The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1051 Luck crystallization

Chapter 1051 Luck crystallization
These are the things that the corpse brought out from the main gate of Shenhai Palace, all of which are high-quality goods.

Even the brothers from Guanghan Sword Sect were shocked and speechless.

"I'll go, it's all good things." Someone said.

At this time, Taohua took off the ring and handed it to Ma Liang. "Check it, there is nothing else except the box of the Jade Book of Inheritance."

"Oh, there's no need to do anything." Ma Liang quickly pushed the ring back.

Chu Shinian immediately took the ring away and threw it to him again.

"Look at as many people as you can find. Our brothers are villains and gentlemen."

"You really don't have to, we are all brothers." Ma Liang said with a troubled face.

"Don't. Brothers and sisters trust me and come to help me open up the ruins. If we are returned to the ruins, it will cause some unpleasantness." Chu Shinian said immediately. "We have to behave according to the rules. If not, next time I won't dare to come over to help fellow seniors."

Although there are many things in Shen Hai Palace, they are not enough to make Chu Shinian lose his composure.

He and his wife have been managing the Chu family for many years. Others don't know. Doesn't he know how much his family's total assets are?
The total resources of their family are increasing at a rate of 5.00% every year.

What a huge fortune that is, the Tong family may not be able to bear it if it is said.

So he didn't want to ruin his image here at all.

As long as he protects his image well, he can quickly form a powerful force when he reaches the sect, and his name will be enough for him to protect the family.

Taohua also thought of this truth, there is something to be given and something to be gained.

It depends on what you give up and what you get back, which is more important to you.

Hearing this, Ma Liang checked the ring with a smile, and then handed it to the other brothers around him.He didn't give it to the few he had a good relationship with, but gave it to the leader of another group.

That senior also inspected the jade ring with a smile, and then compared Big Thumb to Chu Shinian.

Although there is no lack of elements of Chu Shinian's show, being able to do it so generously and heroically also shows some problems.At least Chu Shinian was not a stingy person.

"We have gained too much this time. We can hardly use [-]% of it, and we need to hand it over to the sect in exchange for merit. Is there any problem with everyone?" Tong Feng asked proactively.

"Understood." Everyone nodded in understanding.

The big head must belong to the sect.

"Thirty percent of the remaining fifty percent belongs to the Chu family. After all, we are almost all soy saucers, so we didn't make much effort. The remaining two percent will be shared by everyone. No objection?" Tong Feng asked again.

This time, there was no objection.Because Tong Feng's behavior is in line with the sect's rules.

After dividing the things, someone from the Chu family would naturally take them away.Their own scores were also averaged, and Tong Feng didn't take much.

It was difficult to deal with the remaining sects, so Tong Feng simply moved his father and several big monks here.

They came to take away the things and were responsible for transferring them back to the sect.

As a result, a certain old lady came up, and not long after, she received another large box of luck crystals.

The old lady immediately became worried.No one of his disciples at the peak of the fifth level plans to hit the sixth level.

Finally one day, there was such a large box of luck crystals in my hand, but I had nowhere to send them out, it was so miserable.

The old lady thought with a sad expression on her face.

"Xi Baocai. You are an old man who kills money. You can share my share of the relic treasures. Why don't you give me a piece of luck crystal?" Rushed into the treasure building on the old lady.

The old lady was drinking tea at this time, while gently patting a huge box on the table in front of her.

Humpty Humpty sensed it carefully, and found that the big box contained the luck crystallization of the box that was directly given to Xi Baocai.

He immediately reached out and grabbed the box.

The old lady directly slapped the large box that suppressed the suction.Then he said angrily, "Bandits? Robbery?"

"You're too much, you gave me so many things, it's not as useful as your box." The chunky old man complained angrily, "I don't care, you get at least half of my points."

"It's fine to borrow half of it from you, but I have to pay it back to me." The old lady said shamelessly.

"What borrowing? Why? I should have a share of this box of luck crystals of yours." The dumpy old man said angrily.

"No, at the beginning it was said that some of you will be divided into the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. It was not said that you will be divided into half. It is shameless. The boss is old, so give yourself some dignity." The old lady said speechlessly.

"Without luck crystallization, why should I face? Why do I need dignity? Can dignity solve the big problem of my disciples' promotion to the sixth level? I don't have a good life like yours. Disciples and grandchildren, continue to open up wasteland to obtain luck crystals Have you piled up all the guys on your side who can advance to the sixth level?" The dumpy old man said in a sour tone.

"Why don't you say that you have recruited too many disciples?" the old lady said speechlessly. "Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is the only one who has the most disciples at the same age as you. Now, is it Mazhu? You have many disciples. Once you reach the stage of breaking through the sixth level, you old boy can only work hard to find all kinds of things for them. Resources have been promoted."

Hearing what the old friend said, the dumpy old man couldn't help but sigh.His life is really bad.

The disciples were all too talented, and he liked one when he met one.How happy I was to have taken in so many good disciples, but now I am so troubled by running around looking for resources for them.

"You said that if I don't help, it's up to them. Even if they try their best, they can't find all the resources. It's just the crystallization of luck, this little thing that hates people, it's stuck How many people have died?"

The old lady nodded in agreement.

"No matter how talented you are, you won't be able to advance to the sixth level without the crystallization of luck. The disciple who has been stuck for the longest time on my side has been stuck for almost 60 years."

"I have been stuck for 80 years, and there are people who have been stuck for 100 years." The chunky old man sighed.

"Huh?" The old lady looked at him in astonishment. "How could it be possible to be stuck for so long? Didn't you find someone to borrow some luck and crystallization? My one who has been stuck for 60 years came to my door halfway. When he joined my door, he had been stuck for more than [-] years up.

When I came to my school, I planned to lend him some crystals recently, but before I borrowed them, the disciples found the things. "

Listen to the tone, this old Versailles.

"If you want me to borrow it from you, I will borrow it from you. Are you willing to lend it to me?" the dumpy old man asked angrily.

"Didn't I just say I would lend you half of it?" the old lady said speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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