The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1068 She prefers to live in Guanghan Mountain Gate

Chapter 1068 She prefers to live in Guanghan Mountain Gate
After seeing off Chu Xinjia, Tao Hua began to meditate again.She didn't even notice that her father walked in.

Chu Dashan came over and stood in front of his daughter, but no one noticed.

Could it be that my charm has decreased, so my daughter didn't notice me?
Chu Dashan deliberately stood in front of his daughter again, but did not respond.

Chu Dashan quit, coughing and coughing three times.

Tao Hua finally turned around, only to find that her father was looking at her with an unhappy face.

"Father, why are you here?"

"If I don't come to you, will you still remember your father and me?" Chu Dashan immediately complained irritably, "Look at you, look at your elder brother, look at your second sister, and then look at Saburo Shiro Wulang, each and every one of them can't wait to stay away from home every day. If there is no brother Chun, what do you think your mother and I have?"

Peach Blossom is ashamed.The little face was extremely embarrassed.

"Father, it's because I've been too busy recently."

"What are you busy with? So busy that you have forgotten about Dad?" Chu Dashan asked unwillingly.

"It's that shitty thing." Taohua said.

"What's the matter?" Chu Dashan acted as if I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Even if it's about the second sister's side." Tao Hua said.

"What's the matter with your second sister?" Chu Dashan sat down opposite Taohua in high spirits.

"The family plans to take over the entire Great Northwest Wilderness," Tao Hua said.

Ah cough cough cough.

Chu Dashan's expression changed.

"Do you know how big the entire Great Northwest Wilderness is? That's twice as large as the mainland territory occupied by the Chu family. There are also a lot of people there, and there are as many outlaws and refugee armies. Even ordinary people over there Killed people, seen blood.

That is definitely a hard bone. Why does the family insist on occupying the Great Northwest Wilderness?I heard from your second sister that it was difficult for her to survive over there, and it was not time to gain a firm foothold. "

"If you don't occupy it now, it will be too late." Taohua said.

"What's too late?" Chu Dashan was puzzled.

Just when Taohua was about to speak, there was thunder in the sky.

The thunder in the daytime scared the beasts and the people to scream and run away.

Tao Hua immediately reacted, and her face changed drastically.

"Sure enough, it's still here..."

"What's coming?" Chu Dashan was even more puzzled.

"Father, it's loose. Do you feel it? The world has loosened its restrictions. The upper limit of a monk's cultivation has been raised from the Purple Mansion Realm to the Golden Core Realm." Tao Hua frowned.

Chu Dashan felt it carefully, and it was indeed loose.

He has not cultivated to the peak of Zifu yet.

This time the mind is loose, it only takes so little time to go from Zifu to Jindan.

Too soon, madam too soon.

Chu Dashan couldn't help but said, "When the world's restrictions were loosened for the first time, we were all stuck at the peak of the Tongmai Realm for a while."

Taohua wants to say, that's me, not you.

Well, you are my father, so you can do whatever you want.

"The second time when the world restrictions were loosened was also when everyone's cultivation had already reached the peak of the altar realm. But when the Zifu realm was loosened, it came a little faster. At that time, those in the family who had cultivated to the peak of the altar realm But not many.

This time it was even faster. Is there a peak Zifu realm in our family? "Chu Dashan asked sadly.

"Yes, there are more than 500." Taohua said.

"What? You haven't cultivated to the peak of the Zifu, how can they be stronger than you?" Chu Dashan always thought that his daughter's cultivation base was the strongest, but who knew that there were more than 500 people who practiced stronger than his daughter .

"It's a question of the cultivation method. The better the cultivation method, the faster the cultivation speed will be than the ordinary cultivation method." Taohua said helplessly with her hands spread out.

Chu Dashan twitched his lips.

"Then your father and I also practice ordinary exercises, and we haven't cultivated to the peak of Zifu."

"Father, your aptitude for cultivation is still a bit weak. I'll think of a way later." Tao Hua said.

"Slow down, take it easy, your mother and I happen to be companions." Chu Dashan could think about it.

With a lady by my side, what else is there to be unhappy about?

"Maybe my mother also doesn't like to hang around with you. What's wrong with cultivating Jindan early? Once you enter Jindan, your lifespan will exceed five hundred. Why don't you just do whatever you want?" Tao Hua road.

"I can live two thousand years as soon as I become a Nascent Soul." Chu Dashan complained about his daughter speechlessly.

"That would be better." Taohua said with a smile.

Chu Dashan was speechless.

"Then why are you and Chu Shinian promoted to Jindan?"

"We can't be promoted to Jindan, not only us, but even the clan members in the clan, the family will ask them to try their best to suppress their cultivation and not to be promoted to Jindan." Taohua said.

"Why?" Chu Dashan was puzzled.

"In this world, due to the restrictions of the rules, there are only 300 years to promote Jindan Shouyuan here." Taohua said.

"What? Isn't it 500 years?" Chu Dashan was taken aback.

"Yes, it is 300 years. I have communicated with the will of the world, and it told me. It is not a complete big world, and the rules are not so perfect. So promotion here is equivalent to promotion in a small world. To put it bluntly, It’s just that there is something wrong with the way of heaven, and the lifespan is damaged.” Taohua told her own father.

"There is such a thing?" Chu Dashan asked in astonishment.

"That's right. When Chu Shinian joined the Guanghan Sword Sect before, his master told him not to be promoted here. He had to go back to the sect to promote Jindan. It was said that it was a matter of the world's branding. The small world's branding would impress his future. The success rate of advanced promotion.

Only the brand of Shenting Great World can help him advance to a higher level. "

Taohua once again revealed a secret.

"Ah?" Chu Dashan was shocked again and again, he really didn't expect that there was such a secret in it.

"Oh, no, girl, tell dad what it means to return to the sect. Chu Shinian is going to the Guanghan Sword Sect? Going to the Great World of Shenting?"

"It's not that he goes by himself, but we all go."

"Are you and the two of them taking Brother Chun?" Chu Dashan asked with some reluctance.

"No, I'll take you with me." Tao Hua said.

"Taohua, you are married, how can you take your parents with you wherever you go?" Chu Dashan said dumbfounded. "You all go, rest assured that your mother and I will have a good life. Besides, there are so many spiritual fields and spiritual lands at home, and there are so many spiritual plants at home. How can I leave?"

Taohua said speechlessly, "Lingshan has followed, do you still want to stay?"

"What? What did you say? Lingshan came with you? Are you going to move the entire Chu family and Chu family territory?" Chu Dashan asked tremblingly in shock.

Taohua nodded vigorously.

" is this possible?" Chu Dashan asked fearfully. "Is it really possible to take away such a large land?"

"That's right, as long as the spirit veins are promoted to Lingshan, these can be taken away. At that time, we will go to the Great World of Shenting together." Presumably staying here and receiving the rule of Shenting forces, she is more willing to bring her family and Lingshan to join Guanghanjian Zong lived in Guanghan Mountain Gate.

 I wish all the little angels who read books a happy fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

(End of this chapter)

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