Chapter 1062

Even though he knew that these were just coarse grains, Zhuang Xiao couldn't help secretly praising the quality of these grains.

This kind of food is definitely a sought-after commodity in the battlefield outside the boundary.

I'm afraid that as soon as they arrive at the out-of-bounds battlefield, they will be robbed crazy by the major guarding cities over there.This kind of spiritual food can definitely make the best military food.

"This is our usual takeaway food," Chu Shinian said.

The spiritual food in the Chu family is almost all planted from the seeds provided by the Taohua family that have been planted many times, never entered the spiritual food, and directly promoted to the first-level spiritual food.The quality does not drop much within the sixth generation.

After more than six generations, it will fall off a cliff.

The food sold by the Chu family is from the sixth generation.Those within the five generations were hoarded as their own military food envoys.The six generations are all takeaway.In this way, the Chu family's annual food sales are a terrifying figure.

Almost all of the major cities and towns of the Chu family have large-scale granaries.

The place where there is the least shortage of food in the entire Yun'an Continent is the Chu family.

Storage is the top priority of the Chu family's management.

"You usually sell it? What do you usually eat?" Zhuang Xiao asked curiously.

"Senior Brother Zhuang, come with me." Chu Shinian asked someone to open a large warehouse next door.In the big warehouse is a large amount of rye.

When Zhuang Xiao saw the rye, he rushed up directly.It was a barley mountain.

Black Mountain of Wheat!
Zhuang Xiao grabbed a handful of rye again! !

"Tier two, is this the second-tier spiritual food?!" he said in astonishment.

Spiritual food is rarely cultivated to a high level.The main reason is that the high-level spiritual food is not suitable for large-scale planting because of its large size and few grains.

So even if it is in the court of God, most of the spiritual food is only first-order.

But he saw a large number of second-order spiritual food in the Chu family.

"How come your family planted so many second-order spiritual food, are you not afraid of losing money?" Zhuang Xiao asked.

"This is usually eaten by our own people. The planted area is not counted. It is several million mu."

Zhuang Xiao froze in place with a strange expression.

Not to mention him, even the people he brought were stunned and speechless.

Even Tong Feng was the first to hear that several million acres of second-order spiritual food had been planted.

"How many acres has that first-order spiritual food planted?" Zhuang Xiao asked.

"Fifty thousand hectares." Chu Shinian stretched out a hand and gestured.

"5000 million mu?" Zhuang Xiao was shocked.

Chu Shinian nodded.

At that time, their family opened up a tributary of Tianshui River, which led directly to Longshanfang City.

Later, a large number of miniature spiritual veins and farms were arranged along the river.Now those farms and spiritual veins have grown up one after another, and gradually evolved into towering mountains and vast fields stretching along the banks of the river.

These mountains and fields with defensive formations are planted with a large number of low-level elixir, spiritual fruit and various low-level spiritual food.

Because of Chu's attention, these places have changed drastically every year.

Every year has made great strides.

In just a few years, the banks along the river have been fully developed.More than 4000 new villages have been added.Absorbed and resettled a large number of diasporas in the wilderness who longed for a peaceful life and the newly added foreign population of the Chu family.

Even now, there are about ten new villages applying for establishment every month.

In addition to the rapid development, but the traces of gradual development can always be seen outside the two banks of the big river branches on the Great Northwest Wilderness.The construction of the Chu family on the island is truly jaw-dropping.

With the continuous changes of spiritual veins on various islands, the smallest spiritual veins are promoted to small spiritual veins, and small spiritual veins are promoted to medium-sized spiritual veins. Some places have particularly good geographical conditions, and they are directly promoted to third-order large spiritual veins. Naturally, the small island that originally carried them cannot continue to meet their needs.As a result, these islands were continuously lifted out of the sea by the spiritual veins of the earth.

As the island keeps rising and increasing its area, the protective formation continues to extend around the island.

Then there are cities, villages, forests and fields on the islands that continue to increase.

The leaders of the Chu family continued to develop it.

Some villages were established relatively early. They were on the coastline at first, but they were quickly moved to the plains, and they are probably already in the mountains now.

The constantly changing terrain also made the citizens panic from the beginning, and now they are calm and calm.Change as soon as you change, you wait until the change is over, what should I do.

Because of the continuous expansion of the major sea islands, the cultivation area of ​​the Chu family's sea elixir and spiritual food has also continued to expand.

This also caused the Chu family to sell a large number of grains outside again and again, and had to expand the storage area every year.

"Then how much food like this can you give us?" Zhuang Xiao asked urgently.

"Look at your trading items. We must have enough food." Chu Shinian said.

In addition to a large number of spiritual fields, the Chu family also has a large number of barren fields that have already arranged formations but have not been planted.The main reason is that there are not enough manpower to plant.

"Let's go, let's find a place, and I'll put out all the materials we brought. Take a look, those are what you need."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian was satisfied and took Zhuang Xiao and the others to the empty warehouse in the yard next door.

Then someone was called to start checking against the list.

The other party brought about 130 kinds of spiritual gold.Nearly half of them do not exist in this world.

The quality is also far more than others sold to themselves.

Chu Shinian basically accepted it when he saw it was suitable.

Don't look at the price, don't bargain.

Seeing that Chu Shinian had almost collected all the things he brought, Zhuang Xiao felt happy in his heart.

When Zhuang Xiao and the others left on the third day, they took seven large warehouses of grain with them.Although it is troublesome to go up again from here.It also requires expensive spirit stones.But for large transactions, there is no way to lose money.

Especially the merit points that are also involved.

The Chu family also obtained a large amount of all kinds of spirit gold, spirit materials, bones, fur and various minerals, as well as various spirit seeds and medicines.

All of a sudden, Luo Qi collected a large amount of raw materials that he was missing.

With the raw materials, the workshops continued to work.

If you don't want to buy it, you will sell it to a merchant farther away.Those in this continent are not accepted, and they are sold directly to those in other continents.If people on land don't sell it, they sell it directly to the humans and monsters under the sea.

Anyway, cheap and cheap, there is always a tendency to be unable to resist the interests and come to do business.

In particular, what surprised the Chu family was the fact that the caravans from the Beiming Continent were increasing day by day.

Ever since Chu Ziyan took over Ling Yanshu's management of the fleet along the coast of Beiming Continent and the Chu family's city, he has adopted the method of wooing and buying off the power of the Demon Sect.

We don't face it head-on, but use means to infiltrate and buy off the devil's henchmen.

The affiliated forces of the Demon Sect are not the same as those affiliated with other upper realm forces, and each one's interests are paramount.

We don't talk about feelings, only about interests.Black and black eat black is everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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