Chapter 1069
"That's too terrifying, no wonder, no wonder other forces are madly trying to develop their own Lingshan." Chu Dashan's heart beat like a drum. "Doesn't that mean that our Chu family will completely change from an indigenous force to a divine court force?"

"A small family within a great power of the Divine Court." Tao Hua said.

"That's different too. Can you, a small citizen in a remote country, compare your status with a wealthy commoner in a big city?" Chu Dashan immediately retorted, smacking his lips.

"This analogy doesn't seem appropriate? As a local aboriginal family power, no matter how we develop, it is not comparable to the power of a small Shenting family. At least they don't have to be cannon fodder to be ruled." Taohua said.

"What does this mean? What is ruled?" Chu Dashan asked puzzled.

"Father, in our world, the revival of spiritual energy is due to the power of Shenting who has taken a fancy to this world and wants to reintegrate it into the world of Shenting. In order to improve the foundation of this world, they specially obtained it from outside the territory. He created two worlds, and used great supernatural powers to merge these three worlds together.

With the compatibility of the world and the continuous recovery of spiritual energy, there will always be a day when this world will completely merge into one big world.

At that time, father, do you think that when the crops are planted and harvested, those upper realm powers and forces will not come down to harvest everything in this world?Whether it's resources, or opportunities, or various treasures, or people, or spiritual veins, earth veins, and the world.It's all on their harvest list. "

After hearing this, Chu Dashan's eyes widened and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

"It turned out to be like this, the truth about the recovery of our spiritual energy at this level turned out to be like this? Then aren't we all the toys of those powerful gods? We have to move how we want us to move?"

After hearing this, Taohua sighed. "For some powerful people, all living beings are ants. We are not even qualified to be toys. When they consider harvesting the world, harvesting the human race is just incidental.

At the beginning, in my expectation, the final result of the development of the Chu family was to become a subsidiary force of a certain family in the upper realm.

The worst case is that the family is destroyed, and I will secretly send away my father, mother and brothers.Live as the seed of the family.

Who knew that our family, Chu Shinian, was very lucky, and was favored by the Guanghan Sword Sect in the upper realm because of his aptitude.He joined Tong Tianxing's sect.This gives us the opportunity to continue operating.

Otherwise, I can only play some evil.Use tricks to calculate an upper realm force, and then attach yourself to others.As long as you don't stay until the end, you can become a slave to the major forces in the upper world after the Shenting annexes this world. "

"There are still slaves?" Chu Dashan asked in astonishment. "And you are talking nonsense, why send me and your mother away, send away your brothers, and when the family is destroyed, we will have no good fruit to eat when we are sent away. I can bear it. It’s better for the whole family to die together. Anyway, it’s neat and tidy when it’s underground.”

"Yes, there are slaves. For the Great World of God's Court, except for the people born in their own world and the humans accepted by them later. The human races in the rest of the conquered world are slaves. These people unconsciously In the middle of the country, he was planted as a slave.

In the future, future generations will live and die for the power of the gods to which he belongs. "Peach Blossom said.

After being reborn, she secretly used various relationships to investigate the affairs of the upper world of Shenting. The more she investigated, the more shocked she was by the power of the Great World of Shenting.

Of course, I also really clarified many things that I didn't understand in my previous life.

As for what Dad said about the whole family going to die together, Taohua rolled her eyes at him.

"Will I arrange it so inconsiderately? When it comes to that moment, I will also arrange you all."

"Shut up. Don't keep talking about those unlucky things." Chu Dashan went crazy. "I figured it out. I shouldn't have come to see you. Every time I see you, there are always a bunch of bad things happening."

"You'd better come, father, anyway, if you come or not, I have to tell you the family's latest plan. You have to make arrangements for our family when you go back," Tao Hua said.

"Okay, I'm not that stupid. Over the years, I have secretly cultivated a lot of orphans. They either became husbands of Lingzhi, or became powerful combat monks. It is enough to protect our family's property and me and your mother. .

As for your brothers, shouldn't they protect themselves, and then take the initiative to take care of their parents when they have something to do at home? "Chu Dashan said triumphantly.

Many members of the Chu clan, especially those who lived in the same village as Chu Dashan, had their own properties, so they would consciously or unconsciously break away from the various industries of Chu Dashan's family.

There are many lost Ling Zhifu and guardian monks.

Chu Dashan kept an eye out and tried to recruit orphans who had no one at home, and then signed the contract of sale.Then raise it for a few years, cultivate talents, or become a guardian monk, or become a Lingzhi husband, or become another monk.No matter how bad you are, you can become a warrior.

After they have their own strengths, they will stay at home.He also helped the older ones get married and have children.

In this way, these orphans have truly become their own sons.Share weal and woe with the Lord's family.

But he hasn't been doing it for a few years.

The main personnel in various places in the own industry are still hired from the family and outside Lingzhi husbands and guardian monks.

But as those people continue to leave, within a few years, these orphans will have to take the lead.

"Yeah, Dad and Auntie did a great job of adopting orphans, and they did a great job. After Dad returns, besides adopting orphans, it's best to help those remote and impoverished branches of the Chu family. Dad can definitely do that." Recruit young men and women over there, train them for a few years, and let them take root.

It is best to intermarry with the orphan raised by you, Dad.

They have come from afar, and have not enjoyed any dividends from the rise of the Chu family.

Naturally dare not be disobedient.Far more sensible than those clansmen in our branch now. "

Chu Dashan slapped his thigh, "Oh, that's right, girl, you are so right. There are so many people in the remote areas, the poor are almost unable to survive. Why didn't I think of them before? They only have the word Chu left. up.

Some Zhuangzi don't even know whether they belong to the blood of our Chu family.

As long as you give me some money, they will immediately give away their own children, and I can choose to take them away. If I sign a contract to take them away, they may be crazy.This time, I have found a good home for the children, and they will not have to suffer from hunger for the rest of their lives. "

"That's right. The guy raised in this way will naturally not betray the master's family or leave if he wants to leave for any other reason in the future."

"you do not say."

(End of this chapter)

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