The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1053 Profound Spirit Vein

Chapter 1053 Profound Spirit Vein

Brother Chun got up all at once, and rushed to Taohua's side in a stumbling manner.Then he leaned heavily against her legs.

Taohua has already discovered the little things.

She put down the paperwork in her hand, picked up the little guy, and stuffed him back into her little quilt.

"If you catch a cold, you have to drink bitter medicine."

As soon as Brother Chun heard the bitter medicine, he stopped struggling immediately and let his mother tuck him into the bed smoothly. "No, it's bitter." My buddies definitely don't take bitter medicine.Brother Chun insisted.

"If you don't want to take the bitter medicine, just continue to sleep well. If you don't like Aniang's place, Aniang will let someone send you back to your room to sleep?" Taohua discussed with her son.

Wherever you go, you don't go dead or alive.

Brother Chun shook his little head like a rattle.

Taohua has no choice but to put her brother Chun to sleep first.Then get to work.

By the time all the urgent documents were processed, it was already dawn.

Re-comfort the son who woke up earlier than a chicken, and then give it to the old lady to help take care of him.Taohua activated the white mouse statue and contacted Xiaoyou again.

When Xiaoyou's divine sense descended, the statue of the little white mouse came to life again.

"Taohua, why haven't you contacted me recently? It's boring for me to take it with me at home." Xiaoyou immediately complained when she came. "Recently, everyone doesn't know what they're busy with, but I'm the only one who has the most free time."

"I have some outsiders around me, so it's inconvenient to contact you." Tao Hua said. "No, I will contact you as soon as I have time."

"Hmm, you're right. By the way, how did you take the elixir last time? Is there anything you don't like?" Xiaoyou asked.

"No, those with strong willpower think that the demon pill you provided is really a good thing that can change one's life against the sky. Those with weak willpower are all cheaper pills." Tao Hua said.

"Well, it's right for you to do so. You are the patriarch of a human family, and it's best not to behave like a woman." Xiaoyou said.

"By the way, I got something, can you see if it's useful for you?" Taohua thought for a while, then took out the Jade Book of Inheritance and showed it to Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou glanced at it twice, and said without opening the jade box, "This is a demon cultivating technique. Through not only rebirth through transformation, let yourself continue to break through the limit, and the power of the extremely weak bloodline can also be reborn through transformation, On the road of the great monster.

Quite a characteristic demon cultivation method. "

"Are you useful?" Taohua asked.

"No." Xiaoyou immediately shook her head.

"Huh?" Taohua was puzzled.

"Although I am also a mixed race, my parents are the great monsters among the big monsters. Do you know the great sage of the monster race? I don't know. I don't know if I go back and find out the information. In short, the power of my blood is very strong, and I don't need it This little book.

However, this kind of small book is still very useful for those little beasts who have just enlightened their intelligence.I'll take this treasure, and sell it later, I guess I can make a fortune. "

"Can the little beasts who have just opened their minds have enough money to buy this demon cultivation technique? Even if I give this technique to you for nothing, you won't be able to buy it for much, right?" Taohua said speechlessly.

Hee hee hee.

Xiaoyou smiled treacherously.

"Among the monster clan, a large part of the big monsters have made it all the way up, relying on all kinds of monster cultivation techniques that they put together to break through desperately.

They don't have an orthodox cultivation method, and the demon power in their bodies is also extremely complicated.

It is difficult for such a chaotic foundation to support them to continue to break through the spirit.

Some monsters, because they are desperate for the future, start to give up on themselves.

If you say yes, there is a special demon cultivation method in front of their eyes.

You can change your fate against the sky, and you can make a little demon, regardless of aptitude, regardless of bloodline, and you can become a great demon or even a great sage through continuous struggle all the way.

Do you think they will give up their current practice and start training again?
What are the little beasts who have just opened up their intelligence? That is just a cryptic name inside our Biyou Palace, alluding to those monsters who have no blood, no origin, and no inheritance from the monster clan. "Xiaoyou laughed.

"So that's it. Then this exercise will be given to you directly. If you sell the money, it will be yours." Tao Hua said.

"That's so embarrassing. I have a copy of "The Classic of Silkworm Transformation" here, which I don't know where I got it. It looks like it was written by a big boss of the human race. One advantage of this exercise is that it doesn't care about qualifications. If you can bear hardships, suffer crimes, and afford resource consumption, then you can cultivate mana.

It doesn't matter if you have spiritual roots or not. "

Taohua immediately exclaimed, "So powerful? It doesn't matter if you have spiritual roots or not?!"

"It really doesn't matter. It just consumes a lot of resources." Xiaoyou received the Jade Book of Inheritance, and threw out a thick thread-bound book. "This is it."

Taohua didn't even look at it, so she put it away.She has more important things, "Xiaoyou, if my family's spiritual veins want to improve their understanding, they must comprehend a little bit of space and time. Do you have any treasures that can increase the understanding of my family's spirit of Lingshan? I want to trade with you."

"Are you talking about the Dao Enlightenment Stone? It is of space and time attributes. I don't have many of these. There are only a few pieces. But what do you give me in exchange?" Xiaoyou asked again.

"Is the spiritual pulse okay?" Taohua asked.

"Spiritual veins? You are really generous. Our spiritual veins are so strict that it is not allowed to extract the spiritual veins from the ground easily. If you really use the spiritual veins to trade with me, I can go back and give it to you." You raise a little Dao enlightenment stone."

"Are there many enlightenment stones on your side?" Taohua asked.She is very interested in this Dao Enlightenment Stone.

"Look at what kind of Dao Enlightenment Stone." Xiao You said.

"Five elements, yin and yang, sun and moon, there are more perception stones for the Dao of rigidity and softness. There are fewer perception stones for the Dao of time, space, and soul. In short, we do have quite a few Dao perception stones here. But they are mastered. In the hands of a big force, it will not be easily circulated to the outside world." Xiaoyou said.

Tao Hua thought for a while, and then directly took out a sealed fourth-order spirit vein.

"Look at this kind of spiritual vein, how many Dao enlightenment stones of space and time can be exchanged?"

"This spirit vein is not weak. The quality is quite good, and it seems to be a fourth-order spirit vein. Hahaha, if there are more than a hundred of this kind of spirit vein, I may be able to condense a mysterious spirit vein for myself. " Xiaoyou said.

"What is Xuanling Vein?" Taohua asked.

"It's hard to say. You'll know when you see it with your own eyes." Xiaoyou said mysteriously. "Your fourth-order spiritual vein, let me exchange five space or time avenue enlightenment stones for you. Otherwise, you will suffer too much."

"Then you didn't lose money, right? If you can't get along, don't trade with me like this. Mostly I will go to search for some spiritual veins, and then come back and trade with you." Taohua said.

(End of this chapter)

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