The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1065 Treasure

Chapter 1065 Treasure

When Yang Xianzhi heard Fu Luyi's name, he couldn't help frowning even more.

"Young master?" the counselor asked suspiciously.

"Can you change someone?" Yang Xianzhi asked.

"Isn't that the young master's fiancée? I heard that the madam has already proposed a marriage between the two of you to the Fu family, and the Fu family is very satisfied with you. The patriarch has no objection to this marriage." The other party said.

"Yang Ji, to tell you the truth. That Fu Luyi, I have been in contact with her many times, and I don't think I am suitable for her." Yang Xianzhi said.

"Young master, you are a man. You just need to plan your own future. You are just a woman. Marrying a wife is just to make the marriage stronger and provide a helpful family. Marrying a wife is just to procreate children, is it possible? What kind of love and love do you want to be immersed in?
Young master, you are not young anymore.Not a kid anymore.

In addition to being yourself, you have to bear everyone's expectations.

Can't be too capricious.

Besides, so what if you marry her, if you have someone else you like, you can still marry her and take care of her. "

Yang Xianzhi pondered for a moment, and suddenly showed a faint smile.

"You are right, Yang Ji." Chu Xi is gone, so what is he expecting?Without expectations, is marrying anyone?
"Young master, you are indeed mature." Dong Guo Yashu, another counselor, also smiled faintly.

"I was a little young and ignorant before." Yang Xianzhi laughed awkwardly.

"Who doesn't have a boy yearning for him? I haven't seen that Dao body of Guanghan Jianzong also stumbled in love this time. After you have experienced that incident, young master, you seem to be completely fine. Yes. You can treat all the things you have done in the past as the world of mortals and refine your mind."

The point is that that person has already passed away.So in Dongguo Yashu's view, it's easy for the young master to come out.

"Yes." Yang Xianzhi answered him with a smile.


Xianyang City, the back residence of the Grand Commander's Mansion.

Brother Chun was chasing and playing with a group of maids and servants on the grass in the garden.Brother Chun shook his calf, which was not very stable, and kept running around amidst everyone's teasing.

It also screams excitedly from time to time.

Chu Shinian recalled that when he was a child, he had probably never been amused like this.

Well, he's never been this simple screaming happy.

It seems that instinct does not understand why human cubs can be so simple and happy.

Could it be that he is an outlier among human cubs.

"Niannian, what are you thinking about?"

Tao Hua rarely had time to sit at the small square table and pour tea.

Chu Shinian smiled and walked to Taohua's side, and said what he had just thought about.

Taohua laughed and said, "I thought so when I was a child. Why am I not like other children. I know the fearful and disgusting eyes when they look at me. I was still very disappointed at first.

I also want to be like a normal kid. "

However, she was crazily jealous and jealous by her own father since she was a few years old.

"My father is a cowardly and inferior person. He feels that others look down on him, but he refuses to say it outright, always implying that he needs respect. Chuda's mother just does what she likes, pretending to be weak and pitiful, to win She fell in love with him and let him break through Lunchang and give birth to Chu Da with her.

After giving birth to Chu Da, he never returned on the road of looking for excitement.No matter who persuades it, it will not work.

Even if my grandfather warns him, it won't work. "

Taohua seldom talks about her past life in front of others.

Because Chu Xi was a failure, although he didn't live a joke.But for Taohua, that guy was still immature after all, and made many mistakes that shouldn't be made.

To be honest, Taohua always felt that the big reason for Chuxi's failure was that she didn't have a good father to teach her when she was young.Let her stumble all the way and grope alone.

"When I was Chuxi, I did a lot of things that violated my character and reason by obeying orders.

Although I always say that the Chu family is in my hands.

But I have repeatedly compromised, the Chu family is still in the hands of those old people in essence.

They always have a way to force me to agree with their ideas and their demands.Wipe your ass for their shit.

At that time, I was very aggrieved, and many times I wanted to give up the Chu family and leave it.Fly away. "Tao Hua said to Chu Shinian very seriously.

Chu Shinian nodded, "Yes, when I was on duty by your side, I often watched you staring at the sky outside the yard in a daze. Once, when it was raining, you just stared blankly at the flying and chaotic rain curtain blown by the strong wind. I have seen the most detached eyes in your eyes once.

Not long after, you sent away a few cronies around your father. "

"At that time, I was really fed up with my father's stupidity and disturbance. So I said to the great elder: If you don't plan to watch me kill my father, you should deal with my father quickly, and you can't let him stay idle. Stretch out your own hand to take care of things.

The Great Elder was so frightened that he dealt with my father's confidants that night.

From then on, he couldn't just move this, move that, mess up my plan casually.

In fact, I was a little naive at that time.

I should just ask someone to arrest him, throw him into that desolate yard, and throw the hidden guards to isolate him from anyone.It will take a few years for him to die of illness.

In that case, the Great Elder wouldn't think that I was soft-hearted and dared not touch him, so his attitude became more and more rebellious and he didn't take me seriously. "

"You were only in your teens at that time." Chu Shinian said speechlessly.

But my previous life was forty or so years ago, and I was tossed to death by that four old man all day long.

In the later stage, when I discovered the troubles of Baihuatian Bible, I always felt that even I would definitely not be able to die peacefully.

"After all, it's the naive and stupid Chu Xi. On the contrary, I like to be the current Chu Taohua. When I wake up, I will have the sincere love of my parents, as well as the doting of my brothers and sisters. I always feel that I am complete in this life." .”

"Then what am I?" Chu Shinian asked jealously.

"Haha." Taohua stood up abruptly, walked up to Chu Shinian, and hugged his waist. "You are my treasure." Thank you for persevering, thank you for marrying me.Thank you for bringing me this life. "It feels really different to have you now. So you have to be there all the time."

"I won't go anywhere, I'll always be here. Always where you are." Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled.

How does it feel to ask my beloved that I am her treasure?
One flower, two flowers, ten flowers, hundreds of flowers, how about when the heart is angry?
"So you must always stay in front of my eyes, always stay in my life every time I look back, stay in my life." Tao Hua said seriously.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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