Chapter 1079
The disappointment on Yang Xianzhi's face was too obvious, both Fu Luyi and Taohua saw it clearly.

When Tao Hua was still Chu Xi in her previous life, she lived with him for a period of time. Although she couldn't say that she knew the man in front of her very well, she still knew some of his preferences.This guy is domineering by nature and likes everyone around him to revolve around him.

Such a disposition is estimated to be rarely accepted by people.At least Chuxi couldn't bear his temperament, so that he often dealt with him secretly.

Who knew that the more frustrated this guy became, the more courageous he became, and the more he was hit, the more energetic he became! !
It is simply one of the strange flowers that Chu Xi has seen.

If it weren't for the two people's naturally different positions, and Chu Xi was very jealous of him, maybe Chu Xi would be too boring to deal with him a few more times.

But precisely because she knew his preferences, Tao Hua also knew how to make him go away quickly!
"You bitch." Fu Luyi rushed forward, intending to slap Taohua across the face.

Peach Blossom retreated slightly.Chu Zilan, who was beside her, stepped forward and stood in front of Taohua. With her backhand, she slapped Fu Luyi's face with a big slap.

With such a loud slap, Fu Luyi staggered and almost fell to the ground.Taohua is secretly satisfied, a woman beats a woman, how can a man beat her so hard.

She couldn't believe that she was slapped backhanded by a boy in blue who didn't know where she came from.Pushing hard, she took out a jade talisman with a black thunderbolt engraved on it.

"I advise you not to move. If you dare to use that black thunder, then I will use my supernatural powers. My supernatural powers will destroy your soul and body. Even if you have means in the upper world, you will never survive. If you don't believe me, try Try." Taohua flipped her wrist, and a black ice sword formed by gathering countless black ice ridges immediately released endless deep cold and terrifying coercion that could suppress the soul.

There is a sense of fear that the soul will be annihilated by it even if you look at it more.

Fu Luyi gasped.

There is still such a strange talent in this world.

"Luyi, put away the Thunder Jade Talisman." Yang Xianzhi glanced at Taohua, then calmly said to Fu Luyi beside him.

"But I..."

"If the green mountains don't change, the green waters will flow forever. There will be a time when we seek justice." Yang Xianzhi hinted.The key is that the counselors sent by the two fathers around him transmitted voice transmissions to him one after another, and the other party did not say it was a fake.

That is to say, people can really keep them all.

"You wait for me." Fu Luyi was furious, and finally obediently left with the Thunder Jade Talisman.

"I'm waiting for you, just because I'm afraid you won't dare to come in person again." Taohua put away the ice sword.

Yang Ji, who was beside Yang Xianzhi, laughed and said, "Little girl, you are too competitive. You natives in the lower realm must compete with the people in the upper realm, I'm afraid it will hurt your body and heart."

"I think too much about you, just because you Hongjun Mountain and Baicao Pavilion can't represent the monks of Shenting." Taohua didn't save face, and directly exposed their old background.

Cough, cough, Yang Ji smiled dryly, "You really know us."

"I know Fu Luyi, as for you, it's just incidental." Tao Hua said.

"What? You have enmity with Baicao Pavilion?"

"What enmity can there be? Fu Luyi is so powerful, this can represent Baicao Pavilion?" Taohua continued to laugh.

Only then was Yang Ji surprised to find that he was surrounded by the other party again.

In fact, the girl's attitude was very clear from the beginning, and I will attack you two.

What Baicao Pavilion, what Hongjun Mountain, what monks from the upper realm, how can you represent them?

My young master may represent Hongjun Mountain in some matters, but he cannot represent Hongjun Mountain in more matters.Fu Luyi was even worse.Although she has a high status, she can't represent the power behind her family, nor can she represent Baicao Pavilion.

"You little girl is really clever, are you interested in coming to our Hongjun Mountain?" Yang Ji asked.

Taohua smiled again and said, "No, I heard that to join Hongjun Mountain, one must plant a slave imprint in the soul. I don't like to be such a slave. Why is it not good to be your own master? Why go to the pole and run to others To be a slave?"

Ahem, Yang Ji didn't expect that this kind of secret would be known by others.

"This is not some small defensive method. As long as you have advanced to the fifth-level Nascent Soul Realm, this kind of soul imprint can also be removed. Even if Hongjun Mountain doesn't give you a place to go, you can take it out yourself." Yang Ji laughed.

"Aren't you lying to a fool? There are so many people who visit Hongjun Mountain every year, how many of them are promoted to the fifth-order Nascent Soul Realm? Those who are able to advance are suppressed by the soul seal, and those who are not able to advance are constantly fighting for Hongjun Mountain. On the way to die.

Only Hongjun Mountain's own people can be promoted to Nascent Soul, this unwritten rule, I don't believe you don't know it?Even outsiders like us know about it, do you want to say that you are still kept in the dark? "

Yang Ji yelled badly in his heart.

Sure enough, he saw that among the people on his side, someone's expression changed immediately.

Especially Zhu You who followed behind the young master.

He also came to Hongjun Mountain from the outside world, and because of the short time, he didn't know this unspoken rule.

This little girl, murderous and murderous, shook Zhu You's mind just by opening her mouth.

This is not a good thing.

In fact, even Yang Xianzhi's expression changed a little.He didn't expect the other party to know Hongjun Mountain so well.

"who are you?"

"Who am I, and what does it have to do with you, Hongjun Mountain? What are you doing, you still want to take revenge? If you have the ability, you have the courage to do so." Tao Hua said with a sneer.

Yang Xianzhi's face was filled with gloom in an instant.

"Bold and reckless, foolish enough to know death!" After Yang Xianzhi finished speaking, he flung his sleeves and left.

As soon as he left, naturally Fu Luyi and others followed suit.

"Patriarch, he said you are stupid." Chu Ziyan said eagerly.

"If you jumped over to chase him down, you would be really stupid." Tao Hua laughed. "This kind of person, either send him to the Netherworld all at once, or wait for the opportunity steadily. It is a fool to test the level of others foolishly."

Yang Xianzhi paused, then continued walking.

In fact, he was also waiting for someone to catch up, and then vented his anger on himself.

Who knew that the other party seemed to have foreseen his plan in advance, and then revealed his plan smoothly, preventing his subordinates from stepping into his trap.

Yang Xianzhi frowned slightly.

There is always a sense of stagnation of one step behind the wise, and this feeling has not appeared in him for a long time.

Yang Xianzhi's strangeness fell into Fu Luyi's eyes, she bit the corner of her mouth.There is a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

She had no way to make Yang Xianzhi focus on her body.She also had no way to prevent Yang Xianzhi from being attracted by the sluts outside, this feeling was simply too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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