Chapter 1047

Its hardness, corrosion resistance, and energy erosion resistance are stronger than those of middle-level spirit gold.The weight is much lighter than the middle-level spirit gold, and the toughness is far superior to the middle-level spirit gold.

The most important thing is that the price is only half of the middle-level spirit gold.And with the revival of spiritual energy, Ming Lingyin Shenmu will continue to be nourished by spiritual energy, and its quality will continue to improve.

In the Nether, all kinds of gloomy wood are the best refining materials for warships at sea.

Soon everyone will find that not only are there various relics on land, but there are also more complex relics left by the human and monster races in the sea.Many types of Gloomy Wood can be found in these ruins.They were all hoarded by the sects themselves in the last Reiki Era.

In that era, many huge spirit trees grew in deep and shallow seas.Some are as high as [-] meters.

In that era, many places in the ocean were deep sea forests.

All kinds of marine animals and plants are extremely prosperous.

Although the aura has recovered now, there is no accumulation of the previous aura era for who knows how many years.

Just like these gloomy woods that have seen the light again, how can they be raised only by the recovery of spiritual energy in the past ten years?

"Hurry up and have someone check it out. Are these gloomy woods corroded by evil energy? If they are severely corroded by evil energy, they probably won't be able to take them." Tao Hua immediately ordered the dark guards and sea patrols to act.

They put on special gloves and immediately went up for inspection.

Ming Ling Yin Shen wood itself has high resistance to energy corrosion.

So although the evil energy is flooding the surrounding ocean environment.But after all, there is no control of the Sky Evil Clan and the Evil Corpse.All in the state of automatic overflow.

Therefore, the dark wood of Mingling is almost not corroded, and it sounds empty when knocked, like the sound of knocking gold and iron.To the touch, apart from ocean sediments, there is not even a trace of corrosion by evil energy.

Taohua herself also went up to inspect it, "These dark woods should have been placed in the seabed for a long time, and when they become high-quality dark woods, they are less likely to be corroded by evil energy."

"This quality is too good." Tong Feng came over and looked down at Taohua's inspection, and couldn't help but said. "If this is a battleship refined and sold on the battlefield outside the boundary, it will definitely be a hit and make a lot of money."

"When all the Ming Lingyin and Shenmu are brought out, we will share half with Senior Brother Tong." Taohua laughed.

"Don't, we just provided two prescriptions, and later you returned us two improved new prescriptions. When the prescriptions are passed back to the sect, I can take advantage of them again. So I don't want to take advantage of this gloomy wood." Couples are cheap.

In this way, according to size and length, we acquire.A small [-] spirit stone, a medium [-] spirit stone, and a super thick [-] spirit stone. "

"Is this price too expensive? Senior Brother Tong, if you give so many spirit stones, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss. Then how dare we?" Tao Hua immediately shook her head in disagreement.

"No, no. You don't know the price of warships on the battlefield outside the boundary. A third-tier warship costs at least 700 million spirit stones, but a third-tier warship needs at most three of your super thick gloomy wood as the main Keel. It’s that expensive, there is still no market for Tier [-] warships, even Tier [-] warships like yours and warships that are less than Tier [-] and a half and less than Tier [-], there is still a market there.

A ship has at least hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. "

After calculating in Taohua's mind, she immediately felt that this battleship was simply a huge profit.The total cost of the new battleship refined by her family is less than [-] spirit stones.

And what Tong Feng said, Taohua also clearly knew the specific level of her warship in the eyes of the Shenting forces.

You must know that some of the main structure materials of her warship are Tier [-] spirit gold.

Only in this way can they be ranked one level, one and a half battleship levels.

Then consider the size of the battleship and various supporting large weapons and equipment.But battleships are definitely not something that ordinary small forces can play around with.

"Well then, if senior brother Tong doesn't feel disadvantaged, then we'll sell it, and we can sell half of the gloomy wood to you," Tao Hua said.

"Brother Tong, we also need it." Li Yi blurted out first.

"Understood, you are indispensable. We will share the share together at that time." Tong Feng said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Tong is magnificent." Ma Liang complimented immediately.

"Senior Brother Tong is righteous." Lu Meng also shouted loudly.

The other brothers who followed also had smiles on their faces.

Who would have thought that the Chu family, which had a bad start, was blocked by evil energy, and then invested a lot of manpower, material resources and pills, would have such a huge harvest before entering the ruins?
As the sea water was pumped out, some evil energy overflowed from under the sea.

The sergeants of the Chu family had skillfully ignited the powder to dispel the overflowing evil energy.All of them have taken pills to drive away evil energy, as long as they feel the stimulation of evil energy on their skin.It will shoot to ignite the powder.

Taohua and Chu Moyan also took the repelling pill.

"Chu Moyan, try again, can you find a medicinal powder that can display evil energy?"

"Powder? It just faintly shows where there is evil energy?" Chu Moyan asked immediately.

"That's right. See if there is any way?" Taohua said.

"We have several medicine powder prescriptions and fragrance prescriptions here, and I'll bring them to you when I get back." Tong Feng continued.He was fully prepared for this visit.There are more than a dozen kinds of prescriptions alone.

"Senior Brother Tong, thank you so much." Chu Shinian immediately said gratefully.

"You're welcome, Xiaonian." Tong Feng said to their husband and wife with a smile. "The couple cooperated very well."

One after another, the gloomy wood was hoisted by the sergeants flying in the air, and all of them were pasted with hanging talismans, so these huge gloomy woods were not very heavy.The sergeants moved the gloomy wood one by one onto the deck of the battleship behind.Someone over there specially cleaned it, and then used the medicinal powder to clear the evil energy again, and then shrunk down and transported it into the cabin.

I don't know how long this batch of gloomy wood has been sleeping on the bottom of the sea, each one is very thick and long.

Even with a reduction character, it is as long as two ordinary pieces of wood, and even three times as thick.

This kind of wood material is also relatively large in the cargo hold of the battleship.Otherwise, it's really not easy to plug in.

When the cabin was full, several warships began to return under the escort of the surrounding warships.

Always embarrassed to take the gloomy wood of the Chu family, so the disciples of Guanghan Jianzong stepped forward one after another, and under Chu Shinian's arrangement, they became the bodyguards of the small battleship formation, responsible for protecting them when they returned to the Chu family.

With their escort, even if things are robbed, they can know who did such wicked things without giving Guanghan Jianzong face.

It would be strange not to copy his lair when he turned around.

With the escort of fellow seniors, it is actually equivalent to a great guarantee, at least the upper realm forces dare not treat them lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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