Chapter 108
Chu Dashan really wanted to cry out for being wronged! !

Didn't he just feed the long-term workers? What else can he do for them?

It's better than treating the clansmen, what's the comparison?Don't the clansmen give him the same treatment as those who work for him?
Those guys are also getting taller the day after tomorrow. People in their 20s are actually growing taller, and their bodies are becoming more and more sturdy. They are not thinner than other long-term workers at all. Why do the tribesmen pretend they didn't see it?
He didn't understand, why is there such a crooked trend in the clan that is always targeting him?

Besides, raising a group of big long-term workers is not without trouble. Although the long-term workers are stronger and work more quickly, they can also eat better!
If it wasn't for his family's lack of food, if there was a real shortage of food, he could go to his uncle's house to fetch it. Ordinary people specified that they couldn't afford it.

Are you surprised that a long-term worker who can eat thirty steamed buns for a meal?Is it surprising?Scary or not?
His family can consume tens of thousands of catties of food in a month!

If he hadn't kept the spiritual fruits and medicines at home, he would have made more money, so he wouldn't have dared to support others like this.

"That's all right, Sixth Uncle's poultry, livestock, and fish farming, just watch it." Chu Dashan thought about it, and since he wanted to raise it, he should raise it well.This stall is still handed over to Uncle Six, and he doesn't care about it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of it for you."

"Fortunately, I moved you, Sixth Uncle, otherwise my valley would not be able to survive. There are too many things." Chu Dashan said with emotion.

Uncle Six laughed. "Who would have thought that your valley was still a small valley at the beginning, but now you see, this series of valleys are connected together to cover a huge area, and it takes a lot of effort every day just to patrol the mountains.

By the way, two days ago, a few hunters came down from the mountains, and they asked me if I would accept the game and mountain products they got. Dashan, do you think we will accept them? "

Hearing this, Chu Dashan immediately brightened his eyes and said, "Take it. If the goods are good, I will take it. I will ask Dalang to send you some money later. They came to us because they thought our place was remote but looked at it." The scene is big, maybe you can receive a big shipment.

Sixth uncle, if you see a good big product, you must accept it. "

If it is sold in Miryang City, many people have to be brought there, otherwise, the prey may not be able to be kept.Besides, even if the prey is kept, it may not be possible to find a suitable seller when it is time to sell. If the selling price is too low, it is better not to come out this trip.

So if there is a remote place where you can sell your goods, everyone is still very happy to come.

Uncle Six smiled and asked, "What do you want, tiger, black bear, rhino?"

"If you come across something good, just accept it. These big things are hard to come by." Chu Dashan said.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to leave the treasure," Uncle Liu said.

"By the way, Dalang and the others are still practicing small spells on the mountain?" Chu Dashan asked, seeing that the sun was about to have lunch, why didn't the three brats come down the mountain?
"I'll let people go up the mountain to look for them." After the sixth uncle finished speaking, he called a small long-term worker to look for them.

"By the way, I've also heard that recently someone poured dirty water on you in Zhuangzi, saying that you treat long-term workers better than your clansmen."

When Chu Dashan heard about this, he looked dejected, "You can say whatever you want, my mouth is on someone's face, I can't stop them from talking."

"Then you will let them continue to tarnish your reputation?" Uncle Six asked with a frown.

"People say that I treat long-term workers better than my clansmen. I can't just beat them up just because of this?" Chu Dashan said depressingly.

"But you can dig out the person who first ruined your reputation, and then go to his house, and smash his house, right?"

"It can't be smashed." Speaking of this, Chu Dashan became even more depressed.

"What do you mean?"

"That family is the one that carried my grandfather out of Xiongshan back then. They just said something weird about me, how could I smash the door of my grandfather's savior?"

Sixth Uncle's eyes widened immediately, "It turned out to be their family, but it's been 50 years since your grandpa happened, and your grandpa even paid back the life-saving favor back then."

"I still paid it back, but I still can't smash people's doors, even if I go to question, if people don't recognize me, I will suffer in the end." Chu Dashan said. "My grandfather is gone, but the old man is still alive!"

Uncle Six was speechless.

This is simply too bad.

"Forget it, I know they are always targeting me behind my back, isn't it because my family is getting rich and rich." Chu Dashan said with a smile.

"Then what are you going to do? Just let them talk? Why don't you ask the patriarch to clean up their nonsense?"

Chu Dashan did not agree with Sixth Uncle's words. "I don't want to ask the patriarch recently."

"What's the matter? What happened to you and the patriarch recently?" Uncle Liu asked with a headache.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to ask him recently."

Chu Dashan knew that when the patriarch asked Chu Changfeng to mention him, he valued him and wanted him to get closer to the clan.But getting closer to the clan is not something he can get closer to if he wants to.

Some people in the clan don't like him very much!

After going through so many things, Chu Dashan couldn't see this trick! !

"then you……"

"Don't worry, Uncle Six, I know what to do!"

Sixth Uncle really thought that Chu Dashan had achieved something in his heart, but within two days Chu Dashan simply moved into the Chu family compound with his family.Very simply and neatly leased the original yard to the Yuan brothers.

After moving to a new home that they had never lived in, Taohua and Qingmei each divided up six rooms on the left and right of the two-story small building in the backyard.

The two-story building in the backyard is actually a back room, and it is quite solidly built, but it is not used for the owner to live in.It's a pity that Taohua and Qingmei are unwilling to live with their parents, so their families occupy half of the small building.

Chu Dashan and his wife took their four sons to live in the main building on the third floor.

The third floor is the site of Saburo and Shiro.

The second floor belongs to Dalang, and Chu Dashan and his wife live with Wulang on the first floor.

Wu Lang was so angry that he insisted on living alone, but it was a pity that his father would not do it.There is also a separate room on the first floor, why can't Goro live in a little monkey?

"Why can Taohua have six houses to live in casually, but I can only live with my parents on the first floor of the main building, and there is only one room?" Wu Lang was about to explode with anger.

In fact, Dalang and Saburo Shiro didn't quite agree with the distribution of parents.

"It's better for me to live on the second floor with Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu is also grown up. He can live on the half floor by himself, so he can stock up on things by himself." Da Lang offered to intercede for the little brother.

Chu Qi's face disapproved, "What does he need to stockpile, will he stock up? Besides, what is he compared to Taohua, Taohua is a girl, and mother vacated so many houses for their sisters to stock up their dowry Useful, not to mention peach blossoms, Qingmei's furniture should have been broken up long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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