.

Tong Feng was really surprised this time, "The alchemists of your Chu family actually changed the prescription according to the types of medicinal materials grown by your family?"

"The main reason is that my family grows a lot of elixir." Tao Hua said sincerely.Xiongshan has become his own back garden.The Chu family's annual shipments of various low-level and mid-level elixir are quite terrifying.

"I'll accept your prescription. When I return to Tongcheng, I will send someone to take the prescription back to the Zongmen. After the Zongmen re-appraises it, the merit points will be included in the current year's name." Of course he recommended it. If you work hard, you will also have a credit.This way everyone can benefit.

"It's all thanks to senior brother taking care of me." Tao Hua was satisfied.

After another five or six days, only a shallow layer of seawater was left.The evil energy in the space within the formation was also dissolved one by one.

The Chu family spent a lot of manpower and material resources in this process.The value of various spiritual plants alone is far more than 30 spiritual stones.If the land reclamation site doesn't make any money back, then the Chu family will really lose money.

This has not yet entered the ruins, who knows what is going on in the ruins.

Even Tong Feng and the others were a little sweating about getting married.

In case there is nothing below.

The reputation of the Chu family will suffer a fatal blow.

The Chu family, which was thriving at first, would even gradually decline due to rumors.

"Ahhhh, something happened."

"Something happened, something happened."

"Something has come out, something has really come out." As the seawater continued to be pumped, patches of black shadows gradually emerged underwater.

The patrolling guards and dark guards who were in charge of pumping water shouted loudly.

Their shouts directly attracted many formation masters, alchemists, pharmacists, Tong Feng and others.The last ones to arrive were Taohua, Chu Shinian and the others.

A huge off-white wooden section that was as thick as eight or nine people hugged and was hundreds of feet long was hoisted out of the water by the patrol guards and dark guards using ropes.

"It's Ming Ling Yin Shen Mu." Tao Hua smiled.

"Is it the kind of treasure that is comparable to middle-level spirit gold and can be refined to build starship warships?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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