The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1049 Strange Things

Chapter 1049 Strange Things

"What are you doing?" A certain disciple asked speechlessly.

"It's about digging money." Chu Shinian's answer was solid.It's just that when he said this, the other sect brothers immediately burst into laughter.

"Junior brother Chu, there are not many real juniors like you nowadays."

"That's right, Junior Brother Chu is indeed a member of my generation. Everyone is short of spirit stones, hahaha. What's wrong with being poor, I admit it when I'm poor." Another disciple also laughed.

"The main reason is that you are really poor." Chu Shinian also said along with his senior brother.

Everyone continued to laugh and laugh.

The lower Chu Shinian put himself, the easier it would be for him to get along with his brothers.He is the body of the Dao, and everyone knows that he has a bright future. As long as Chu Shinian puts on an approachable attitude, who wouldn't want to make friends with him?

Who is not destined to lack a future boss?

Because Chu Shinian got along with his brothers and sisters in harmony, even though the Chu family was slow in digging holes, everyone didn't care much about Chu Shinian's delay.

The fact that the Chu family is full of digging holes is not because the Chu family's movements are slow, but because the ruins are relatively large.

In addition to all kinds of stone statues, there are all kinds of soil bags, earth pits, and sand pits, and there are all kinds of gloomy wood inside.

In addition to the dark wood of Mingling, two other kinds of dark wood with good quality were discovered later.The Chu family is digging into Shen Haigong's family just like Juegen. If there are any descendants of Shen Haigong, I'm afraid they will settle accounts with them.

It's a pity that Shen Hai Palace was completely extinct back then.

The battle of planing wood on the battlefield lasted for a full month, and then even the sea beasts and sea monsters came to stroll nearby.

Tong Jian simply responded to Chu Shinian's request and sent more people to watch the scene.

He even negotiated with the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.As long as it is also a matter of share of gloomy wood.

Dig more and more with the number of gloomy wood.

Everyone's share is constantly adjusted.Because the Chu family is the main force in digging wood, they have invested a lot of manpower and material resources during this period.

So their family accounted for [-]% of the total.The other [-]% belonged to the Zongmen and Taichu Sword Sect, and there were also disciples who came to see the scene.

Chu Shinian turned around and planned to give half of it to the brothers who came to help, but the share was squeezed out by a large number.They were all declined.The amount of gloomy wood is too large, and it is not easy for everyone to share it according to the current share.If the Chu family gave up half of it, wouldn't that be bullying Chu Shinian?

While the Chu family was planing wood, they also removed all the stone statues from the ruins under the sea.

This kind of stone statue is not very useful, at most it can be sold for stone money, and if anyone is willing to accept it, the Chu family will directly ship it and sell it.After cleaning up the seabed in this area as a whole, everyone discovered that the seabed here is made of special white stone carvings.

A large number of ancient runes are engraved on these huge square stones.

The formation masters of the Chu family found out the entrance and exit after many calculations and appraisals.Just under a boulder at the foot of the northeast.

The mechanism that has been dusty for many years was activated with the joint efforts of the formation masters and master craftsmen.

The winch kept ringing, and certain heavy items that were huge in weight were hoisted up little by little, and then moved little by little.After another loud click and bang, a boulder brick suddenly retracted under the floor tile due north.

A tunnel entrance that can accommodate five or six people in parallel appeared in front of everyone.

It was more intense, rolling like a black mist, as if it was about to rush out from the face.

The monks of the Chu family quickly ignited all kinds of smiling evil energy powders and arranged them at the entrance of the tunnel.

The evil energy tumbling up collided with the ignited medicine smoke, it was almost creaking, and the needle tip met the wheat awn, melting each other violently.

When the monks of the Chu family saw it, they immediately lit more medicinal smoke.

Squeak, squeak, and more violent collisions continued.

There seems to be a lot of evil energy accumulated in the tunnel, and this little medicine smoke is just a drop in the bucket. At most, it can temporarily block the entrance of the tunnel to prevent the evil energy in the tunnel from spilling out.

"This ruin is really difficult to deal with. If this continues, it may take a while to really enter the bottom." Tong Rui said with some regret.

"This ruin has shown that it is not easy to deal with at the beginning. If it is easy to deal with, how can it be our turn?" Chu Shinian patted him on the shoulder and said. "If you're upset, go back and have a rest, or take someone to get some easier relics. Anyway, if you don't get annoyed, just come back and help me develop this relic."

Tong Rui gave him a blank look.

"Don't talk to me. Anyway, after a while, I will have the advantage, and I will definitely go back. Now, I can stay here and help you do some work."

"Haha, thank you, brother." Chu Shinian laughed.

"You kid has too many eyes." Tong Rui said angrily.

"Each, each other. They're all masters, they're all masters." Chu Shinian continued to laugh.

Tong Rui was completely speechless. This guy had a thicker skin than a city wall, and he sighed to himself.

Bang, bang, bang... A super-sized, huge human-shaped thing that seemed to be inflated by something rushed out.

As soon as it came out, it rushed towards a strong monk with a big foul-smelling mouth.

The other party hurriedly threw the weapon in his hand to Wanwan, and he also retreated violently.

As a result, the weapon was smashed into pieces by that thing, and it still bit the monk at the same speed.

At this time, people can already see what this thing is.

The face is like a pile of corroded rotten flesh.Only one big mouth can still be seen.The mouth was extremely foul-smelling, and black blood flowed horizontally.The whole body is also pus and rotten flesh, as if a living person has been soaked.

A large amount of evil energy rolled in his body, wherever he went, the evil energy would radiate strongly to the surroundings.

Rune spears stabbed at the strange things from around.

As soon as the tip of the spear pierced into the strange thing's body, it squeaked and corroded.As soon as the spear tip was taken out, it was corroded by the evil energy and lost a layer, and there were holes in the gun.Billowing black air flowed out of the black hole in a dense manner.

Spreading into the surrounding air, the strong stench is not only easy to corrode people, but also chokes people out of breath.

The monks with guns retreated violently again.That thing has already got close to the young and strong monk who was chasing before.

As soon as Taohua flicked her hand, a long rope seemed to come alive, it went around the waist of the strong young monk, and then pulled back violently.

That strange thing actually flew up, and then was preyed on by the tiger, and smashed at the young and strong monk from mid-air.

Taohua pulled the long rope back again at a faster speed, narrowly pulling a certain monk away before the strange thing pounced on him.

Then that strange thing fell to the ground with various bangs.

Black water, pus rushed out of his body immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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