Chapter 1056

"The array mages all have ideas. I don't ask how high your cultivation base is and how strong your combat power is. But at least you have to learn to protect yourself. Our Chu family can't open up a ruin and kill a group of array mages." Taohua said angrily.

A group of formation mages held back their laughter.

"No, we all leaned back just now, and he walked up to push the door alone." A young formation master said.

Taohua heard this, and immediately called back the array mage who was being carried.

"Is this guy usually lazy and slippery, can't bear hardships, can't bear tiredness?" Taohua looked at the other person's face carefully, and asked firmly.

As soon as Taohua said these words, the young formation mage who was stared at by her suddenly turned pale.

The other formation masters were also shocked.

How did Mrs. Peach Blossom know?
"Did you involuntarily want to open the door at that time?" Tao Hua asked again.

The other party nodded immediately.

"Just now, I felt as if I was in a daze, and I wanted to push the door open. If you hadn't stopped me, Mrs. Taohua, I would have already pushed the door open." The other party said guiltily.

"You have a good foundation. Being able to come here shows that your talent is not weak. But your willpower is too weak. If the Heavenly Evil Clan influences you a little, you will succeed. Fortunately, too much time has passed. The other party may also decline to a certain extent.

I can wake you up with a loud shout.Go back and hurry to eat a pill that can drive away evil energy pollution.In addition, after you go back, you will hone him well, and leave all the hard work to him.If you have too much willpower, you will suffer a lot in the future. "

"Yes, Mrs. Peach Blossom." Several older formation masters agreed in unison.

A certain young formation master suddenly felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

But there is no other way, who let him be caught by Mrs. Peach Blossom.His little friend followed up and took out a pill and fed it into his mouth.

"Hurry up or follow me, what if that thing comes out and jumps at you?"

"I can't jump over it." Taohua signaled the soldiers to start to open a kind of dark green net layer by layer. "This is a kind of silk condensed from deep-sea plants. After being refined into a net, one is tough, and the other is able to wrap around various souls."

This is the masterpiece found by the refiners.When she saw this kind of big net just now, Tao Hua never thought that they would have researched such a powerful net bag.

After more than a dozen large nets made an airtight barrier in front of the stone gate, everyone gradually backed away.

A wooden puppet walked towards the stone gate step by step under the master's control.

The wooden puppet it reserved can be used as long as the master manipulates it.

Shimen was slowly pushed by it.A gap was finally exposed.

"Oops, my wooden puppet has lost contact." The monk manipulating the wooden puppet suddenly reported.

"Hurry up and take the repellent pill." Chu Shinian immediately ordered.

After he spoke, he saw a black human-shaped thing showing its whereabouts because it was put into a large green net.

"Throw out the revealing powder." Chu Shinian calmly ordered this time.

Packets of red powder were thrown near the figure.A strange humanoid creature appeared directly in front of everyone.

"With that big face on the plate, it is undoubtedly the Tianxie clan." Tong Feng said. "The head of the Tianxie clan is very big, it looks a bit like the head of an ape."

"They can actually be invisible?" Tong saw, who had never seen the Tianxie clan, asked fearfully.

"No, they can't be invisible. This Heavenly Evil Clan is dead, and here is his remnant soul. Then you can see that he is struggling with brute force. Hey, this is the release of evil energy. Everyone, hurry up and move away. After he releases a few waves of evil energy, and there is not much evil energy in his body, let's deal with him."

Seeing that Tong Feng had experience in dealing with the Tianxie Clan, Chu Shinian simply listened to his arrangement.

The big guy in the net is still howling and struggling.

Still releasing evil energy ferociously in waves.

Its evil energy continuously shined on the faces of the monks in the front row.

All kinds of ravings and waves of negative emotions hit everyone's soul.Chu Shinian and Tao Hua were better off, one of them was born with a strong soul, and the other not only had a strong soul, but also carried a heavy treasure.

It was Tong Zao and his brothers who had weaker cultivation bases, all of whom turned pale.

One of them almost took a step forward.It would be great fun if he did go.

As a contemporary disciple of the Guanghan Sword Sect, if he were to be seduced by a Heavenly Evil Clan with only broken evil souls left, he might be able to be No. 1 on the current hot topic list.

The other party was shocked and angry, and his face was completely pale.

The senior brother beside him patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "Stand back."


"The other party has gone through so many years and has not been wiped out. It is conceivable that he was not a simple person in his lifetime. You back up a little, no one will laugh at you, maybe I will be hindered in a while. You see those little monks of the Chu family But he was clever, seeing that he couldn't bear it, he immediately backed up and backed up. If you look back, they are all leaving the stone path."

The little disciple looked back, okay, he has completely withdrawn from the stone path, so let him leave a shadow of his clothes.

"These guys are really smart."

"Junior Brother Chu, although we had little contact in the past, but now it seems that he is a successful one. We really made a lot of money by coming here." The older monk directly transmitted voice to the younger brother.

"Just those sunken sea trees, we didn't come in vain."

"So you stay back, we still have a chance to play, this ruin has just opened."

"En." The little monk obediently backed away, and his senior brother felt relieved.If the junior brother insisted on staying here, he would have to worry about the comfort of the other party.

That Heavenly Evil Clan is obviously targeting the weak souls.

A certain humanoid was still struggling violently.

That guy actually tore through two large nets with one soul body.

Taohua simply adjusted the position of the big net to cover it with Chu Shinian, and then hung two more sheets on it.

In short, it has been kept with five nets on its body.

"Your website is really good, sell me a little later." Tong Feng said with a smile.

"This net can only target the soul body, it is not so powerful against other physical objects." Chu Shinian said. "Even if it is a high-level demon fish, it is possible to bite the big net with its teeth."

After hearing this, Tong Feng said, "That's not a flaw. This kind of big net that can trap invisible souls will be useful when you enter the battlefield outside the boundary. Besides, if you want to catch the real thing, you can use other traps." big net.

Our sect alone has several special net pockets that can be exchanged for merit points for catching aliens. "

"Ah?" Chu Shinian said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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