The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1078 Meeting

Chapter 1078 Meeting
"Okay." Chu Shinian nodded. "If you want to go, take Chu Ziyan away. He is a good knife."

"I plan to take Chu Zilan and Chu Zixiang there," Tao Hua said.

"Why Chu Zixiang?" Chu Shinian frowned.

"I need a guy who can speak eloquently." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian pondered for a moment and immediately said, "It's better to take Chu Junqi with him."

"I plan to make him disguise as Chu Junqi." Tao Hua said.

"Ahem, cough, what on earth are you thinking?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"Chu Zixiang looks good, but he tends to be handsome. Chu Junqi is not only beautiful, but also has an outstanding demeanor and smart eyes, which is amazing and unforgettable. In terms of appearance alone, he is one of the top three handsome men in the Chu family. "

"You observe carefully." Chu Shinian said in a sour tone.

Hahaha, Taohua chuckled. "But in terms of quick debate, Chu Junqi is not as good as Chu Zixiang, and in terms of cultivation and combat power, Junqi is far inferior to Zixiang. I can't bring Junqi with me for safety reasons.

It's better to be Zixiang, let him change his appearance into Junqi, as long as he has a long face. "

"What about temperament, can Zixiang really pretend to be Jun Qi's temperament?" Chu Shinian asked with a sour tone.

"A handsome and dashing Chu Junqi may bring me surprises and surprises." Taohua laughed.

"Hmph." Chu Shinian hummed angrily. "You'd better take Ziyan with you, I don't worry if you don't take him."

"Okay, okay, I'll take him with me. Don't be sour, let's go and play with Brother Chun." Taohua took Chu Shinian's arm.

Chu Shinian hummed lightly, and hooked the corners of his mouth.


A few days later, a blue-capped boat set off with Tao Hua and others disguised as an ordinary caravan.

They will follow the branch of the Tianshui River and enter the Great Northwest Wilderness.

Fengle City is a newly built city, located at the junction of the Chu family's prosperous area and the Great Northwest Wilderness.This is also where the Tianshui River branches into the Northwest Wilderness.There are a large number of caravans and shops gathered here.

Everyone exchanged information and traded bulk goods here, and they also separated here to go deep into the wilderness.

On this day, the green boat sailed leisurely into the pier of Fengle City.

Someone here had come to look for them long ago, and led them to an inn at the pier.

As soon as they entered the suite, the person in charge of the dark guard wanted to report the situation here.But was stopped by Taohua shaking his head. "I will be given an inconspicuous position in the lobby later, and I want to personally listen to what the caravans are talking about recently."


"In addition, just sort out the important and urgent information and give it to me." Taohua said.

"it is good."

Taohua now uses Zeng Chuxi's face.Even when Chu Xi was still alive, she rarely saw people with her own face.So when she came out for a stroll now, she used more of her previous life's face.

But although she used Chuxi's face, she now pretended to be a female boss who led a caravan to run the business all the year round.Dressed in a neat businessman's attire, very down-to-earth.

She took two female secret guards, Chu Ziyan, Chu Zilan and Chu Zixiang downstairs to eat together.

After the food was put on the table, Chu Zilan took the initiative to pour wine and tea for everyone.

"Zi Lan has been out for the past few years because of her experience. I remember the first time I saw you, you were as shy as a little lady." Tao Hua said.

Ahhh, Chu Ziyan almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

"Chu Zilan still looks like a little lady?" Chu Ziyan asked extremely curiously.

"Yeah, he pulled his sister's sleeve and almost cried when he saw me so nervous."

"Sister, please let me go, please let me go." Chu Zilan begged for mercy with both hands.Although Chu Zilan is a branch of the Chu family, her sister once served as a companion to Chu Xi.Later, after getting married, Chu Xi let her out to be a steward.

Now they are in charge of Chuxi's own several big Zhuangzi and a dozen or so workshops.Definitely a strong woman.

"Is your sister okay now?" Taohua asked.She hasn't seen her little companion to read for a while. "Every time I write, I say I'm doing great. I don't believe it anymore."

"Haha, sister, my sister is really doing well. She just likes to be busy. So there was a little friction with my ex-brother-in-law, and then the two of them got together peacefully. The children were divided into one. My sister asked for it." The little girl and boy were taken away by my ex-brother-in-law.

Then a year ago, my sister met another one, and they felt pretty good, so they got married again.My current brother-in-law has two children of her own.Now the couple and their three children are doing well.The key is that my current brother-in-law is open-minded and will love others.

My sister likes him very much. "

"I don't even know. Your sister is indeed too courageous. She didn't tell me about such a big thing." Taohua complained angrily.

"It's nothing that my sister said she could solve by herself. Besides, you're busy. And she's really doing well." Chu Zilan said.Anyway, in Chu Zilan's opinion, her sister's life is really good.

"The stinky girl is getting more and more capable, I will deal with her later."

"Sister, don't say that I said it." Chu Zilan immediately said feeling bad.

"Okay, I'll just say someone else told me."

Chu Zilan suddenly smiled wryly, "Someone else, that other person, that other person must be me. Sister, I must be tricked by you."

"You're a man, what's the point of being tricked a few times?" Tao Hua said unreasonably.

Chu Zilan flattened his mouth, he was so unlucky, he was cheated by his own sister at home, and then cheated by the owner's sister when he came out.

Suddenly Chu Zilan and Chu Ziyan's eyes froze.

Chu Zilan even looked at Taohua's sleeves.

Tao Hua raised her head inadvertently, but she didn't expect to see Yang Xianzhi walking towards her with a straight look in his eyes.

"You... are you Chu Xi?" Yang Xianzhi's voice trembled slightly.

"You have misunderstood the person." Tao Hua said in a very flat tone.It was as if the other party was really a stranger who had never met before.

"Little lady, what's your name?" Yang Xianzhi asked eagerly.

"It's just a young lady running a business. Why is it worth your haste to ask her name? What is she?" Fu Luyi walked into the lobby with an angry face, and then rushed to Yang Xianzhi's side, and then looked fiercely. He looked at Peach Blossom.

What a rare color.

"He's not someone you can cling to, don't let me be your man just because you are pretty," Fu Luyi said.

"Since it's your man, you should keep an eye on it. What's it like to let him out and bite people? A dog?" Fu Luyi's tone was harsh with jealousy, so Taohua's counterattack was even more sharp and mean.

Yang Xianzhi's face suddenly changed.

Chu Xi is a lady of every family, but she can't say something that only a shrew in the market can say.

(End of this chapter)

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