The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1052 Returning to Xianyang

Chapter 1052 Return to Xianyang
"I don't want half of what you borrowed. Don't you have to pay it back? I want to share the half."

"What did you do? Did you discover the ruins, or exorcise the evil energy? You're just saying something. How dare you come here and share half of my luck crystal?" The old lady immediately turned her face. "I've never seen you so shameless. If you are not willing to cooperate with me, who am I going to look for? You can ask old man Xue if he is willing to help me? Hmph, without you, short and thick, how could I not be able to develop?" Is there a new lower bound over there?"

When the short, thick and fat old man heard this, he was immediately shocked.

"I don't know what that means, I mean, why don't you give me some?"

"All right, I'll give you one piece." The old lady opened the box, took out the smallest piece inside, and threw it to the old man.

Immediately, the nose of a short, thick and fat person who saw the big box with at least thirty pieces of Qi Luck borrowed from the crystallization was thickened.

"You have so many yuan, just give me one?"

"One is all right. Or none at all."

The chunky old man thought for a while, and then he made it to the opposite side of the old lady.

"Why don't you lend me half of it first. In the future, after my apprentices are promoted to the sixth level, I will be able to return the luck crystal to you."

"That's right. After being promoted to the sixth level, it is indeed much easier to find luck crystals. At least it is much better than the peak of the fifth level." The old lady immediately called people over and spread paper and pens.

"What are you doing?" The short, fat old man asked suspiciously.

"Write an IOU." The old lady came on. "If they don't return my Luck Crystal, I will enlarge your IOU and paste it on the mountain gate of your Absolute Beginning Sword Sect."

"Why are you so bad, Xibao?" The short and fat old man immediately stood up.

"What's wrong with me? Can the bad guys use your luck to crystallize?" The old lady asked speechlessly. "Don't be ignorant of good people. See if your classmates are willing to borrow so many luck crystals from you all at once. Once you have these luck crystals, those disciples under your seat who have been waiting for a breakthrough can basically solve the resource problem gone."

The chunky old man thought for a while and sat down again.

He picked up the pen, and seriously wrote the IOU to the old lady.Then I borrowed 12 yuan luck crystals from the old lady.

As soon as he left, the eldest disciple from the old lady came up slowly from the downstairs of the treasure building.

"Master, why do you need to help him? What are you doing wrong with the luck crystals offered by the juniors below? Even if you trade with other elders in the sect, you can still get a lot of good things from the trade."

The old lady immediately smiled and said, "I traded with those veterans in the sect. What good things can they trade for me? This little old man, don't look at him now, wait until all his disciples are promoted to sixth grade." He has established his own family. This old man is amazing. Just a word from him can influence many sixth-level bosses in the sect.

What color is that? "

The eldest disciple was also speechless after hearing his master's words in the tone of an old urchin.

No matter how capable they are, they are also capable of the Taichu Sword Sect. What does it have to do with you?

"Of course the most important thing is that I'm not willing to lend luck crystals to people I don't like. For the remaining 20 Yuan luck crystals, you can send them to Lao Mo. When I was short of luck crystals , he lent me.

Although I have returned those crystals later, the favor still exists.I just look at him pleasing to the eye.

I know that he has been lacking in luck recently, and his young disciples have performed well.And kind and righteous.No one would have the heart to take it even after pushing and pushing it around just for those few luck crystals.

It's much more worry-free than my sons and daughters.

With these luck crystals, they all had a chance to break through. "

The eldest disciple couldn't help but burst out laughing.My younger brother and sister are really wonderful! !
"The crystallization of luck cannot be sent away. There are still some older and solidly cultivated fifth-order peaks in our faction. Since there are surplus crystallizations of luck, it is natural to set aside a share for them. Don't worry, master. Uncle Shi needs eleven or twelve yuan at most, and the rest is just distributed to those old fifth-rankers."

"Okay, you can arrange it." The old lady said.



Chu Shinian and Taohua sorted out the treasures of Shenhai Palace they had obtained little by little.

When dividing things back then, the Chu family deliberately selected more spiritual materials, spiritual objects, and spiritual veins.

All the magic tools, armors, and weapons were given to the other brothers.

"Back then, we had already accumulated hundreds of spiritual veins in our hands. You said that if they were all handed over to the Five Elements Spiritual Vein, would it be possible for him to advance to the sixth rank?" Tao Hua asked.

Chu Shinian immediately shook his head, "I heard from those seniors that the promotion of the sixth-order spiritual veins requires the spirit of the spiritual veins to comprehend the rules of the avenue. The most important thing is the avenue of space and the avenue of time. It still has a little comprehension. Wait until The sixth-order Lingshan, Lingshan itself can be considered a world.

At that time, it can leave this world at any time and escape to the deep space of the universe.

Therefore, relying on the accumulation of spiritual energy alone, it is impossible to pile up a sixth-order spiritual mountain. "

"So that's how Lingshan got promoted." Taohua immediately notified Xiaopang after hearing this.

"I plan to go back with my things first. Mainly, I plan to trade that Jade Book of Inheritance to someone else."

"Isn't it possible here?" Chu Shinian frowned.

"It's not dangerous. The main reason is that the person is from the outside world, so don't let the brothers of the Guanghan Sword Sect find out." Tao Hua said immediately.

"That's fine, you go early and come back early, remember to comfort our Brother Chun well. Otherwise, he will be childish with us again later." Chu Shinian reminded.Now he is still presiding over the exorcism of magic energy here, and entertaining all the senior brothers of Guanghan Sword Sect.

As long as they are here, other hands will not be good, let's get involved.

"Okay." Tao Hua also smiled and said, "Brother Chun really holds a grudge."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately burst into laughter.

"Although he is small, he has a really good memory."

The young couple chatted and laughed for a while, and Taohua returned to Xianyang directly with the help of the teleportation array on the boat.

At the same time, she also brought back all the treasures she harvested this time to Xianyang.

Brother Chun saw his mother back, and said that he missed him, so he made a special trip to see him.The little face is a little arrogant.

Hmph, running so far, it's not impossible to leave me.

He didn't want to tell his mother at all, he actually missed them too.

After getting tired of being around his mother, Brother Chun simply slept in Peach Blossom's arms.

Taohua simply hugged him while starting to deal with various urgent documents.

Wait until the young brother Chun woke up rubbing his eyes in the middle of the night.Then he found himself sleeping in the small quilt next to A Niang.The thick little mattress and quilt wrapped him tightly.

My mother-in-law is constantly working.

(End of this chapter)

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