The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1087 Evil Treasure

Chapter 1087 Evil Treasure
"You said Xiaoyue's soul is in the parrot soul jade?" Song Pingzhi asked in astonishment.

"Your sister's name is Xiaoyue?" Taohua asked.

"Yes, my twin sister is called Xiaoyue. She died of a serious illness when she was eight years old." Song Pingzhi said sadly.

"I knew that there is a little girl's soul in your soul jade, she is your direct blood relative." Tao Hua said, "It should be your sister."

"Yes, yes, my sister, we are the only two brothers and sisters in my family." Song Pingzhi nodded quickly. "But if Xiaoyue's soul is in the soul jade, why doesn't she come to me. Can she give me a dream?"

Tao Hua wanted to laugh when she heard this, "Do you know what soul jade is?"

Song Pingzhi shook his head.

"Soul jade refers to the jade that can hold the soul. This kind of jade is generally not born naturally. Instead, some jade is buried in the most yin, blood, curse, and evil places. After years of different species Energy infection forms a special mutant jade species."

Song Pingzhi's expression became serious after hearing these words.Because after hearing someone's introduction, he suddenly felt that the soul jade in his hand might not be a good thing.

"For ordinary people, soul jade looks like a common good jade. Some of them are even buried in the ground as burial objects, or buried in the mouth, belly or head of the corpse all the year round. Thus invading the color of earth, mineral or blood."

Song Pingzhi couldn't hold back, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

His complexion began to turn ugly.

"As for the piece in your hand, I'm afraid it will become more bloody and sinister. It also has the power of curse. It must be a piece of soul jade that has been sacrificed for a long time using a special method. This special soul jade has a features.

That is to fully stimulate the power of this piece of soul jade, turning it from an embryo into a real treasure.A blood sacrifice must be performed.And the victim must be willing to risk his body and soul. "

Song Pingzhi suddenly couldn't help but burst into tears.He finally knew what price his sister Xiaoyue had paid for him.

"After she was transformed into a weapon spirit, because this strange treasure is always an evil treasure. So her soul will be tortured every day. Until the hostility rises to the sky, the power of the curse is increasing day by day. Apart from her Becoming an instrument spirit, the soul jade will also make her evolve into a cursed spirit. She will lose her memory and directly become a spirit under the control of a soul jade, which also controls the soul jade. They are mutually It is an achievement, an interdependent relationship.

If you don't want to lose this rare treasure, then don't think about awakening and restoring your sister's spiritual wisdom again.Because if she regained her sanity, it would be too painful to suffer every day.

Of course, if you want to save your sister's soul, then you have to find a way by yourself.

If this rare treasure is destroyed suddenly, your sister will die with it. "

Song Pingzhi's expression changed again and again.

Because Tao Hua's words obviously reached his heart again.

Song Pingzhi originally wanted to directly destroy the parrot soul jade and release his sister's soul.

"Then how can I save my sister's soul from the parrot soul jade? How can I restore my sister's sanity and let her reincarnate back?"

"I can't do anything about this. I can't help you, but you can help yourself. The parrot soul jade is also a spiritual weapon. If you start with refining and continue to learn and hone yourself, maybe in the future There is a chance to get my sister's soul out.

Furthermore, I think you also need to start with the curse.

Because I suspect that the reason why your sister can transform herself into a spiritual weapon so easily is probably because of a curse.

What curse I don't know.But I think if you don't make some achievements in this area, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve your wish. "

Song Pingzhi's face was dark and stiff.

"My family does have an inheritance book of curses. It was passed down from my grandmother. My little sister liked that book when she was very young. I reminded her many times and she didn't change it."

Taohua took time off and smiled gloatingly, "Hehe, then you have to work hard in the future. Curse, hehe."

Song Pingzhi looked at Taohua speechlessly.

"Since my soul jade is so flawed, why did you recruit me to be your family's guest minister?" He asked puzzled.

"No, you underestimated the value of this piece of soul jade and your own value." Taohua directly called Song Pingzhi to go to the big table that had been prepared on the deck.There are also maids serving fragrant tea.

While drinking the stomach-warming fragrant tea, Tao Hua continued to talk to Song Ping. "You haven't died with this soul jade for so long, and you can still pass the curse and disaster brought by the soul jade to the people around you. That means you are a child of great luck.

Such a son of luck, whether it is treasure hunting or doing things, can bring too many benefits to our family.

Sometimes the luck in the dark can even determine the life and death of an army of monks in the family. "

Song Pingzhi looked at Taohua in astonishment.

"Also, during the treasure hunt, do you know what the name of the child of luck is?" Tao Hua asked.

Song Pingzhi shook his head.

"It's called a human-shaped treasure detector! Even if you walk casually on the ground, the heavy treasure may be directly under your shoes. I am such a person myself." Taohua said.

Song Pingzhi was both astonished and dumbfounded.

"Is there such a thing? But I've never been so lucky."

"Your sister was so easily transformed into a weapon spirit, and she was transformed by using a curse. Then there is a high possibility that your sister is born with a body of doom. With such a physique, she will be born with various curses, evil spirits, etc. Class, necromantic items and skills attract.

And if your younger sister is really a body of bad luck, then your brother and sister have been together since childhood, and bad luck and good luck keep canceling out. It is normal that you are not so lucky.

But isn't your sister passed away?And she also directly transformed herself into a weapon spirit.

It should be that the longer she thinks about her death, the better her luck will be.

At first, it was a little bit of luck, such as picking up a coin or two while walking.Later, luck got better and better, and I was able to meet important people casually.It is easy to gain the favor and trust of lonely, cruel, vicious, and savage people..."

"Don't say it, please don't say it. When you say this, it's as if my life in the past few years is presented in front of you one by one. My heart is terrified." Song Pingzhi couldn't take it anymore and begged for mercy road.

"I'm just giving you a few examples that you can understand." Taohua laughed.

"Is it true that the soul jade I brought is also very useful for your army or your exploration of wasteland?" Song Pingzhi asked more bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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