The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1077 Selling Medicine Pills

Chapter 1077 Selling Medicine Pills

"But it does need a host. If it is parasitized on a certain child of luck, such as me, it will treat me as a sacrifice, absorb my luck, flesh and blood, and swallow the family's luck through me, I don't know exactly what will grow in the end. Anyway, if you harvest this thing in the end, it will probably become a palace of flowers."

This design is really powerful. Using the formation method, the Chu family's thousand-year great fortune will be cultivated, and then in the period of spiritual recovery, the Chu family's thousand-year great fortune will be stimulated to give birth to her, the son of good luck, and then use the good luck spirit veins to parasitize her body.

Absorbing everything from her, plus the Baihuatian Bible and double insurance, she has absolutely no hope of breaking free.

In the end, she was used as a sacrifice to sacrifice her and the fortune of the entire Chu family, and perhaps the entire family of the Chu family. She didn't even dare to think about the thing that was born in the end.

Who knows what kind of lucky treasure, or what the hell?

"Bastard." Chu Shinian's face immediately changed, and a deep hostility flashed across his eyes. "Baihua Tiansheng Palace, I will find out who is behind this."

"Well, let's check it out. I'll check it out when I get the chance. I'm not going to let him go. The other party's plan is too powerful. They have killed so many people in our Chu family and they want to use me as a sacrifice. This conspiracy started from 1000 It started years ago, and we have long since ended in endless death." A coldness flashed in Taohua's eyes.

The key is too bad.

Anyway, after discovering the abnormality of this luck vein in her previous life, she tried every means to break it against the roars and threats of the family elders.

Fortunately, in her previous life, she always explored the ruins everywhere, so she knew a lot of secrets about the gods and this world.Otherwise, she didn't know how many times she was cheated to death.

The key is not a question of intelligence, but a question of experience.

So after rebirth, she immediately followed the law of luck that a family would not have two spiritual veins at the same time in the early stage of spiritual recovery within a certain range, so she simply acted first and created a blessed land of the five elements first.

With the Five Elements Blessed Land and herself, the Chu clan's luck will not be accidental, and it will fall on her Five Elements Blessed Land.Then the spirit vein of luck will naturally collapse.

Nobody can save it!
Although she didn't see how and when the luck line collapsed, it was destined to collapse.Otherwise, the Five Elements Blessed Land in her hand would not be so fast and continuously advanced.

In fact, the person who designed her, the Chu family, didn't think about it. The Chu family's family fortune and her own great fortune were fused together from the moment she was born.It is arranged that she will step down as a member of the tribe in the future, and the fate of this race will not be easily transferred.

Unless the family is born another patriarch of destiny.Not only does he have great luck, but he can also bear the luck of the entire Chu family.

Such people are not easy to find.

At least the young children in the family who have not yet grown up have not let Taohua find out that there is such a successor.

"Don't worry, I will never allow this person to live." Chu Shinian said extremely firmly.

"I'm not worried. He has a conspiracy, and I have countermeasures. I don't know who will die in the end." Taohua said. "By the way, I'm going to make them move. Things on the Northwest Wilderness can't be delayed any longer."

"Okay. I'll go and sit in town."

"You stay at home and sit in town, I'll go there by myself." Tao Hua said.

"Peach Blossom..." Chu Shinian was unhappy.

"Firstly, I'll make other arrangements there. Secondly, there is almost no danger there. It's just a joint alliance, a conspiracy. I'm also very good at this." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian was speechless.

"Besides, to keep you here, there is another thing you must do." Peach Blossom.

"What is it?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"We have opened a branch of Shenhai Palace, as well as their hoarding warehouse. This has caused many upper realm forces to rise to Shenhai Palace. What I mean is, you communicate with Tong's side, we don't participate Open up wasteland, but I am willing to provide various finished medicines and powders." Taohua laughed.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"You can't be at a disadvantage. If you can't participate in land reclamation, why don't you let us earn some money for the medicine?" Tao Hua said.

"How do you know they won't take us?" Chu Shinian was puzzled. "We have participated in the land reclamation of a subdivision of the Shenhai Palace, and we have rich experience."

"It's because we have so much experience, if our contribution is great, how much of the spoils will be shared with us?" Taohua directly flew him into a smirk.

Chu Shinian nodded at one o'clock, and then said dumbfoundedly, "Then it's better not to go."

"If you want to open up the main gates and branch palaces of Shenhai Palace, you must need a lot of medicine pills and medicine powders. If these things are purchased from the upper realm, it will not only be expensive, but also take time. Therefore, the medicine pills of our Chu family And medicine powder became their first choice.

We don't sell too expensive, but we can't sell too cheap.

So you go and have a good talk with them.If the monks from Guanghan go to open up the Shenhai Palace, we will buy it cheaper.If it is another force, it will be more expensive. "

"Okay, I know about this. If you insist on going there first, I agree, but the communication between us must be kept open. If there is any accident over there, you must notify me in time to rescue you.

You can't push yourself to face danger alone.

I will be angry. "Chu Shinian said with a serious expression.

Peach Blossom smiled guilty. "If you don't agree to me, I will definitely not let you go alone." Chu Shinian insisted.

"Okay, I promise you." Taohua said helplessly.

"Have you been in contact with there recently?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Over there?" Taohua was stunned.

"It's the side where you exchanged for the Dao Enlightenment Stone." Chu Shinian said.

"Yes, I just exchanged for Xiaopang another ten Space Enlightenment Stones and ten Time Enlightenment Stones." Tao Hua said dumbfounded. "Xiao You told me that in the last three to five months, she probably won't be able to get the Dao of Space and Time Enlightenment Stone. I have already told her that when we trade again, we will exchange for the Source Fire Enlightenment Stone and the Taiyin and Sun Enlightenment Stones."

"Other elements of the Five Elements are fine. Variations of Wind, Thunder, and Ice are also acceptable," Chu Shinian said. "I don't think we can hide the fact that we can exchange for Dao Enlightenment Stones for long. If it is discovered, this kind of transaction may not be able to continue in the future.

If you can hoard some, hoard some. "

"I try my best, we don't have so many spiritual veins. I'm afraid it won't work for a large number of transactions. After all, our family's spiritual veins still need to be advanced to the sixth level. I don't know how much spiritual veins will be invested." Taohua said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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