The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1060 The Outer-boundary Battlefield Against and Insufficient Food

Chapter 1060 The Outer-boundary Battlefield Against and Insufficient Food
Even Tong Jian, who was far away in Tongcheng, heard about it, and sent a letter to ask if he needed help?
Chu Shinian politely refused.

Just kidding, I can't even stand this little pressure now, and I will be even more troubled in the Zongmen in the future.

If you want to stand out, you have to be strong.

If the Chu family wants to develop warships in the future, they have to go to battle in a gloomy manner.This is a strategic resource for the development of the Chu family in the future.How could Chu Shinian let go so easily?

If others want to buy it, they really don't have one.

When choosing the gloomy wood, the Chu family secretly held the best wood of the same batch in their hands.

Anyway, the brothers don't build their own battleships, they are not bad, and the number is enough.And the Zongmen side, because they handed in a large amount of gloomy wood at one time, they got a commendation from the Zongmen instead.

It is said that Chu Shinian had already obtained more than 5 merit points before entering the sect.

Usually, disciples only give ten or twenty merit points for a task.

Many disciples of the sect already knew Chu Shinian's name at this time, and those who love to be jealous and red-eyed couldn't help but think to themselves: Chu Shinian, you alone have so many merit points. Are you panicking?

Because Chu Shinian is not only Tong Tianxing's junior disciple, but also has the body of Dao, so he has become famous since he joined the Guanghan Sword Sect.

But as he joined the Guanghan Sword Sect, this kid hardly survived for a moment.Although people haven't come up yet, the one in the lower realm is surging.Why cooperate with the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect to open up wasteland and dig the ruins, and why dig the ruins independently.

Not only did he gain a lot, but he also fed and supported the people who worked with him. Now, whoever comes from those monk families who took advantage of him would not cheer for him and talk about him everywhere.

Chu Shinian, who was so capable of tossing around, was faintly catching up to that Dao body in the limelight inside the sect.

These two people joined the sect less than a hundred years apart, so it would be strange to say that there is no comparison.As a result, there were different opinions, and even Chu Shinian had a son in advance, they all refer to the comparison.After all, the one who got started earlier heard that he only had a few ambiguous confidante friends. He hadn't heard who he was going to marry, nor had he heard when he would have children!

Chu Shinian didn't know that he had already become a minor celebrity in the sect.

But he is also busy every day.Some people are motivated by money, and constantly want to use various means to force their Chu family to back down and give up Yin Shenmu.

How is that possible?

If you don't do Chu's business, then don't do it.If it is a material supplier, then find the source of goods again, or develop the source of goods by yourself.If it is a seller, then find another partner.

Expel the Chu family's caravan, and then the Chu family will not go your way in the future.

All major forces have joined in this kind of stirring up against the Chu family.

Chu's even the sale of bulk grain has been affected.Not selling it down, the Chu family simply stored all the new grain they had just harvested in their own warehouse.In addition, the cultivation requirements of the Chu family's spiritual food for the next stage have been revised.

The Chu family strictly ordered the forces to scatter and plant spiritual food.It is stipulated that if one crop of refined grains is planted, one crop of coarse grains must be planted.Taxes for disobedience are doubled.

Refined grains are easy to take away, but the Chu family also buys coarse grains.

Everyone is on the territory of the Chu family and has inextricable relationships with the Chu family, so almost the vast majority of people, small organizations, and small forces have obeyed the arrangement of the Chu family.

There are very few people who are willing to be punished to grow refined grains, and the Chu family does not refuse.Anyway, double the tax.

On this day Tong Feng rushed to Xianyang again.

"I've already agreed with you, is this price on your side really worth it?" Tong Feng immediately grabbed Chu Shinian's hand and asked excitedly when he saw Chu Shinian.

"Why can't it work, we have to make some money for the brothers who are responsible for transporting the goods." Chu Shinian said. "But it's agreed, we only trade various low-level elixir and low-level spiritual materials, as well as various low-level ore materials, according to the market price of various low-level spiritual materials on the battlefield outside the boundary."

"Don't worry, there are all kinds of low-end gadgets, cheap ones are all over the mountains and valleys. No one picks them up, just like picking them up for nothing." Tong Feng said. "Food is the big thing over there. I didn't even think that you could agree to barter with them at half the price of the market here."

"Actually, this kind of transaction is a win-win for us. Senior brother, don't look at the high market price, but when we trade large quantities of grain, it is not at this price. It is traded at [-] to [-]% of the market price. But I can only trade with them. I can't buy some low-level spirit stones, serious gadgets, etc. They are tightly controlled by them.

Fortunately, you told me that you can change various materials on the outer battlefield, otherwise I would still have a headache. "Chu Shinian said.

"They're all one family, so they don't speak the same language. Their people will come soon. Are you ready?" Tong Feng asked.

Chu Shinian nodded immediately. "It has been prepared a long time ago. We have prepared a dozen large warehouses for all kinds of coarse grains. Each large warehouse has a stock of 500 million catties."

Tong Feng gasped suddenly.

"Your Chu family can really do it. With millions of catties of grain at every turn, I'm afraid it can alleviate a large part of the food shortage on the battlefield outside the border." Tong Feng said happily immediately.

"Isn't our Shenting a big world? Why is there still a food shortage in the battlefield outside the boundary?" Chu Shinian asked very puzzled.

"Because war consumes a lot of food. Especially the food consumed by low-ranking soldiers, it is like a mountain and a valley." Tong Feng said. "Furthermore, all the forces in the Great World of God's Court are conquering other worlds by themselves, such as our Great World of Gray Barbarians.

Everyone's food is mainly provided for their own needs.Where is there spare power to support the battlefield outside the boundary.

So the price of food there has been high. "

Chu Shinian: Dare to play with everyone, and in the end no one is willing to pay for everyone, and ended up playing bald buckle.

"Then if we transport a large amount of grain, will we be held accountable?"

"What are you looking for?" Tong Feng was taken aback by his question.

"It's just that the price of food in the battlefield outside the border has been high for a long time, and what did you solve?" Chu Shinian asked.

After Tong Feng heard about it, he laughed out loud.

"How big is the battlefield outside the borders? You can't even get a splash of food if you throw it down. Do you believe it or not?"

Chu Shinian was a little embarrassed when he heard that.

"Besides, there are more than one battlefield outside the border. There is a shortage of food everywhere, and a lot of food is needed everywhere. How can your Chu family supply it? Let's just grow some food and earn some money. Junior brother, you don't need much Think about it."

After saying this, Tong Feng laughed again.

 The works of Shenting's book have less interaction. After reading the book, can the cuties stop by Shenting's book friend circle to sign in and leave a message or something?

  (⊙o⊙) Oh, by the way, the Taoist also needs it.

(End of this chapter)

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