The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1081 Big Guy

Chapter 1081 Big Guy

Early in the morning of the second day, the Qingpeng boat set off again.After passing the Fengle City, what comes into view is the endless wilderness.On the wasteland, there are few people, and there are many rocks.Occasionally, a small animal or two appeared, and they were also very vigilant. As soon as they heard movement, they burrowed into the ground or the surrounding caves to cover themselves.

Taohua and their blue-capped boat sailed along the river.

Don't look at the calmness on both sides of the river, but the green boats in the big river are not quiet at all.

After passing the waters of Fengle City, in the big river, there is no Chu family's fleet to clean up the large water animals in the big river all the year round.

All kinds of big fish, prawns, water animals of all sizes constantly make trouble for the Qingpeng boat.

And arrogantly jumped directly onto the deck of the green boat.The Chu Clan's dark guards with sharp eyesight and quick hands jumped out, kicked up, or swung their fists to block a shot, or slammed the head with the back of the sword.

As a result, all the big fish were dragged into the inner cabin and became the reserve meat strips.

The boatmen who were specially called to serve as patrol guards were all stunned.

Those big fish and prawns that jump up actively can actually handle them.But it's still not possible to be as relaxed and freehand as the dark guards, even with little blood.

Chu's hidden guards are indeed worthy of being the elite among the elites.

There are a lot of fresh fish and meat dishes on Taohua's dinner table at noon.What fried fish fillets, crispy shrimp, what charred fish slices.

"Are these the ones who provoked me to jump on the boat in the morning?" Taohua asked with a smile.

"That's right, since the food came, we don't seem to accept it. The kindness is hard to turn down, so we ate them." Chu Ziyan gave a good reason.

"Okay, if you're all free, you can help the patrol boats clean up the river." Taohua said, "Anyway, we still have plenty of time, so don't worry."

Chu Ziyan shook his head immediately, "Farewell, there is no sense of accomplishment in cleaning up the river. Everyone doesn't like to do it. If you have that time, why don't you practice and be serious."

"By the way, have you told everyone that you can't break through the Golden Core Realm for the time being," Tao Hua said.

"I said it. It's just how long do we need to temporarily suppress it?" Chu Ziyan asked with some worry in his heart.

"It won't be long, don't worry, I'm more anxious than you." Tao Hua said. "However, I can tell you some news in private. The most critical hurdle for our family's spiritual veins to be promoted to the sixth-level Lingshan Mountain is already in sight.

Once this hurdle is passed, our family's spirit veins may be promoted to the sixth-order spirit mountain at any time. "

It has to be said that the Dao Enlightenment Stone is simply a weapon for cheating.

If Xiaopang is alone to comprehend it, he doesn't know how long it will take for this guy to comprehend a trace of space and a trace of space avenue.But with the Great Dao Enlightenment Stone, Xiaopang was the first to comprehend a little of the Dao of Time.

When Xiaopang told her a few days ago, Taohua was stunned.

Taohua didn't even think that the first thing Xiaopang realized was the Dao of Time.

The avenue of time is far more difficult to comprehend than the avenue of space.But Xiaopang chose the most difficult one to comprehend first, and he really comprehended a little bit of the Way of Time.

Probably because it used to be the soul of the spring dragon, once Xiaopang understood the avenue of time, he managed to make all the spiritual plants that were in the flowering period and not in the flowering period bloom together in an instant.Hundreds of flowers bloomed in the valley, which alarmed many people inside and outside Xianyang City.

In the end, it was Chu Shinian who came forward and said that the Chu family was researching new spells, and then let everyone disperse.

This reason is a bit far-fetched, but fortunately it is a reason, and since Xianyang is the headquarters of the Chu family, it is inevitable to do some weird experiments.

So everyone was temporarily appeased.

But if he did this a few more times, it would be impossible not to arouse suspicion from others.

In particular, many upper realm forces know that in order to be promoted to Lingshan, the spirit of the spirit vein must understand a little bit of space and a little bit of time.The flowers bloom in an instant, and there are problems when you think about it.

After comprehending a little of the Dao of Time, Xiaopang continued to comprehend the Dao of Time using the Dao Enlightenment Stone given by Taohua, and on the other hand began to comprehend the Dao of Space.

As for when it will be effective, Xiaopang can't tell, and it's even more impossible for Taohua to know.

However, Fatty just absorbed four or five pieces of Time Dao Comprehension Stones to realize the Time Dao.As for the avenue of space, it is probably what Xiaoyou said, as long as the enlightenment stone absorbs a lot, any avenue can be enlightened.

Anyway, she has already hoarded more than ten space perception stones for Xiaopang.

In another year and a half, Xiaoyou will be able to trade the Space and Time Enlightenment Stone again.

"So fast?" Chu Ziyan almost spit out the rice porridge he had eaten.Surprised no. "Wouldn't it be that we will leave this world soon?"

"That's right, if our family's spiritual veins are promoted to the sixth-order Lingshan, then we should leave this world after the promotion, and fly to the gate of the Guanghan Sword Sect in the Shenting Great World." Taohua admitted seriously.

"Do you really want to leave?" Chu Ziyan was in a complicated mood.

"This world will eventually reintegrate into the world of Shenting." Taohua said with a smile. "In a few decades, when the world here reintegrates into the Great World of Shenting, you will still be able to see it." Tao Hua said.

"I'm just a little bit complicated. In fact, it's a good thing to leave early." Chu Ziyan said. "Leaving earlier, I can be promoted to Jindan sooner. When I become a great monk, I will come back and see how much face I have.

But if our Chu family leaves with Lingshan.What will it look like here?A sea or a big pit? " Chu Ziyan asked.

"I don't know, maybe as soon as we leave, the mountains and rivers here will be restored by the world?" Taohua laughed.In her previous life, she had never seen a Lingshan promoted and left, so she really didn't know what it would be like after Lingshan left.

bump! !

With a loud noise, the whole blue-capped boat bumped into a jump, leaped out of the water, and landed heavily on the water.

A huge black round head opened its mouth wide, revealing sharp long white fangs, angrily biting towards Taohua's green boat.

This mouth is really too big, half of the green canopy is directly exposed in its mouth.

"Flame throwing guns," someone yelled.

Shhhhhhhh, dozens of flame rune throwing guns were thrown into the big mouth, and then blew themselves up in its mouth.

The big guy in pain screamed wildly and closed his mouth.

However, its huge head was still attached to the side of the blue boat and crashed into the water.

Those huge eyes stared furiously at the green boat and the people on board.

(End of this chapter)

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