The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1054 "Silkworm Transformation Sutra"

Chapter 1054 "Silkworm Transformation Sutra"

"You have a lot of spiritual veins here?" Xiaoyou's tone immediately became more lively.

"Yeah, we have a lot of spiritual veins born here. In the last spiritual age, many spiritual veins were sealed and handed down. My family has stockpiled more than 100 spiritual veins above the fourth level." Taohua said.

"Boss, your family is really rich. There are many strange things born in our world. But there are very few spiritual veins. Fortunately, everyone can find a way to draw spiritual energy from the void. Otherwise It's all over." Xiao You said.

"There are still people like you in the world?" Taohua asked curiously.

"There are many kinds of worlds. I heard that there are some alien races whose big worlds are barren in our opinion, and they have no use at all except for raising them. But for the alien races where they were born, this world As long as there is no better mother world and the world they are born in." Xiaoyou narrated to Taohua.

"It's quite interesting. By the way, what attributes do you have in your hands?" Taohua asked.

"I'll give you three pieces of space and two pieces of time. I don't have many of these two kinds of enlightenment stones. If you want the kind of Dao enlightenment stone you want, you can tell me in advance, and I'll see if I can get you some." No?" Xiaoyou said.

"Okay, then you can find me five fire-attributed Dao Enlightenment Stones and Taiyin-attributed Dao Enlightenment Stones." Tao Hua said.


"By the way, there is still that demon pill, can we trade with him again?" Taohua asked.

"How many grains do you need?" Xiaoyou said in surprise, "Your human race can do it, and they are really not afraid of death."

"It's okay. I agree to try it if I think it's my own. If it doesn't work out, I don't force them. Anyway, it's up to them whether to eat or not." Tao Hua said very Buddhistly. "The key is that the effect of your elixir is so heaven-defying that you don't even know how many members of our Chu family are staring at it.

Everyone wants to become stronger, even if it is desperate to try. "

Xiaoyou expressed her understanding after listening.

"Give me another [-] pills."

When Xiaoyou heard this, his face immediately became embarrassing.

"What's the matter? Is it hard to get so many?" Taohua asked immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay." It was she who promised to ask the old dragon for dragon blood.Now I'm afraid I'm going to break my promise.

Hmm, why don't you switch to another dragon?

"Yes, but I don't have so many pills now, I only brought [-] pills. You give me ten days. After ten days, when I come over, I will bring the rest of the demon pills."

"Okay. Shall we still use special crystals for settlement?" Taohua asked.

"Naturally. I have a crush on spar." Xiaoyou said with a smile.

After the two delivered the things, they chatted for a long time before Taohua sent Xiaoyou back.

After Taohua sent Xiaoyou away, she called Xiaopang out again.

"Tao Hua, what's your name?" Xiao Pang hurried over with Xiao Chunlong.

Taohua immediately sealed the surrounding space, isolating the sound.Then he took out the things and handed them to Xiaopang, "Xiaopang, what are you?"

"Huh... what is this...? Why do I feel that these small stones are important to me?" Xiaopang touched a certain stone with his paw in the depths of the chubby, and immediately said in surprise.

"This is the Dao Enlightenment Stone. These are the Dao Enlightenment Stones of space and time attributes. They are all for you, and you can use them to comprehend the Dao of Time and Space." Taohua said.

"The time and space comprehension necessary to be promoted to the sixth-level Lingshan?" Xiaopang lost his voice. "I originally thought that I would want to accumulate all the accumulation of spiritual energy to the limit before I could comprehend the avenue of time and space."

"It's not that difficult to accumulate spiritual energy, but it's extremely difficult to comprehend the Dao of Time and Space. If you don't have other treasures to help you, I don't know when you will be able to comprehend a Dao of Time and Space." Tao Hua said without confidence.

"Hey, I can do it, I'm pretty good at understanding." Xiaopang said struggling.

"Your spirit comes from the Broken Dragon Soul. It comes from Chunlong who controls the Xiantian Yimu Dao. You have already mastered one kind of Dao. So now it is very difficult for you to comprehend another Dao. Not to mention, the Dao of Time and Space That is a well-recognized path that is difficult to comprehend.

If you really can't comprehend it, I plan to comprehend it for you. Anyway, there is a contract between us. After I comprehend the Dao of Time and Space, I will transfer the comprehension to you. "Peach Blossom said.

Xiaopang suddenly said with a black face, "No, I can do it. I really can."

Xiaopang: From your mouth, I seem to be really stupid. If you are not peach blossom, I will definitely beat you up.Make you not believe me.

Xiaopang took the Enlightenment Stone from the Avenue of Time and Space, and took Xiaochun's head and left without looking back.

Peach Blossom: "..."

After taking care of Xiaopang, Taohua found Chu Xinjia and Wei Fanyu who were in charge of staying behind.



Sitting in the hall now is the head of the Chu family wearing a mask.

"I plan to bring [-] pills for you, how to use them, you can arrange it yourself." Taohua released several large boxes containing pills. "Also, please take a look at this exercise." Taohua showed them the "Silkworm Transformation Classic".

Chu Xinjia opened it first, and her face became more and more serious.

"Patriarch's exercise is too difficult. People who practice it will kill themselves if they don't do it well. Moreover, the resources it needs are too terrifying. Who can afford it."

"If there are a large number of people in the family who practice this technique, we can also collect the silkworm eggs as much as possible to breed the various monster spirit plants and silkworms of the same level. As long as we breed enough Big, the cost of practicing this technique will still come down.

I was worried that everyone would not be able to bear the hardship. "Peach Blossom said.

"Patriarch, in fact, I suggest you not to release this exercise. But you can let those in the family's hidden guards who don't have spiritual roots, and those in the army who don't have spiritual roots try it. If they can survive, This exercise and the demon pill may bring rapid growth to our family." Chu Xinjia said, "This exercise and the demon pill are both created from scratch. Let ordinary people embark on the road of cultivation.

And one by one will change their lives against the sky!

The demon pill just gave everyone an excellent cultivation qualification.

This "Silkworm Transformation Sutra" can even turn human beings into a powerful body comparable to a big monster and also possesses mana. "

Tao Hua also nodded, "That's true, but at the same time, this one, like the Yao Pill, cannot be used by everyone. Moreover, both the Yao Pill and this exercise have sequelae. The Yao Pill will make people grumpy and cold. bloodthirsty.

Before the "Silkworm Transformation Sutra" is cultivated to the sixth level, the horrible pain will suddenly attack at a certain time.If you don't take the elixir that can relieve pain, it will be a troublesome thing. "

(End of this chapter)

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