The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1070 Killing in person

Chapter 1070 Killing in person

"Ma'am, your eldest brother is here to see you." A maid came in to report.

"Why is big brother here?" Taohua asked in surprise.

"How do I know? Could it be that he came after me?" Chu Dashan asked his daughter suspiciously.No matter how you think about it, it's impossible. "I haven't seen your eldest brother for several days. He seems to be busier than you."

Taohua smiled and hurried to ask someone to invite her.

Chu Shiluo walked in almost quickly.

"Peach Blossom, I'm in trouble, I'm in big trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise.

"Father, are you here too?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise when he saw his father.

"What? Why can't I come here? My daughter's house, I can't come?" Chu Dashan was not happy when he heard it.

"Father, I didn't mean that. I came to find Taohua for a serious business." Chu Shiluo hurriedly begged for mercy.

"What's the matter, why are you in such trouble as soon as you come in?" Chu Dashan asked.

"An accident happened to Qingxu Jianzong. I don't know where the upper realm forces came from, and they insisted on making Qingxu Jianzong submit to them. My master and the others naturally refused, and the two sides fought. At first, the two sides bet The fight was almost a draw. As a result, the upper realm forces kept calling for help, and as a result, the Qingxu Sword Sect gradually became difficult to resist. Now the entire Qingxu Sword Sect is huddled in the mountain gate, and even asking for help is difficult. No one can come out.

Come and think of a way for me. "

"Brother, you have to think about one question first. What is Qingxu Sword Sect thinking now? Is it going to surrender completely, or resist to the end?" Tao Hua asked. "What if we ran to support with great fanfare, but they would have surrendered long ago. At that time, our Chu family will not be the most embarrassing?"

When Chu Shiluo heard this, he was immediately taken aback.He followed him and said, "That can't be left alone. If my master died fighting against the oppression of the forces of the upper realm, I can only watch from a distance outside. Then who am I?"

"So you have to go and see what's going on." Tao Hua said.

"What did you say, you asked me to go there. Um...can your power let me in?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"Let Chu Shinian go with you." Tao Hua said, "With Chu Shinian as a living sign, even if the other party doesn't give you face, he won't dare to do anything to you."

"Will that trouble my brother-in-law too much?" Chu Shiluo was eager to try, but asked shyly.

"You are his brother-in-law, so he naturally wants to help. Besides, you are not considered an outsider. Let's not look at Qingxu Jianzong's face, but your master Yang Xiao's face." Tao Hua said.Don't say it's true.

In fact, Chu Shiluo didn't care too much about whether Qingxu Jianzong surrendered or not.What he cares about is his master.

"Then please ask my brother-in-law to accompany me."

"Okay, then you sit down first. I'll ask someone to call him."

Not long after, Chu Shinian came back with Brother Chun in his arms.Brother Chun likes to go out for a walk, as long as Chu Shinian is at home, he must let his father take him for a walk.

Taohua asks someone to take Brother Chun down to sleep first.Then he told what Chu Shiluo asked for.

"Then let me explain, let's set off in half an hour. Go through the teleportation array first, and then fly a certain distance after reaching the mountainous area over there." Chu Shinian agreed after hearing this.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"My family, why be so polite. Besides, Master Yang is really nice." Chu Shinian laughed.

As long as Chu Shinian went with him, he would definitely offend another upper realm force, because he really stood up for himself.Chu Shiluo was extremely grateful to him.

"Where you go, you should bring more people with you. Be careful, if those people are mean and shameless, plotting against others, you have to be prepared in time and at least pass the news on." Taohua warned.

"Don't worry." Chu Shinian made a gesture.It means that he will bring the elite of the hidden guards.

Taohua nodded in satisfaction.

So she was relieved.

Now the mountain gate of Qingxu Sword Sect is completely surrounded by a large number of monks.

Blocked the passages outside the mountain and connected to the mountain.The blockade alone has stretched over a dozen floors, not to mention people, even birds can't fly through it all the time.

The disciples of the Qingxu Sword Sect who had just learned of the accident at the mountain gate kept coming back, seeing that they couldn't rush in.A small group was organized outside, planning to gather more people to charge again.

However, since the last time they attacked the blockade and killed a large number of brothers and sisters, some people retreated.Although he didn't dare to run away now because of the majesty of the sect, he didn't want to continue rushing into the mountains.

The longer that force blocks Qingxu Sword Sect, the disciples both inside and outside the mountain will have their own ideas.

It was in this situation that Chu Shiluo entered the edge of the mountain with Chu Shinian.

As soon as they entered the outermost mountain pass, a large number of monks appeared immediately, and each of them aimed their weapons and some large war equipment at them.


"Chu family, Chu Shinian. Chu Shiluo." Chu Shinian said loudly.

The other monks looked at them in astonishment.Unexpectedly, the person who came this time turned out to be a member of the Chu family.

"What are you Chu's doing here?" The other party asked loudly.

"Then what kind of power are you guys? We can't all sign up, and you're still hiding it?" Chu Shinian asked.

"We...we are a subsidiary force of the Golden Arrow Sect." The other party said.

"Is the Golden Arrow Sect the one who explored the ruins of the beginning with us?" Chu Shinian asked.

"What remains of the beginning?"

"Ahem, yes. It's the Golden Arrow Sect. Is the Guanghan Gong Chu Shinian here?" A monk in a golden robe hurriedly thought about the monk who spoke just now, and rushed down directly.

"Yes, but because I'm still in the lower realms, I didn't report myself to the sect." Chu Shinian said immediately.

"Oh, it really is Brother Chu Dao, ah..."

At this time, a flashing golden arrow shot straight at the man in gold.Then an arrow shot through his back.

Followed by three short golden arrows.

Chu Shinian threw out his short dagger in a hush, and hit the man in gold who was facing him.The dagger came first, and it hit the man in gold with a ding, and it flew sideways, and it must have passed the next three short arrows.

Chu Shinian rushed up and checked the injury of the man in gold.

Heavy, but thankfully not deadly.

Chu Shinian quickly put a pill into the opponent's mouth.

Then he looked at the men in gold clothes who appeared one after another and sneered.

"Your Golden Arrow Sect has planned to let me take the title of murderer?"

"Boy, if you are sensible, kill yourself on the spot, otherwise you will be unable to survive or die if you are in our hands." The leader of the people who came said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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