The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1066 The Price of Promotion to Tier 6 Spirit Mountain

Chapter 1066 The price of promotion to the sixth-order Lingshan

Aww, Brother Chun rushed over like a little bulldozer.

Chu Shinian had no choice but to let go of his wife and keep his fat son.This ugly brat.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" then he pointed out to his father.

"What is this for?" Chu Shinian was surprised.

"He asked you to take him out to watch juggling. We have a juggling troupe here in Dongfang City, Xianyang, and they have to perform at this time every day. He asked someone to take him there every day recently." Taohua explained to her son with a smile.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"Take him out for a walk. Otherwise he won't be safe." Taohua laughed.

"This little thing is too delicate. It's more nourishing than his father's life." Chu Shinian said in surprise.

"At his age, besides eating, he just plays. What else can he have?" Taohua waved his father and son away.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Brother Chun was also urging him.

"You said there are so many people in the family, can't you ask someone to take you there?" Chu Shinian complained.

"Aww!" Brother Chun didn't understand what his father was going to say, and waved his little arm very seriously, pointing and pointing.

"Yes, you are the ancestor." Chu Shinian was urged by his son and had no choice but to hug him and leave.

Tao Hua kept laughing behind the two of them.

"Patriarch, the family's revenue for this month has come out." Chu Xinjia brought the family's accounts and summarized them.

"Okay, I'll see. By the way, how is the arrangement on the shore of the Northwest Wilderness?" Taohua asked.

"Not yet in place." Chu Xinjia said, "The layout of the Northwest Wilderness is too large, and it is not so easy for the major legions to move to the predetermined positions."

"Let them focus on safety and not being exposed, and it's okay to delay for a while." Taohua confessed.

"Patriarch, there are many places with rich land in Yun'an Continent, and the Yao Kingdom next door to us is also good. Why are you focusing on the Great Northwest Wilderness, Patriarch? Why don't we eat up the land of Yao Kingdom first? It's really good to eat it. so easy."

"It's because it's too easy to eat. It's the meat around our mouths. That's why we can't eat it first." Taohua said. "Where in Yao Kingdom, it seems to be rich, but in fact there are no ruins, no secret places, and no small worlds, small caves. Except for the humid mountain climate, there are not many spiritual veins in that place." Tao Hua disliked it Said.

"That's right." Chu Xinjia said.

"Mineral resources are even more barren. In that fast place, even large-scale land veins are not unbroken. It looks like a bunch of flowers, but in fact there is no potential for development. If our family occupies it, we can't even plant high-level elixir So sending troops to capture the Kingdom of Yao is not worthwhile at all. Not only the Kingdom of Yao, but also the Kingdom of Xichang, which is above our heads, and several small countries nearby that were originally established by the aristocratic forces of the Song Dynasty, and other countries. It is superficial light. There are basically no resources underground. And superficial light is not very easy to maintain. Various forces are intertwined and entangled. If we really swallow it, just sorting out those tattered forces is enough for us to drink a pot."

"Underground?" Chu Xinjia keenly noticed a word.

"Yes, it is underground. There are leylines, secret realms, small worlds, mineral deposits, sealed caves, seal relics, and large and small spiritual veins underground." Taohua said. "If these things are rich, then we occupy this place, which is not bad for you. If it is very poor, then we occupy it, and it will be very slow. It will affect the development of our family."

"Patriarch, you mean the underground in the Northwest Wilderness..." Chu Xinjia woke up with a start.

"Yes, there are abundant underground products." Taohua said to him with a smile. "It is impossible for our Chu family to truly occupy a continent."

"What?" Chu Xinjia was shocked.

"I mean, no matter how much our Chu family develops, it is impossible to occupy a continent." Taohua said.

"Why?" Chu Xinjia was puzzled.

"Because of Lingshan." Taohua said.In fact, she only got this news after going to Huolingzhu to briefly communicate with the world recently.

"Spirit Mountain?" Chu Xinjia was puzzled.

"Yes, this world is actually the fusion of three worlds. The more the three worlds are fused together, the more they are fused into a large world with richer resources, the more they can release a lot of aura, resources and inspiration.

Maybe there will be a revival of divine beasts, maybe there will be re-manifestation of things that were once wiped out.

But the most precious good fortune is actually Lingshan.

A number of spiritual mountains may be born in this world.There may be only one born. "Tao Hua told Chu Xinjia.

Chu Xinjia listened carefully, he knew that what Tao Hua was talking about at this time was probably the truth of the world.

"Every Lingshan is the seed of this world. It carries the special atmosphere, rules, imprints, luck and fortune of this world. As long as the Lingshan is still there, the world will not perish. Even if it is integrated into the new big world middle.

As long as Lingshan is still growing, it can continue to feed back to the world.Make the world stronger.Moreover, Lingshan is the only one that can continue to exist apart from the world.They are a world unto themselves.At any time, you can leave this world that is being merged and enter the void to sail. "

Upon hearing this, Chu Xinjia immediately asked, "Is Lingshan still equivalent to a spaceship?"

"It is much more powerful than a starship. It is equivalent to a starship, which can maintain, replenish, repair, and park a starship group alone."

After Chu Xinjia said this, he finally saw the power of Lingshan squarely.

"It's no wonder everyone is putting their lives into cultivating Lingshan."

"Of course. And how many spiritual mountains are born in a world is counted. The earlier it is, the easier it is to promote the spiritual mountain. The later it is, the harder it is to promote the spiritual mountain. Because the world will continue to raise the standard for the promotion of the spiritual mountain. "Peach Blossom said. "The earlier Lingshan is promoted, the smaller the area of ​​our Lingshan. Our family's Lingshan is now at the fifth level. How big is it? You know it.

Such a small area is absolutely impossible, and it is too late to occupy the entire continent.

Besides, it has covered more than half of our family area.Now the direction of the eyes is the sea, pushing away the Wanji Mountains, thus opening up a plain to the sea.One side is the direction of the Great Northwest Wilderness, always looking towards Longshanfang City.

In my opinion, when we can finally advance to the sixth level, we can swallow most of the Northwest Wilderness, and completely connect Longshanfang City and the family territory, which is no longer an enclave.That would be nice. "

Tao Hua's words aroused Chu Xinjia's thinking.

"That is to say, after our spiritual veins are promoted to the sixth-level Lingshan and then grow in scope, we will form a world of our own. It is impossible to grow in the territory that devours the mainland?" Chu Xinjia asked.

"That's right, not only can't devour the territory of the mainland, but also give up other opportunities in the world. This is actually the price of being promoted to the sixth-level Lingshan." Taohua said.

(End of this chapter)

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