The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1048 Digging 3 Zhang

Chapter 1048
After sending away some of his seniors, Chu Shinian continued to return to the undersea ruins, and the gloomy wood was still being hoisted.Mainly too much.Barabara is planted in the silt of many seabeds, which is another piece of gloomy wood.

Those dirt pockets, mounds, and mounds, after pushing away a lot of silt, are all gloomy wood.

In half a day, thousands of them were hung out.Rao Tong Feng and Tong Rui brothers felt that they were well-informed, and they were also stunned by this number.

"We need to pay more attention to this seabed ruins in the future." Lu Meng suddenly said to the brothers.

"That's right, the relics on the land and the ancient lands have been harvested well, so is the seabed. This Sunken Sea Palace faction has so many treasures. What about the other deep sea forces?" Ma Liang said thoughtfully.

"It's no wonder that the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect directly chose the deep sea. At first I thought they were going for the Absolute Beginning ruins, but now it seems that the Deep Sea ruins are also very extraordinary." Something really happened!Li Yi also said with great interest.

"There are more ancient ruins in the deep sea, but the deep sea. I always feel that it is not so easy to open up wasteland." Chu Shinian frowned. "I heard that even the monster tribes and sea beasts themselves often have their tribes directly wiped out."

"You mean there is something else in the deep sea?" Tong Rui immediately reacted sharply.

"We humans know too little about the deep sea. Sea people should know something," Chu Shinian said.

"Speaking of this lower bound, the area of ​​the deep sea far exceeds the area of ​​the land. It's not surprising that there will be some rare and big things. If we really want to explore some ruins, it's best to hold together as we are now." Tong Feng said in a very serious tone. Said sharply. "Brothers, don't play with your life for a little money."

"Brother Feng, don't worry, none of us want to die, and everyone will not be so ignorant." Other senior brothers assured.

Everyone descends to the realm for experience and wealth, not for death.

"Why is the deep sea so dangerous? Why haven't you heard about it from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"If there is a huge crisis, there must be a huge harvest. The Sword of Absolute Beginning has been assigned to keep the secret of his own harvest, but it is not surprising that the news of the deep sea is spread. If the harvest in the deep sea is really so big, and we are not sure, then please It's not impossible for the seniors to come down." Tong Feng thought about it.

The Chu family transported three batches of gloomy wood back one after another, and the first ones were escorted by the brothers.But what Tong Rui and Chu Shinian didn't expect was that Tong Jian also followed.

"You don't need to be nervous. I came here because I heard that there are a lot of dark woods in your place?" Tong Jian asked many juniors with a smile.In fact, his main questioning target was Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian recounted the experience before and after the land reclamation of the ruins.

Even Tong Jian had to admit that Chu Shinian was so lucky.

"With such a large amount of gloomy wood, is your Chu family planning to refine new warships with pulling power?" Tong Jian asked.

"That's right. Our current warships can't sustain the naval battle between the Chu family and the Yaozu, so we plan to refine new warships." Chu Shinian told what he had discussed with Taohua.

With the growth of the sea beasts' combat power and the recovery of the sea monsters' combat power, the sea battle has become more and more intense.A little carelessness, their battleship will be caught and broken into the water.

It may also be cut directly into two pieces.

If this was replaced by Ming Lingyin Shenmu, it would not be so easy to cut.

"If you want to save Chen Ben a little, you can paste a layer of gloomy wood on the outer wall of the battleship." Tong Jian said.

"This is also a good idea. However, Taohua and I plan to build a new batch of warships all made of dark wood, mainly to deal with future out-of-boundary battlefields."

Tong Jian nodded immediately after hearing this and said, "That's a good idea. Let's do it this way. Brother Tong Feng doesn't need so much dark wood, so sell me some. I'm not representing myself, but representing the sect to talk to you. of."

Tong Feng immediately wailed, "Chu Shinian, I was hurt by you this time."

Chu Shinian laughed softly.

"It's not that I'm looking for you to talk about things."

Tong Jian also laughed when he heard this, "That's right, I'm the one who asked you to talk about the matter. Juniors, what do you have to say?"

Everyone looked at Tong Jian helplessly: Who dares to have an opinion?
"Senior Tong, save some for us, it's time for us to go to the battlefield outside the boundary."

"I know, I know, I'll save some for you." Tong Jian said following the crowd.Anyway, he didn't want to take them all away.

A few boats were left for everyone, and the rest were taken away by Tong Jian.

After he left, everyone immediately surrounded Chu Shinian.

"You're not kind, Chu Shinian."

"Xiao Chu, you can't do this. If you do this, you will lose your relatives and brothers."

"Xiao Chu, what do you think about this matter?"

"I'll help you pay another [-]% of the gloomy wood. There's nothing else." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"That's okay." Everyone discussed it, and it was indeed okay.

Zongmen who took away their gloomy wood would also give merit points.

"Then we will transfer the [-]% of the merit points to you." Everyone said.

"Yes. Just turn it over to my disciple token. My disciple token should still be with my master."

"I know, your disciple's token is in the hands of your senior brother Yingsi. He has already said that if there is anything about you in the sect, just go to him." A disciple of the Guanghan Sword Sect who just came down said.

"Ying Si?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"Yingsi is your fourth senior brother. Your master's disciple, Tong Zheng, ranks eighth. You are ninth. In fact, apart from you, Tong Zheng is the youngest disciple of your master. After having Tong Zheng, your master probably doesn't plan to accept any more. I'm already a disciple, and I haven't accepted any more disciples for a long time." said the disciple of the sect.

"Then I must thank fourth senior brother after I go back." Chu Shinian said hastily.

Although he hasn't seen Ying Si yet, she actually takes care of her own affairs, obviously a very responsible senior brother.

"Brother Yingsi is really good." The other party continued.

"By the way, have you found the entrance to the ruins?" Another disciple asked.

"Not yet." Chu Shinian said.

"Actually, it's not that they haven't yet. It's just that people from the Chu family have all gone to the gloomy wood, and no one is looking for the entrance to the ruins at all." Ma Liang complained at this time.

"That's right, they dig the gloomy wood every day, even on a flat seabed beach, they have to dig three feet. In the end, they really dug out new patches of gloomy wood." Lu Meng also complained at this time, "Just follow the With their speed, I don’t think they will be able to dig an entrance next year.”

(End of this chapter)

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