Chapter 1064
As the caravan continued to bring back various special products from Yun'an Continent, various resources needed for magic repair.Everyone can't sit still.

Even the demon cultivators of the upper realm, who were completely indifferent to the mineral veins in various places, began to be excited.They looked for all kinds of super large mines, and then began to become mine owners.

The upper realm forces on the Yun'an Continent can train the upper realm forces on the Yunzhou Continent to suppress the sales of Chu's products.

There are no resources for order discounts and purchases.

However, apart from the initial panic, the merchants of the Chu family immediately calmed down, and turned around to win over the caravans from the Northern Dark Continent. As soon as all kinds of treasures entered the battle, they immediately opened up new markets.

Of course, they also adjusted some product structures and produced many new products.

For example, a businessman heard that there is a skeleton in the Demon Sect that needs all kinds of strong bones.

They immediately added all kinds of sea animal bone meal they got from the outside, added diamond-shaped metal powder, and then pressed it into a new version of the human-shaped skeleton.Then according to the conditions of the magic gate, some magic patterns were added.

As long as you come to a magic repair, you can take away these refined semi-finished new high-quality skeletons.

Pick at will, choose at will, size, height, fat, thin, bone thickness can be customized.

The most important thing is that these skeleton powders all come from sea beasts, which are much stronger than human bones, and full of spirituality, which is especially useful after magic dyeing.It is also deliberately easy to rekindle the soul fire, and it can be activated by throwing in a soul fragment.

In addition to human soul fragments, even beast soul fragments can also be driven.

I don't know how much the difficulty of envoys for the low-level monks of the Demon Sect has been reduced.

Suddenly received a large number of orders from the Northern Underworld Continent.

Because the owner of this bone shop introduced the old and brought forth the new, there were action skeletons wandering around in Longshanfang City for a while, waving and waving, attracting customers, and also doing product demonstrations.

With the huge sales of custom-made skeletons from various households, everyone began to think about other things.

For example, collecting all kinds of sea beasts and soul fragments of sea fish in the sea.

All kinds of rotten soil, corpse grave soil, five poisonous soil and so on are suitable for raising corpses.

There are also various rune iron coffins, bronze coffins, large and small sarcophagi, ebony coffins, dead wooden coffins and so on.

As long as everyone can think of it, try it out.

When the new caravan from Beiming Continent came again, they found that the entire Longshanfang City seemed to have completely transferred from Lingdao to Modaofang City.

All kinds of goods are simply everything.

The workshop owners everywhere are still very patient to listen to their voices and complaints, as well as complaints about various items, and then work hard to improve their products and launch new items that are easier to use and more convenient.

Even the storage rings are made into various shapes such as devil faces, skull faces, and pale zombie faces.

This also attracted the caravan from Beiming Continent to come more diligently.

This strange transformation of Longshanfang City was almost completed within a month or two.

This strange change in Longshan stunned the monks in the upper realm of Shenting.

How can you still play like this?
Of course, they didn't produce less of the original goods on the Chu's territory, but they all made adjustments according to the Chu's arrangements. The workshops didn't know where these goods were sold to in the end.

Anyway, they got their wages in full.

These basic low-level products have long been bought by Chu Shinian through Tong Jian to the big and small worlds affiliated to the Guanghan Sword Sect.Especially the ferocious battle, which foreshadows the gray barbaric world with a large number of cannon fodder monks.

As long as it is of good quality and low price, there is no reason why it cannot be sold.

Gray Man World is also very concerned about their shipments because of the price issue.Repeated reminders asked them to increase shipments.There is also a certain increase in the price.

Anyway, they have been actively preparing for a counterattack recently.

Although that person has just woken up from a coma, his mentality has been readjusted.

It is said that he insisted on presiding over the counterattack plan.

There is no such thing as a completely impenetrable wall in this world.

Chu's repeated operations, even though they were done relatively secretly, were still discovered by other forces.

Everyone was also very shocked that Chu Shinian had such a huge influence before entering the sect, and mobilized so many monks from the Guanghan Sword Sect to help him do things.

We are still playing games with the natives, how can you run out of the world to do business?
Especially Yang Xianzhi and others' fear of Chu Shinian had reached its peak.If it weren't for Chu Shinian's great influence in Guanghan Sword Sect, maybe he would have started to get rid of this guy.

Of course, if he got rid of Chu Shinian under Tong Jian's nose, he decided not to expect to return to Hongjun Mountain alive.

But if the Chu family is allowed to continue to do this, they will join forces and consume huge resources, and the alliance that suppresses the Chu family will collapse.

"Is there any way to prevent Chu Shinian from continuing to receive support and orders from the sect?" Yang Xianzhi asked the new counselors his father personally selected for him.

The two new counselors shook their heads one after another.

"That person is more important to the Guanghan Sword Sect than you are to Hongjun Mountain, the young master. The body of the Dao, those are the only two of the Guanghan Sword Sect. The great Guanghan Sword Sect took the two of them carefully Hold it, raise it. Not to mention the one in the big gray world, that is Chu Shinian, and there are at least two guardians hidden around him.

With such an existence, it is impossible for us to kill him through sneak attack and assassination.

Because Guanghan does not allow it. "

Yang Xianzhi's face darkened immediately when he heard this.

"Then tolerate them being so presumptuous?"

"It's just some gloomy wood. Doesn't the Shenhai Palace still have the main altar?" One of the counselors said, "I recently searched a lot of ancient materials in this world carefully, and I finally discovered the general altar of the Shenhai Palace. where the altar is located.

It's on the bottom of the sea near Fengji Continent.

The Fengji Continent is a continent dominated by monsters and monster races, and it does not care about the local indigenous human forces at all.

But our Hongjun Mountain is indeed an upper realm force.It also has something to do with the former patriarch and the powerful people of the Yaozu.

Young Master, if you organize the upper realm forces on the Yun'an Continent to open up wasteland, you may be able to obtain huge benefits. "

"It's just that the main altar over there was once occupied by the Tianxie clan in a surprise attack. I'm afraid it's not so easy to open up wasteland."

The counselor immediately said, "So let's all contribute together. If you want to gain something, you can't afford it."

Hearing this, Yang Xianzhi immediately smiled and said, "This is really a good idea. We want things, but it is difficult to open up wasteland. Let them come."

"That's the reason." The counselor said.

It's just that Fengji Continent is too far away from Yun'an Continent.

Yang Xianzhi frowned again.

"Is there any teleportation array between us and Fengji Continent?"

"There must be one in the Baicao Pavilion. The young master will go find Fu Luyi, she will definitely be able to help."

(End of this chapter)

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