The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1086: Parrot Soul Jade

Chapter 1086: Parrot Soul Jade
"How do you know we're here to sell things?" Taohua asked.

"Isn't this a joke? If you didn't come here to sell things, can you come here? This is the only way to Longshanfang City. The whole continent's fleet going to Longshanfang City must pass through here." The other party said with a smile .

"You guys are quite good at talking." Taohua smiled. "But I know you didn't see that we are here to sell goods. You got the news from the reminder of the parrot soul jade on your body, right?"

As soon as the other party heard this, he was terrified and wanted to run away.

As a result, he was immediately stopped by the hidden guards on both sides.

"Why are you running?" Taohua rolled her eyes angrily.

This guy, she really didn't expect to see him here.

"I, I..." The young man's face was strange, with an expression of horror and fear.It was so scary, the first time they met, they saw him through without even speaking a few words, and they knew that he was wearing the parrot soul jade.Can he not run?

Parrot Soul Jade is his biggest secret. He has never mentioned it to anyone since the death of his parents and sister.

How did this leader-like woman in front of him know?
"I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you're going to kill me and take my baby." The young man said tremblingly.

"Your Soul Jade is just on your body, it's still useful." Tao Hua laughed. "If you put it on someone else, it will at most be a piece of jade that looks better."

"Yes, is it?" The young man obviously didn't believe it.

"Yes." Taohua said.Speaking of which, this parrot soul jade is not a heavy treasure, but it is a rare treasure.To put it bluntly, it also came from outside the sky.

I don't know when he started living in Yun'an Continent.

In the hands of the twin siblings, the younger sister died of a serious illness when she was very young.Before dying, in order to protect her brother, she threw herself into the parrot soul jade.Made this spirit jade with the soul jade of a pair of small parrots carved on its surface.

With this spirit, the parrot soul jade has mutated into a rare treasure that can predict danger, misfortune and fortune.But this rare treasure must be in the hands of Qi Ling's direct blood relatives, and her direct blood relatives must also be a son of amazing luck.

In other words, this strange treasure requires a blood sacrifice to open the mutation, and it must be a direct blood relative to resist the blood curse brought by the strange treasure.Otherwise, other people will be cursed by the bloodline and wraith if they get it.

The most terrible thing is that the guy who owns it and survives must be a child of luck, otherwise he will not be able to resist the bad luck associated with this strange treasure.The mortality rate is 100%!
This parrot soul jade was later taken away by someone, and as a result, its previous owners did not end well.

This also shows from the side that this thing is indeed strange and powerful.

Of course, the guy in front of him was quite miserable, and he paid a huge price to get the parrot soul jade back. Taohua didn't know if he really got it back in the end.

But at this time, this person is not as evil as the Parrot Soul Jade, right?

He should only know the usefulness of this parrot soul jade now.

"How do you know that I have the parrot soul jade?" The other party really couldn't hold back.asked directly.

"Your parrot Hunyu didn't tell you?" Taohua asked curiously.

"No, as soon as I get close to you, it stops talking." The young man said distressedly, "No matter how much I ask it, it stops talking."

"Does your soul jade talk to you in your mind every time?" Tao Hua asked curiously.


"So, you and I knew that. I have a treasure on me. I can easily see your soul jade and know its effect." Taohua looked at the other party with a smile.

The young man gasped.

"There are still babies in this world who can see other people's babies clearly?"

"The world is full of wonders." Tao Hua laughed.

"No wonder you drove so many people out just now, but I was the only one left behind. You saw the soul jade at that time."

"Yes." Taohua gave him an affirmative answer.

"Then I was not wronged when I was arrested. I was careless. I shouldn't have come out with the soul jade." The young man said angrily.

"That's true, I was really careless." Tao Hua nodded in agreement. "If you are still so careless and negligent in the future, you will not be able to keep your soul jade without me."

In the previous life, this guy was robbed of the soul jade because of carelessness.

Later, in order to track down the whereabouts of the soul jade, he almost died several times.

"What are you doing now, and who are you working for?" Taohua asked.

"I... I'll be a food broker for Marshal Ma." The other party gritted his teeth and said.

"Marshal Ma? Is that Marshal Ma, one of the top ten commanders of the refugee army in the Great Northwest Wilderness?" Taohua asked. In this life, her sister didn't have any family members who died, and she still brought Lin Changge into the Great Northwest Wilderness.And the most powerful outlaw force in the northwest is the commander-in-chief of the top ten refugee armies.

Including her sister as a commander-in-chief, Marshal Ma ranked ninth among the other nine commanders-in-chief.

Of course, being ninth is not considered weak. Her sister is only ranked tenth with the support of her Chu family.

None of these refugee army commanders are easy to deal with.

The Great Northwest Wilderness is inherently full of troublesome people.

"You dare to tell Marshal Ma behind you, but you are actually sure that their people will come back to rescue you, right? So, you are actually quite important in Marshal Ma's heart? Have you become his godson? I heard This Marshal Ma especially likes adoptive sons."

The horror on the face of a certain young man, do you know this kind of news?
"Are you really adopted as a godson?" Tao Hua asked curiously.

"My surname is Song, and my name is Song Pingzhi. I am not Marshal Ma's adopted son." The young man, oh, no, it was Song Pingzhi who said very seriously.

"It seems that you didn't really turn to Marshal Ma, what's the matter? How about making a living?" Tao Hua asked again.

Song Pingzhi was very helpless.

"I said, what exactly do you want to do, my lord?"

"Didn't you see it? I want to hire you as my guest secretary. The treatment will be favorable." Taohua said.

Song Ping was stunned. "You want to hire me as a guest, is it because of my soul jade? Why don't you take it away, but hire me as a guest instead?"

"Haven't you seen it? Your sister's soul is in your soul jade. She would rather transform herself into a spirit to protect you. Besides you, she will curse anyone who touches that soul jade. Bloodline Curse and Curse of Wraith are concurrent in both directions.

Before your sister died, did you come into contact with the cursed soul path inheritance? "

"What?" Song Pingzhi was distraught and horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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