The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1050 Jade Ring and Jade Book of Inheritance

Chapter 1050 Jade Ring and Jade Book of Inheritance

Black water and pus, wrapped in rotten meat, continuously flowed onto the white floor tiles.

Seeing the people around them backing away, they were afraid that they would get something disgusting.

No one at the entrance of the tunnel lit the medicine smoke, and more and stronger evil energy surged out.Clouds of black smoke spewed out, and then scattered into the surrounding air.

The strange thing struggled to get up, and a black token fell to the floor tiles with a clatter.

When Chu Shinian took a picture of it, the token was suspended in his palm.

"Shen Haigong Chen Shiyi." Chu Shinian immediately read out the above ancient characters.Sure enough, following Taohua, he learned a lot about ancient documents, ancient characters, and various ancient hidden rumors.

"Is it a human race?" Tong Feng walked over to look at the token and asked suspiciously.

"It seems so." Chu Shinian threw the token to Tong Feng.Then a fiery snake was about to surrender to the strange thing.As a result, they were scattered by a black light from Peach Blossom halfway.

Taohua directly shot out another black light, completely freezing the strange thing in a huge piece of black ice.

Click, click, the strange thing seems to be struggling in the black ice.

But at that time, the black ice was extremely evil, and he was born with the nature of freezing everything, melting the soul, and melting all physical energy.

Evil energy also has the nature of corrosive absorption, but its energy level is a bit lower than the extremely evil black ice.

So the monster struggled a few times, then slowly stopped struggling, and then gradually turned into an illusory shadow.In the end, the shadows disappeared completely, turning into broken ice all over the place.

A robe full of black blood and dirt remained for some unknown reason.

After Taohua solved the strange thing, some soldiers from the Chu family went to the entrance of the tunnel to deal with the evil energy, and other soldiers began to deal with the overflowing evil energy around them.

It was the first time Tong Feng saw this kind of terrifying black ice with his own eyes.

"This is……?"

"Supernatural powers. My wife has awakened supernatural powers a long time ago." Chu Shinian said.

Tong Feng gasped. "Even if it is a disciple of the sect who can awaken supernatural powers, it is rare. You husband and wife are amazing."

"Hahaha, brother, you are joking. There are so many geniuses and monsters in the sect, but how many fellow sects have awakened supernatural powers?" Chu Shinian said indifferently.

"Miss, you organized me to burn that guy's body, is it because you discovered the abnormality of this robe?"

"Didn't you notice? No matter how hard this guy charges, he never shows his back. Even if he lost his mind, he subconsciously protects his back. So I'm sure there is a designation on his back Things. Come and see, what's written on it?" Taohua beckoned Chu Shinian to go over and flip through her clothes.

Chu Shinian immediately walked over, put on special gloves, and spread out the robe.

Inside the robe is not only a palm-sized jade box, but also the blood book he wrote on it.

"The Tianxie clan is not on the battlefield outside the sky. Their main force suddenly bypassed the battlefield outside the sky and attacked the main gate of our Shenhai Palace. The guarding master decided to blow himself up and die with the coming strong Tianxie clan. Order us to rush out of the Tianxie clan The encirclement circle, took the important items of this station and the inheritance jade book and rushed to the battlefield outside the sky.

We have just arrived at this temporary palace, and several senior brothers who were infected by the evil spirits suddenly attacked me and the evil spirits who were ambushing here. The uncles, uncles, and others all died in battle. I can't die, I must Take things to the battlefield outside the sky.

If I didn't even take the things to the battlefield outside the sky, then later generations will also ask you to hand over my Shenhai Palace Inheritance Jade Book to my descendants of Shenhai Palace.If I sink into the sea palace, all of them will die.If you get this inheritor, please pass on my Shenhai Palace.

Inheritance condenses the great luck of my Shenhai Palace, and non-inheritors are not allowed to tamper with it. "

After reading the message in the blood book, Taohua opened the jade box, and inside was a jade ring.This ring must be a storage ring.Taohua put on the ring and probed with her spiritual sense, there is a lot of space inside.It is full of secret treasures from Shenhai Palace.The colorful collection, even after so many years, has not lost any brilliance. How is the quality? !

In the deepest part of the jade ring, there is a square jade box.

Taohua took out the jade box.

There seems to be some light flowing in this jade box.

"Is this the inheritance jade book of Shen Hai Palace?" Tong Feng asked.

"Yes. Brother Tong, can you take a look?" Tao Hua asked.

"You young couples don't know very well. No one can open this kind of inheritance jade book. The better one of you opens it, it is equivalent to accepting the inheritance of Shen Hai Palace. The great karma and great luck of Shen Hai Palace will Gather all of you together.

Even though Shenhai Palace has become history now, they died fighting to protect the world after all.

The world will remember their merits and virtues, and will give their descendants great luck bonuses to ensure that Shenhai Palace can be passed on. " Tong Feng said.

"Even the old lady dare not touch this kind of thing easily. Once you touch this thing, you will automatically become the inheritance disciple of Shenhai Palace, and the future Palace Master of Shenhai Palace. You will no longer be the master of Shenhai Palace. A disciple of Guanghan Sword Sect.

Even if ordinary people get this kind of thing, they can become peerless bosses in the future. " Tong Feng said.

Chu Shinian was stunned, "Since this jade box has so many benefits, there are many people who want to own it. The old lady can find someone to open it, and she doesn't have to bear any big karma. It has been inherited from Shenhai Palace."

"It's not as simple as you think. This kind of inheritance treasure can not only inherit the great luck and great merit of the original sect, but also inherit the bloody bad luck of the original sect's extermination. There is no such thing as the ability to be untouched by great luck. , whoever gets this kind of thing will die a thousand times, and while encountering various adventures, he will also encounter more bad luck.

Only by withstood the bad luck and not dying, can you change your fate against the sky in the later stage, wipe away the bloody bad luck of the original Shenhai Palace, re-open the mountain gate, and pass on the Shenhai Palace. "

Tong Feng said.

"In short, it looks like a good bait, but in fact, it will be a big trouble for anyone who takes it." Tong Rui also said, "There are also some such inheritances in our sect, which have been sealed in the sect for a long time."

"What do you think, lady?" Chu Shinian asked.

"This inheritance jade book is most likely the inheritance of the demon cultivator. You can ask the sect if it will be accepted? If not, I will exchange it for something that is not troublesome." Taohua said.

"Take it for a trade?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise. "With whom?"

"Deal with outside forces." Taohua said.

"People from other forces in Shenting? That's also possible." Tong Feng said, "Anyway, there is no shortage of this kind of inheritance sect. You can take it back to exchange for some merit points at most. It's better to trade it directly."

"That's right." It was rare for Tong Rui to agree with his cousin.

The other fellow apprentices also agreed.

Since the brothers who are familiar with the sect persuaded him like this, Chu Shinian put away the things without admonishment.Then let Taohua visit the contents of the jade ring one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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