Chapter 1063
Besides, there are not many demon cultivators in the upper and lower realms of the Beiming Continent, and most of them are the dogs of affiliated forces. These people's minds are even more complicated.Working for the masters is more about their own interests.If there is no benefit, life or death will not really do anything.

The real demon monks of the upper realm can only rely on cruel killing methods and benefits to drive them.

Of course, escape and betrayal abound.

This kind of control method made the entire Beiming Continent a sieve.Think of any news, as long as you can afford it.

In addition, the population on Beiming Continent was reduced by the demon gates, and the population in the hinterland of the mainland not only moved to the coast, but the demon gates in the upper realms lacked a large amount of raw materials for a while.

Who knows that God loves the magic gate so much.

Over the past year or so in the hinterland of the mainland, three particularly densely populated secret realms have emerged one after another.

Each secret realm has hundreds of millions of people.

Moreover, the flow speed of time in these three secret territories is different from that of the outside world, some are ten times higher than the outside world, some are five times higher than the outside world, and some are eight times higher than the outside world.

Taking the population harvest once every 20 years as an example, the place that was killed last time can continue to go in to worship the sky next time as long as you squat outside for two years.

Those five times and eight times are not many.It's nothing more than a waste of time.Five times that is four years of squatting outside, and 20 years inside, just when a new generation has grown up.Eight times that is also easy to say, three years is enough.

But the human beings in the three great secret realms that were discovered were ignorant.

They still don't know what the devil masters who control the secret realm want to do?
The original farmland tax has been reduced to one for thirty, one for forty, and one for fifty.It also strongly encourages everyone to marry more wives and have children.Give birth to a baby and give ten taels of silver.

Give birth to ten 100 taels, and immediately turn from abject poverty to a rich family. In the future, the sons will get married and return [-] taels.

Give birth to a baby and then reward.

Many families have decided that when their sons are thirteen or fourteen years old, they are encouraged to get married and have children.Go out quickly to make the family business.Before other people's boys get married and have children, they buy the nearby land and make it their own field.

In the future, there will be more and more children and grandchildren, and they will not even be able to buy nearby fields.

In fact, they think too much, and most of them have no future.

These secret places are really the best material resorts for magic gate.Thinking about why the big bosses of the Demon Sect chose the Beiming Continent, which is so poor in natural resources, it is definitely a reason.

It's too bad that the little brats who came down didn't understand the sincerity of the boss.

I must work hard in the future, and work hard to worship the heavens for the big guys, worship the heavens, worship the heavens! !

With a large number of people in their hands, they are all cowardly and obedient people, not as violent and unruly as the natives on the Northworld Continent.The forces of all sizes in the Demon Sect immediately shifted their focus to the three major secret realms in the central region.

Not only did they strictly control these three secret realms, they even sent a large number of people to rummage through the entire continent.What if one or two similar secret realms can be found?
In fact, it is easier to obtain high-quality spirits by blood sacrifices to local aborigines. , The problem is that the local aborigines can't raise them if they kill too many.

At least two or three decades to do it once.

What about everyone's refining tools, practicing kung fu, and handing in sect tasks?
Naturally, the cuties in the secret realm are easier to deal with.

Chu Zifan just grasped the laziness on the top of the Demon Sect, and the self-interest-centered thinking on the bottom.

Constantly use interests to leverage their positions and change their minds.

Recently, they actually helped them set up large and small caravans, passed through the Chu family's golden waterway, and entered Longshanfang City safely, trading various treasures from different continents.

To be honest, the large and small demon caravans from Beiming Continent who came to Longshanfang City early in the morning were almost like bumpkins entering the village.If they hadn't been educated earlier, I'm afraid they saw so many spiritual things, spiritual materials, and various high-level magic weapons, magic weapons and so on.

Maybe I can't stop being greedy and tough.

There are really too many things, too many.

Like human head grass, evil soul fruit, dead foot vine, ghost flower, white bone ling grass, corpse grave grass, white bone black bud mushrooms, etc., you can buy them anywhere in Longshanfang City.

These things are of great benefit to the demon monks, they can help them improve their cultivation and refine various magic pills, Yin pills and so on.

The weird thing is that these weird poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers don't grow very much in the Beiming Continent. It's rare to see them, but they can be planted in large numbers in some earth evil caves outside Longshanfang City.

Where there is aura, there are generally evil caves.

The Chu family planted all kinds of elixir densely, and when the planting area is large, there will always be some evil spirit caves, Yin evil caves, turbid energy caves, devil energy caves and so on.

Based on the idea of ​​waste utilization, Ling Zhifu of the Chu family collected all kinds of special poisonous weeds, shady grasses, and seeds of magic plants and carefully planted them.

At first, they thought that the various planting spells they practiced might not work on these unusual herbs.

After they performed the small spells and took root and sprouted, weeds sprouted immediately, and after they performed the small shower spells and the small cloud rain spells, all kinds of spiritual rains full of yin, evil, turbid, and devilish energy fell.

Everyone will understand that their small spells are actually big spells.Any grass or tree can be used.

Come on, a full set of plant massage Dafa.

After the harvest, everyone was surprised to find that the various poisonous weeds and weeds grown by themselves were very marketable.And the price is actually five or six times, or even ten times, that of various spirit herbs of the same rank.

So planting all kinds of strange grasses has become a new industry within the Chu family.

This kind of industry has not been able to develop on a large scale, mainly because the special geographical location is too difficult to find.

So it was directly controlled by the family.

As soon as the caravan from Beiming Continent arrived, they began to scavenge for goods.

All kinds of strange weeds and strange weeds from all over the Chu family and all over the mainland in Longshanfang City were purchased at high prices.

Then trade out a large number of various high-quality ores.

The Beiming Continent has the strength to produce ores, and those who can come to Longshan are the big and small mine owners from all over the place.

Because the shipping prices of various minerals have been agreed in advance.Cough cough, this is something Chu Zifan did.If their mining price is too low, it will impact the price of mining resources on Chu's side.

The Chu family has just intentionally traded a large amount of various low-grade mineral deposits from outside the world, so they can't let the Beiming Continent ruin things.

So this big deal completely delighted the mine owners who came from all over the place.

They harvested large sums of good merchandise.

With this transaction, there is no need for Chu Ziming to instigate and seduce, to engage in all kinds of alliances, and to cheat.The caravans of Beiming Continent set off from various ports on the mainland and marched towards Longshanfang City.

Duck! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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