The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1061 Level 1 Spiritual Bread

Chapter 1061

The brothers chatted for less than an hour and a half before someone came to report.People are here.

These brothers from Shenting Sect are all dressed in orthodox moon-white sword robes.It is said that it is a specially designed robe that is most suitable for monks fighting with swords.

It was also the first time for Chu Shinian to see Guanghan Jianzong's unified official sword robe.This kind of robe is very suitable for fighting, and the belt flutters in battle without affecting the battle. The style of the moon white embroidered silver thread can highlight the nobility, it is very beautiful, and it has a special style.

When they came down this time, they also helped Chu Shinian's senior brother Ying Si bring Chu Shinian everything from the sect.The identity card contains merit points, and it is also convenient for trading with brothers and sisters.The disciple's sword robe, some gifts from his fellow apprentices, and a letter.

Chu Shinian thanked him gratefully.

The leader said, "I used to be a registered disciple of Master Tong, and my name is Zhuang Xiao. Later, for some reasons, I changed to become a disciple of my father-in-law and master. If there is anything that needs me in the future, just mention it, and I will do it if I can." I'll do it for you."

When Tong Feng heard it, he immediately laughed and said, "Shinian, don't listen to this old boy, this old boy is the most unreliable in his speech. At the beginning, he promised to be under the uncle's family, but after meeting his wife, Immediately changed his mind, begged desperately to join his father-in-law.

His father-in-law didn't understand it at first, and secretly rejoiced that he was so charismatic that even the master's registered disciple could be accepted under his seat.It wasn't until he married his daughter that he realized, alas, this bastard was the jewel in his family's eye from the very beginning.

Up to now, when his master sees my uncle, he will cry and tell himself why he lured wolves into the house in the first place? ! "

Tong Feng's words immediately elicited bursts of laughter from most people around.

"Why are you laughing, you are not active in marrying a wife, you deserve to be single." The other party was not only concerned about Tong Feng's complaints, but also very proud.

Chu Shinian thought that this was also a wonderful person.

"Senior Brother Zhuang has already set up the reception banquet, let's eat and talk together."

"Okay, I've heard that the food in the lower realm here is much more delicious." Zhuang Xiao smiled.

Everyone sat down as guest and host, and then chatted about interesting things in the sect.

"The fight in the gray barbarian world is very lively. The Dao body of our sect had a lot of fun. He brought a barbarian princess from the gray barbarian world back to the camp. The hypothesis is that he was captured by his own family. Female slave, in fact, lived a fiery life as a young couple with others, but he was sincere and others were false. Not only did she bring her own tribe to counterattack the heavy city that their lineage had just built, but also severely injured the leader of the road with poison. body.

I heard that the one who vomited blood in a fit of anger is still in a coma.But it scared his master enough. "

Zhuang Xiao told everyone.

What he said shocked Tong Feng and the others.

"Didn't it mean that during the conquest war, you are not allowed to have feelings for the local aborigines?" Tong Feng asked puzzled.

"Probably because he didn't have feelings at first, but later he developed feelings." Zhuang Xiao said indifferently, "The key is that the Daoist body can't do things. He doesn't have real feelings. He really moved his heart."

"Sincerely, we are not the parties and it is not easy to comment. But when this kind of thing happened, the body of the Dao must be responsible. After all, the sect was damaged. I have been to the Huiman World, and the barbarians over there are brutal cruel.

I heard that they broke into the new city this time, and the whole city was destroyed.The worst loss was not the city, but the Xiu soldiers recruited by the more than 400 million sects and major affiliated worlds in the city.

Without them, it would be useless to have some high-ranking monks.Sooner or later, they will be consumed by the barbarians' large-scale siege.

Moreover, the collapse of a city will also cause a battle in the city at the table.

In the end, there were winners and losers, and I heard that in the end the entire front line retreated three thousand miles because of this.This time their lineage lost too much.I heard it was almost unbearable.At the beginning, they had obtained the Dao body before they were entrusted with the important task by the sect to open the gray man world alone.

As a result, success is also the body of the Dao, and failure is also the body of the Dao. "

Zhuang Xiao said speechlessly.

"If the opponent wakes up, he should be able to pay off his merits and lead the brothers to regain the lost land that was robbed." Tong Feng said. "If you don't wake up all the time, then you're hanging."

"Who knows what's going on over there? Anyway, no matter what happens over there, it's that branch that is tossing around." Zhuang Xiao said, "When they gained a lot, they didn't give us a little bit. Now they lose, it's just Those people's own losses."

"That's right." Tong Feng said.It's nothing to do with yourself, and it's easy to think that it's wrong to intervene too much. "Let's just go about our business."

"This food business is very successful." Zhuang Xiao smiled and said, "You don't even know how happy I was when you contacted me. It is getting harder and harder to earn Zongmen merit points. We are in Zongmen Basically, you can't earn any merit points, you can only go to the outer battlefield and other affiliated worlds to earn them.

You all know the affiliated world, the task of Shuitou has already been done.

We also go and earn hard money, who wants to suffer that tiredness?
So everyone went to the outer battlefield to earn merit points.But the merit points over there are not easy to earn.

It is too dangerous to enter the out-of-bounds battlefield, and the time of entry and exit is extremely limited.It's so easy to die in it.In the safe zone outside the outer battlefield, all kinds of big tasks to earn merit points are monopolized by those with great backgrounds.

We can't get in.

Just when I was about to go back to the sect to shut you up for a while, you contacted me.

To make food, as long as it is transported to the battlefield outside the boundary, not only will there be spirit stones to earn, but also merit points.

But Junior Brother Chu, there are too many things you need on the battlefield outside the boundary. Don't worry, when I come, I specially choose good quality to bring you. "

"Then I'll be here in advance to thank Senior Brother Zhuang." Chu Shinian didn't even ask about whether he made the difference.

In the afternoon, Chu Shinian took Brother Zhuang and others to see the food.

Opening a large warehouse, Zhuang Xiao and others walked in.As soon as you enter the big warehouse, the rich aroma of the food inside will make you unable to help but increase your appetite.

"I mean Junior Brother Chu, what level of spiritual food is this?" Zhuang Xiao and the others were all taken aback, and then Zhuang Xiao asked in astonishment.

"First-order spiritual food." Chu Shinian said.

"First-order spiritual food? Can first-order spiritual food have such a strong food fragrance?" Zhuang Xiao was shocked again.He couldn't help opening a big bag, revealing a lot of sweet potatoes inside.Zhuang Xiao broke open one, and a sweet scent rushed directly into his nose.

He couldn't help but took a bite.The sweet potato cubes in the mouth are really... delicious.

"Are you really willing to sell this kind of spiritual food? This should be the limit of first-order spiritual food?!"

(End of this chapter)

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