The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1055 The first stone gate

Chapter 1055 The Second Stone Gate

"But it can allow people without any cultivation qualifications to embark on the road of cultivation." Chu Xinjia sighed. "If I come to the end of the road, I'm afraid I will switch to this "Silkworm Transformation Sutra"." Chu Xinjia said very rationally. "Compared to having no way to go at all, I would rather go even a path full of ruggedness and danger."

Taohua nodded.Human nature.

"Then you take it into the family's library, and ask the library to copy more copies for later use. There should be a large number of military monks and clansmen who want to exchange it for cultivation."

"Are you still exchanging with family merit points?" Chu Xinjia asked.

"Of course, they didn't make any contribution to the family, and they want to exchange some resources for the family's treasures. Why are they so arrogant?" Tao Hua said as a matter of course.

Chu Xinjia nodded directly, as long as the head of the family upholds this philosophy, then the people below will be able to do things very well.

Wei Fanyu also read "The Classic of Silkworms" after Chu Xinjia, "Patriarch, I am going to revise this "The Classic of Silkworms."

Tao Hua was a little surprised, "Are you going to practice "The Classic of Silkworm Transformation"? I remember when you practiced the talent test, didn't you say it was good? The metal spiritual root, the fullness of the spiritual root is quite good."

Wei Fanyu is one of the few monks in the family with single spiritual root talent.

"My spiritual root is not bad, but I am old, and I suffered too many serious injuries in the early years. Although I have taken elixir now, I am better. But in fact, the physical body is basically damaged. Even with my single spiritual root talent, cultivation The speed is also getting slower and slower.

I asked a doctor friend to help me see it.He said that my situation is not normal, probably because my body has delayed my speed of absorbing spiritual energy and transforming mana. "

"But I remember you swallowed a demon pill last time?" Tao Hua asked again.

"Yes, that demon pill is really good. It not only improved my cultivation aptitude to a higher level, but also reshaped my body. It gave me the illusion that my body and blood have returned to their peak.

But in fact, at the peak of my body's qi and blood, my body is stronger than the body remodeled by Yaodan.

So I feel that the reshaping of a single demon pill may not make me completely reborn.Probably my willingness to get hurt too many times when I was young.So I plan to find another demon pill from the master.

As a result, the master, you brought the "Silkworm Transformation Classic".

This exercise is good, and it suits me no matter how you look at it. It is just that I suffered a little pain during the physical training in the early stage, but that little pain is nothing to the two of us at all. "

Wei Fanyu's words made Taohua twitch her lips speechlessly.

That's not a little sin!

"You can do whatever you want, but if you want to switch to practice and need retreat, you must take care of the affairs of the family before retreat. And remember that you can take the manuscript with you, the real copy can only be kept in the Library Pavilion." Taohua told them.

The two agreed in unison, and then took away the exercises and the demon pill.

After Taohua finished here, she hurried back to the ruins of Shenhai Palace.

At this time, the entrance of the stone path of the Shenhai Palace ruins can already enter three hundred feet.

It seems that Chu Shinian was not idle when she was not around.

Not only did he not think about it, but he also took the soldiers of the Chu family with his brothers to clean up the evil corpses.

In addition to the previous evil corpse carrying the inheritance of Shenhai Palace, there are two other evil corpses in the stone path, both are disciples of Shenhai Palace like the first one.

They each brought a lot of good things, but unfortunately, they were not as good as the first evil corpse as a carrier for space storage.And the quality of the items inside is hard to beat.

Therefore, most of the collections were either corrupted by evil energy, or even if they were preserved, they also lost several qualities.

Just like a piece of excellent-quality fourth-grade white chalcedony, it is considered a good material for a magic weapon.But because it has been corroded by evil energy all the year round, its surface is filled with a layer of faint black.Even if Tong Rui and the others adjusted the outer black shell of this aniseed material, the quality of this aniseed material that was as tall as one person almost fell to the fourth level.

Let all the fellow apprentices feel sorry.

"It just so happens that you are here. We have already reached the entrance of the second stone gate." Chu Shinian smiled happily when he saw Taohua.

"I heard that you cleaned up several evil corpses along the way?" Tao Hua walked towards Chu Shinian and gently took the hand he extended.

"Although the evil corpse is difficult to deal with, we can also fight it. The key is that if we encounter a heavenly evil person who has not died yet, it will be really troublesome." Chu Shinian said.

"Is there any possibility of death?" Tao Hua asked with a brow.

"It's possible, not necessarily." Chu Shinian said with some uncertainty. "Tomorrow we will all be elites. We all bring a large number of lightning, fire and poisonous talismans and other talismans that can corrode the soul."

"You should bring more slowing talismans, gravity talismans, purification talismans and healing talismans," Tao Hua reminded him.Since it is to fight monsters, it is natural to bring all kinds of talismans of restriction and restraint.

In case which one works?
"I made a mistake, I didn't think of it before. I'll arrange it now." Chu Shinian said immediately.

"Okay, then you can arrange it."

In the early morning of the second day, Tong Feng and the others were fully armed, with several layers of high-level armor on their bodies.All kinds of life-saving things are placed at hand and on the waist.Easy access.

The monks of the Chu family put on more clothes.

Each carried a big black back case.The black boxes are all made of special spiritual wood, and they are made of spiritual silk to form a belt and fixed on the back box.

Peach Blossom realized that there was a layer of cream on everyone's things, so she asked, "What is it on their boxes?"

"It's Chu Moyan's latest white cream to prevent items from being corroded by evil energy. It can last for several hours after applying it to prevent items from being infected by evil energy. We also smeared it on weapons. But apply it on weapons It has not been applied for a long time on boxes, cabinets and other items.

The weapon is likely to be less effective due to frequent use.But it's also better than exposing the weapon directly to an environment full of fel energy.

Anyway, it can save us a little weapon cost. "

"Tell the refiners to let them find a way to coat the weapons with something that defends against evil energy. Let them figure out their own way." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian's eyes lit up, this is possible.

He quickly called the dark guard to order him to go down.

They only went down this time with less than 100 people.Everyone walked to the stone gate on the second floor and waited quietly.The formation master stepped forward and made the final crack.When everything was cracked, some formation masters went directly to push the stone gate.

"What did you say?" Taohua shouted immediately.

"I... I push the door."

"Are you stupid, how can you just push open the door of this kind of relic, what if something inside takes the opportunity to rush out?" Tao Hua rarely got angry.


"Come back." A formation master of the Chu family quickly carried him away.

(End of this chapter)

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