The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1080 Value

Chapter 1080 Value
Before Yang Xianzhi looked at Chu Da a few times, Fu Luyi sent her out to be the concubine of the youngest son of the Golden Arrow Sect master.

However, it wasn't long before Yang Xianzhi was attracted by another woman.Fu Luyi felt a dull pain in her heart.But she was not willing to endure her own sadness.So Fu Luyi grabbed Yang Xianzhi's sleeve and asked, "Why? Why do you want to fall in love with that bitch? Is it because she is good-looking?"

Yang Xianzhi looked at it, was silent for a while, and then said, "For me, long life and long-term vision, holding power is my pursuit. I married you to unite your family. What kind of true love do you expect me to play with you? Sorry, I really don't. Can't.

If you don't like it, you can change someone else to find true love. "

Fu Luyi looked at him in astonishment.

"When we got married, your father also knew about it. He even wrote me a letter, saying that he supported me in my hard work." Yang Xianzhi also exposed his father-in-law's father.

Fu Luyi was even more astonished.

"You... you... no wonder my mother disagrees with this marriage. But shouldn't you tell me that you married for such a purpose?"

"I thought you understood why two big families got married. Could it be because of love at first sight, or because of true love?" Yang Xianzhi sneered. "If I really had someone I fell in love with at first sight, or a woman I really wanted. Why should I marry you through marriage.

I'm not so tasteless that I don't even dare to fight for the position of wife for the woman I love.If only I had. "

He was just unlucky enough to miss both times.And it was a life and death miss.

Fu Luyi was stunned for a moment.

"If you want, the marriage has not been officially settled yet, you can tell your father what you think. Ask him to change someone else. I heard that there are many sisters in your family. It doesn't matter if they are not father's biological daughters. Anyway All I need is the support of your family. Your own sisters and cousins ​​don't matter."

It didn't matter after hearing Yang Xianzhi's several words, but Fu Luyi couldn't hold back, and she burst into tears as she ran away.

"Young master, will you ruin this marriage?" Dong Guo Yashu frowned.

"No, my future father-in-law is not a person who focuses on love. If he is such a person, he can't control the huge family. It is precisely because he himself is a person who focuses on controlling the family. So he doesn't I will support Fu Luyi in withdrawing this marriage. Because besides me, who else would want such an illegitimate daughter like her? That is my mother, who has always been a vegetarian. Sprinkled on the son. Otherwise, whoever loves the son will marry such a woman with no reputation at all into the hall of his house, and also be his son's official wife." Yang Xianzhi directly exposed his dissatisfaction with his mother in front of his subordinates.

Zhu You and the others all changed their faces. They all have the background of that lady.

But Dong Guo Yashu and Yang Ji nodded in approval.

"After all, madam has little knowledge. But this marriage has some value. Before the young master has a better marriage, the Patriarch means, the young master had better accept this marriage first. At least your future father-in-law, Not an easy character."

"It's for his sake that I agree to this marriage." Yang Xianzhi nodded seriously. "My future father-in-law is indeed a character, and the future is promising. Otherwise, I would be able to endure his daughter's bad reputation."

"It's good for the young master to know. Some time ago, the eldest young master was frustrated when he was promoted to the fifth level. It is still uncertain when the fourth young master will be promoted to the fifth level. If you can catch up, young master, it is not impossible to succeed." Yang Ji said directly.

They were sent down this time, because the head of the family was dissatisfied with the first two sons, and deliberately raised the youngest sons, urging the first sons to work hard.

In the past, the head of the family had the first two legitimate sons to compare with, and he never considered the youngest son at all.

Especially Yang Xianzhi has been hiding in the shadow of his mother.Can't see Xianyu!

The Patriarch sent them down this time, which is also a kind of investment and temptation.I just want to see if my little son is worth continuing to train.

Yang Xianzhi is not stupid, how can he not guess what his own father is thinking?
He just pretended not to know, and slowly adjusted his attitude and way of doing things.

From now on, he will try his best to win his father's love and attention.

"I heard that the most outstanding contemporary disciples of all major forces have advanced to the fifth rank. It seems that my two elder brothers are a bit late and haven't caught up with the upsurge of advancing to the first echelon?" Yang Xianzhi frowned at me.

"Yes." Yang Ji said helplessly. "The fourth young master has been seriously injured, and the time to advance to the fifth level is still uncertain. Eldest young master, this time I failed."

"What about the side branches and other direct descendants? None of them advanced?" Yang Xianzhi asked again.

"The young master has such a domineering personality, those offshoots and other direct descendants, who dares to advance to the fifth rank before him?" Yang Ji said.

"Sigh, elder brother is too inconsiderate of our Yang family." Yang Xianzhi sighed weakly. "That is to say, if I was at home, I wouldn't dare to be promoted."

Yang Ji naturally knew that Yang Xianzhi was telling the truth.

When Yang Xianzhi was a child, he didn't listen to the young master's words several times because of his mischievousness, and was almost beaten to death by the young master once.From then on, the whole young master became completely silent, and began to concentrate on cultivation.

"Hey, I hope the young master can become more mature in the future." Yang Ji said.

Hearing this tone, one could tell that Yang Ji, who represented the father, still had a special preference for the eldest brother in his heart.

Yang Xianzhi smiled.

"Let's go quickly. It would be bad if they ran away." They came this time because they heard about another treasure.For this important treasure, even the group of people just now, especially the woman, Yang Xianzhi planned to put it down for the time being.

"Okay." Yang Ji and the others shut up immediately, and the group quickly left Fengle City and started on their way again.

Let's finish the important tasks at home first.

As soon as they left, news was sent to Taohua. "Patriarch, this Hongjun Mountain Yang Xianzhi and that Baicao Pavilion Fu Luyi have separated. This Fu Luyi still stays in Fengle City, do you want us to trouble her?" Chu Ziyan asked with a smile.

"It's not necessary for the time being. It's not good to move her in Fengle City. When I met these guys this time, the people in the lobby ran away in fright. We didn't hear the news we wanted, so let's take a good rest. We will leave tomorrow." When they confronted Yang Xianzhi and others, everyone in the lobby ran away.

The noisy and bustling lobby and private rooms also became silent.

(End of this chapter)

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