The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 107 Eating monsters can improve physical fitness

Chapter 107 Eating monsters can improve physical fitness

It seems that we can't relax our vigilance at all times, and we have to tell the patriarch about this matter later.

After handing over a box of spirit coins, Chu Dashan turned back to the valley. In the valley, his own Dalang, Qingmei and Taohua were all applying Xiaoyunyu to the elixir fruit trees planted at home.

Now Chu Dashan already knew that whether it was a small wood-type spell or a small water-type spell, it actually had a catalytic effect on all kinds of vegetation and food.

The most conspicuous thing is the five hundred acres of snake salivary grass grown by the family, and now the fruits are the size of jujubes.

If there is no fruit, the land is just a lush grass when viewed from a distance.

In addition to the snake fruit, the purple vanilla has also mutated. The mutation of this forage grass is not obvious at all. If Taohua felt that the taste was not right one day, she deliberately tested the purple vanilla under her feet.Everyone thought they didn't mutate.

The purple vanilla has become more fragrant, but humans can only smell a faint floral fragrance, but for poultry, livestock and large herring, the purple vanilla has mutated, the fragrance is more attractive, and the taste is better.

Even hay is also delicious.

Recently, the big herring in the lake can enjoy the blessing, and it is also purple vanilla and mercury grass, eating them has a round belly.

In the valley, even the mercury grass that had just been planted at home had mutated.When the seedlings first emerged, they were still tender green seedlings, but the longer they grew, the more blue they turned. When they reached the height of the calf, each one turned into water blue.

The color-changing Mercury Grass attracts all kinds of creatures more and more, and the more the edge of the grass is gnawed, the more bare it is.

Peach Blossom deliberately brushed them with Qi Tianjian, whether it is purple vanilla or Mercury grass, they are all low-grade spiritual roots. Apart from large yields, they have no sudden advantages.So Tao Hua didn't care too much.

She didn't care anymore, but her own father, Chu Dashan, was worried. No matter what kind of mutation happened in the family, he was very worried.

He was very worried that the snake salivary grass he had lent to the Yuan clan would also mutate, and that would be troublesome.

But what he was worried about didn't happen.

The transplanted snake salivary grass performed very well, the yield was large, and it was easy to manage. No member of the Yuan clan did not praise the grass for its easy care.The most important thing is to make money.

Making money every month, in addition to returning the money to Chu Dashan, his family can also improve his life.

The variation of what Chu Dashan's family grows has a lot to do with the land.With the help of Xiaopang's ability, Taohua gradually transforms her valley into a spiritual place.Most of the things grown at home were purchased from the Baicao Pavilion, so it's strange that they don't mutate.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the flowers, plants and trees growing on the mountains in their valley that have not had time to open up wasteland are also extremely prosperous!
This piece of land will perform better and better in the future!
Because there were already two big courtyards in the valley, Chu Dashan hung a plaque on the original big courtyard and called it the Chu family courtyard.The courtyard where the long-term workers lived next door was also named the Qingongyuan.

As soon as Chu Dashan walked into the Chu family compound, he saw Uncle Six chasing chickens with a kitchen knife.

It's still a pheasant with a rope tied to its leg. Oh, this pheasant is so fat!It looks like the hair can weigh at least twenty or thirty catties.

cluck, cluck...

In order to survive, the pheasant ran away with his life!
Uncle Six flitted around and chased very fiercely. Finally, Uncle Six swung out the kitchen knife and cut off the chicken's head with precision.

The pheasants on the two sides of the corpse finally stopped.

"Congratulations, Sixth Uncle, you are in the middle stage of the first level of Tongmai, right? This kitchen knife is really accurate." Chu Dashan joked with a smile.

Silently, Uncle Six picked up the pheasant and threw it into a large wooden basin for the little farm worker to send to the kitchen for disposal. "Just now at the initial stage of the first level of Tongmai Realm, there is nowhere to be the middle stage. It's early!
I don’t know what happened recently. Every day, pheasants sneak into our chicken flock. No matter how hard we drive them away, we have to kill some useless pheasants and eat their meat because too many come here. "

"The male pheasant looked pretty good to me just now, and it's fat and big, so it's useless?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise.

The Sixth Uncle explained to him, "I am practicing the Yuling Jing. This exercise comes with a small spell called Spiritual Eye Technique, which can detect the natural potential of animals. Don't look at the pheasant because it is big and fleshy, but It has no potential to evolve into a monster in the future."

Hearing this, Chu Dashan immediately laughed and said, "It's a good talent to be big and have a lot of meat. Monsters are monsters, and monks can eat them, but there are many mortals in our Zhuangzi. If all the chickens and ducks in the family can be big Big and meaty, that’s also an excellent thing.”

Although Zhuangzi's poultry has also mutated and grown in size, it is definitely not as big and ferocious as a pheasant!

The sixth uncle understood Chu Dashan's implication, and suggested that he breed more fine-bred poultry with large size and meat, and when the time comes to disperse the breeding eggs, the whole family will benefit.

If he was happy to do this before, he has improved the chicken and duck populations in Zhuangzi for several generations over the years.

But he is a monk now, and if his vision is high, Fan Qin will look down on him.

"Dashan, even mortals can improve their physique and increase their strength by eating too many monsters. And their improved physique can be passed on to the next generation, so that the children of the next generation will be stronger than the previous generation from the womb!

If you think about it, if everyone in our village eats monsters, maybe there will be more monks among the new generation of cubs. "

As soon as the sixth uncle's words came out of his mouth, Chu Dashan was moved.

"If we don't have that condition, we won't talk about it, but you see, the poultry and livestock we raise are all good, and I think they are all developing in the direction of monsters. The big herring raised in our lake is also a monster. Beast. Because of the frequent feeding, I let the long-term workers catch a few fish from time to time for the tooth-beating sacrifice. Since the long-term workers started to eat fish, each of them has grown stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Think about their physiques when they first came, and look at their burly and tall figures now! "

Needless to say, Uncle Six is ​​really right, whether it is the early batch of long-term workers, or the recruitment of Yuan clan members later.When they first came here, they were all skinny and dry, even if they were tall, they looked as thin as a handful of bones.

But the food at his house is good, full of food, new clothes to wear, and meat to eat.As a result, within a few months of raising them, each of them jumped up.

This is not an ordinary length, but a length that advances by leaps and bounds.One inch in a month, one head in a few months.

My parents all looked horrified, is there any reason?

Among the long-term workers, there was a boy whose head was not as tall as his shoulders, but now he is half a head taller than him!

I heard that kid is only 14 years old!
Just because they grew up better, it was rumored in the clan that he treated the long-term workers outside the clan better than the clansmen inside the clan! !
(End of this chapter)

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